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It's out this Tuesday on PS4, One, PS3 and 360. PC too?

Who's getting it, and which console will you be playing it on?

Putting my pre order in at GAME for the PS4 version today. Would go to the midnight launch but I'm working early Tuesday morning, so I'll pick it up afterwards and play all afternoon.

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Getting this on ps4. Was originally meant to be getting it launch day in a bundle with Fifa until it got delayed so I'm lookin forward to it :)

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I've been thinking about picking it up (I'd actually had it pre-ordered until I needed to free up a bit of money), but I think I'm gonna do like JLH and wait it out. If it turns out to be good and it's fairly popular, odds are it'll probably get bundled with the current-gen consoles on Black Friday.

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Mrs. TKz has pre-ordered it for me! For PS4. Decided I wanted the PS4 version in the end for two reasons:

1) I haven't had a single reason to use my PS4 since launch, excluding Ground Zeros that last all of one hour.

2) My PC is better than a PS4. But it's Ubisoft game, so there's no way I trust them not to butcher the PC port! I'll gladly pay the extra £15 to play a version that works on launch. >_>

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I'll be getting it for the 360. The only game I'm really looking forward to thus far for the year. Destiny I need to play the beta. I'm sure it'll be pretty good, but I'm still hesitant. Other than that it's the Pokemon remakes later this year.

From what I've seen the game looks really good and fun. It's Ubisoft and I've enjoyed the Assassin's Creed games and Far Cry 3, so I trust this will be good.

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Didn't Haze have some kind of review embargo before launch? We all know how that ended up.

(With a very atmospheric and pretty attractive first couple of levels before the game shot its load early, became worse than generic, was littered with loads of graphical and coding problems and just wasn't very good).

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It's out this Tuesday on PS4, One, PS3 and 360. PC too?

Who's getting it, and which console will you be playing it on?

Putting my pre order in at GAME for the PS4 version today. Would go to the midnight launch but I'm working early Tuesday morning, so I'll pick it up afterwards and play all afternoon.

Lukie & Ticklez alluded to it, but yeah, PC releases on the same day. Still torn as to whether or not to sell off my download code or just use the damn thing.

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Didn't Haze have some kind of review embargo before launch? We all know how that ended up.

(With a very atmospheric and pretty attractive first couple of levels before the game shot its load early, became worse than generic, was littered with loads of graphical and coding problems and just wasn't very good).

Funny, the reviews that have come out say the game was graphically poor (well, "same level as GTA V" which is weak for a next-gen console I suppose) and the multiplayer mode was littered with bugs.

But that was a "hacked copy" says Ubisoft.

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From what I've read the 360/PS3 version is a bit rubbish. It's obvious it was a next-gen game that they've squeezed onto the older consoles.

Stuff like NPCs looking poorly detailed, buildings not appearing unless you're fairly close to them etc.

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