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I hacked into one of the video files you get with the hideout. It was a father telling his kid how dumb Assassin's Creed is while he played it.

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I started doing the online hacking and someone invaded my game so I shot in the air, a bunch of civilians ran straight away apart from one who just stood there...easiest thing ever just shot him right away before he could start to hack.

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I started doing the online hacking and someone invaded my game so I shot in the air, a bunch of civilians ran straight away apart from one who just stood there...easiest thing ever just shot him right away before he could start to hack.

Well that's one way of doing that.

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I started doing the online hacking and someone invaded my game so I shot in the air, a bunch of civilians ran straight away apart from one who just stood there...easiest thing ever just shot him right away before he could start to hack.

I did this a few times, but the police always showed up and the other player started learning to run around. Wasn't worth it in the end. Hell, when invaded people sometimes I drop IEDs and then run around.

Someone invaded me today right after a car chase in Pawnee. I have no clue how they managed it, but we were in the middle of nowhere. I ran around for a bit and could not find him - there was only a bunch of burnt out cars and a hut to hide behind. It got to 70% and I decided to just shoot a gas cannister to see if the explosion drew him out ... he died.

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Just finished the campaign...

I think it does a good job of tying up the story of the game, whilst also setting up the inevitable sequel with I assume DedSec as the main villains. Kinda sad that Clara got killed but it's a depressing game in the scheme of things so it's not surprising they went that route.

Overall I would say I'm glad that it met the hype I had for it going in, I definitely enjoyed it. Plus I've been playing it for twelve days before I completed it (still haven't done all the side-missions either), that's three times longer than it took to 100% the criminally short Infamous Second Son.

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Certainly felt it, it may have taken a little longer than I said but it was certainly less than a week. At that point it was my only PS4 game so with it completed I just put my PS4 back in the box until MLB 14 came out.

Part of the problem with Infamous is that a lot of the side-missions took maybe a minute to complete (graffiti tagging for example), at least with the WD side missions, although they are quite repetitive, they take up a decent chunk of time. In that sense in definitely makes WD seem like a longer game.

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I'd probably agree with that, although I didn't mind the plot itself there isn't a character that stood out other than Aidan. I think it slightly suffers from being the first game of what will be a franchise game so it has to concentrate on being a game by itself and not leaving much open. It reminds me of the original Assassins Creed, Altair was barely explored as a character and they spent more time on developing his character in AC2.

I'd also say I prefer Aidan 100 times over to Delsin. I couldn't stand that guy.

Speaking of a franchise game... (end credits spoilers)

Having just seen the end of the credits that ctOS is spreading to new cities around the world and "ctOS 2.0 will be available in the new year".

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Really? They're both different characters but from what I've played so far, Delsin is way more interesting. I liked Aiden well enough, but for the most part he wasn't that complex. I was hoping they'd explore the idea of him being out for himself mostly and becoming more of a vigilante.

Overall, the more I think about it, they really didn't know what they were doing with the story at times. For so long, it feels like getting revenge for Lana is totally forgotten.

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Here's two things.

1. Regarding Aiden's identity

So there's a part in the game where Damien publishes your deeds for everyone to see and now everyone knows who Aiden is. Dear god, I know he wasn't in the system - but it's not like he goes under an alias or tries to hide his name. The public knew the name of the vigilante before even - I heard a news post using the full friggin' name.

2. Regarding the remote and the bridge


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I've heard people complain about that fight, but here's how to win in 20 seconds:

1) Craft Proximity IEDs

2) Place Proximity IEDs in the one place they spawn

3) Win

I don't think the complaints are about the fight, it just makes absolutely no sense. Bad guys just spawn on a rooftop, appearing literally out of thin air. And that's after you've spent minutes doing absolutely nothing just listening to Iraq talk in perfect volume when there's nowhere for the voice to come from.

I did take the proximity mine (I'm still a GoldenEyer at heart) route when I worked out what the fuck was going on.

And absolutely Yes to Sham's #2.

Just out of interest... there's motorbikes all over the place that obviously belong to people... has anyone actually seen an NPC riding a motorbike at any point?

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