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What I meant by "give him a chance" was...give him a chance! I mean Wenger would never bring him on for longer than 10 mins, and I don't know how many times he even played.

That pissed me off. I know he seems like a twat off the pitch, but still give him a go every now and again!

Loaning out Pennant will have one of two effects on him:

A ) it'll make him lose even more confidence because it shows that Wenger doesn't seem to want him.

B ) it'll make him work doubly hard and earn a contract.

I hope it's B, but I'm running out of faith.

Edited by The_Monkey_Molester
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Yeah, it'll make him want to earn a contract, but when a side like Birmingham will give him a good run, why would he want another contract at Arsenal?

Until recently he's still seemed set on making it at Highbury and signing a new contract, I just can't see why. He's a good player, he's shown that when he has played (especially on loan or in cup games), I'd love him to stay and play but I think it'd be best for himself to perhaps get out at the end of the season. Which is a shame that it's come to that.

Pennant went out a gave a lot to help Leeds try and stay up before, he showed he'd matured a lot too. But that did nothing for him. Again, I can't see it being any different no matter what he does at Birmingham. Good luck to him though, I admire his persistance at Arsenal at least.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Watching him play for England-U21's you can see the talent he has, he's had that talent since he was 15 years old, thats why he cost £1,000,000. I can see him doing special things at Birmingham, he's not Wright-Phillips but give him the chance to prove himself and who knows?

I understand how hard it is to test him at first team level, but I agree, he needs more time on the field, wingers get tired, let us gain a good league and bring him on.

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I wish that Wenger would play Pennant on a more permanent basis, he is a good winger and we could do with him staying even just to add depth to the squad, we seem prone to injured players as of late and we might need him down the line. First he goes to Leeds on loan, and now Birmingham, I think his days as a Gunner are sadly coming to an end.

I've really disliked Edu's attitude over this whole thing, and stood firmly behind Wengers 'sign or you cant play' idea, I'd of liked him to stay originally but as things had progressed I've thought we should let him go and find a replacement.
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[size-6]Pennant switch on hold

Birmingham City have placed Jermaine Pennant's loan move from Arsenal on hold.

The Premiership champions confirmed on Monday evening that the England Under-21 international had linked up with Blues for the rest of the season.

But Pennant's impending court appearance to answer charges of drink driving, driving whilst disqualified and driving without insurance have put the deal on the backburner.

Blues admit the winger's present circumstances are the factor behind the delay in wrapping up the deal, although Steve Bruce is still keen to bring Pennant to St Andrews.

"To date a loan agreement has not been signed for Jermaine Pennant to join Birmingham City Football Club," read a statement on the club's official website.

"The position is presently on hold and will be reviewed shortly.

"Whilst Birmingham City wants to loan Jermaine Pennant and both Arsenal Football Club and the player wish this to happen, Jermaine Pennant's present circumstances are such that a loan agreement can not be signed at the present time.

"Birmingham City Football Club hopes that matters can be concluded satisfactorily before the transfer window closes and the position should become clearer over the next few days."

Pennant is not due to appear in court until February 1, the day after the transfer window closes.

Simply put...if he doesn't end up going on loan, he definetley won't come back to Arsenal.

Toure to face action

Arsenal defender Kolo Toure has been charged with violent conduct for his clash with Alan Shearer at the weekend.

The Gunners centre back appeared to lash out at Shearer with his elbow after a strong challenge from the former England captain.

The incident was missed by match referee Steve Dunn, but television replays clearly show Toure striking the Magpies star.

The incident was referred to The FA's compliance unit who have decided to take action against the 23-year-old.

If Toure is found guilty he could earn a three-match ban which would come as a big blow for Gunners boss Arsene Wenger.

I laughed my ass off when I saw this on TV ya know.

Seriously, I understand punishing him but there are shitloads of worse things going on in football that go unnoticed whereas a little elbow (:shifty:) in the back gets punished.

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I've really disliked Edu's attitude over this whole thing, and stood firmly behind Wengers 'sign or you cant play' idea, I'd of liked him to stay originally but as things had progressed I've thought we should let him go and find a replacement.

Im starting to feel the same way at the moment, at first I wanted him to sign and I still do to an extent, but he seems to be getting Arsy about the whole contract deal, maybe he's not getting a fair shout but he should be a bit more greatful that he was able to play with Arsenal. I honestly can't see him getting regular first team football at Barcelona or Real Madrid, chances are he will be getting the same amount of football that he already gets.

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Former Arsenal goalkeeper Rami Shaaban has pitched up at North London rivals Tottenham on trial.

The Swedish keeper had an unsuccessful trial at Leeds last summer, and was heading for Germany.

The 28-year-old has now returned to London and has been handed a trial with Spurs.

Shaaban says that earning a deal with Tottenham would be ideal as he still has connections in the capital.

"On Monday, it was just goalkeeping training," Shaaban told Sportbladet.

"I made good contact with the goalkeepers' coach and that feels good.

"I am in good physical shape, but lack the timing.

"Tottenham would be a good solution for me. I have still got the apartment in London and the entire family was happy here."

source: planetfootball.com

I would like to see him back in the Premiership, because I always thought he was a good keeper, but I don't want him to join Tottenham. It isn't like he will get first team football, I always saw him joining a club like Charlton or West Brom.

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Though Shaaban had some bad luck in goal with his injury, I don't think in the long run he was good enough to play in goal for Arsenal - so if Spurs want him, fine, though as it's been mentioned he won't get a game (not ahead of Robinson). Best of luck to him anyway. Like I said, I don't think he was good enough to be a regular number 1 at Arsenal but he wasn't too bad.

Edu's situation has caused me to lose all liking of him to be honest. When he originally came to the club his forged documents put the club in a bad spot and caused a lot of humiliation (whether that was his own personal fault or contributed to by others around him). However, Wenger stuck with him when he was a no-name, has built him up, and now he wants out. From what I understand he's been made a decent contract offer too, so all this "it doesn't look like Arsenal want me enough" has started to get on my nerves somewhat. I think he could still play a big part at Arsenal if he stayed but he'll probably not be staying as it is now.

And lastly, it looks like Pennant is going to be leaving Highbury largely due to his trouble with the police. I know he isn't perfect in that respect, but it just seems odd that Arsene Wenger would so publicly back Adrian Mutu having a second chance but in this case not Pennant. I guess it's different when it's one of your own and one of your expendable squad members. I guess I still don't want him to go but it's done now.

Edited by supergrass
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Edu requesting £70,000 a week, if true, is absolutely pathetic. For a player, who at this point (or when he wasn't injured) is still not a cast-iron first team regular, to turn down a very generous £40,000 and ask for £70,000 says to me 'I want to leave'.

If what Gooner posted is true, and I've no real reason to believe it isn't, I again have to say I really have no time for Edu. Flamini is developing well and I can't imagine him turning round in a couple of years and trying to hold the club to ransom. When the club won't break the budget to keep somebody as vital as Sol Campbell (who recently took a pay cut to sign a new contract), I'm affraid Edu hasn't a hope in hell.

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Screw Cech, you don't need him.

Arsenal have a huge keeper problem I admit that but if I was them I wouldn't have set my mind on wanting Cech. I personally think the guy is hugely overrated by people but maybe that's just me. No clue why Arsenal don't try get Cudicini for the remainder of this season or something and then look to buying a top class keeper in the Summer.

I just remember United have Arsenal next week though. That's going to be one of the games that possibly decides as to who really challenges Chelsea for the title. I know Arsenal can lose and still somehow win it but for me the winner of this one will be the team that probably comes either second or ends up over taking Chelsea. It'll be the best game of the season by far, I so love the United/Arsenal games. Damn shame Ruud wont be playing, this could have been a super come back for him if he returned for this game. No clue as to why it's on a Tuesday though :huh:

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Edu Could Stay With Arsenal

1/29/2005 1:00:00 AM

Arsene Wenger has claimed that Edu's proposed move to Valencia is up in air.

The Gunners' boss was unsure if a deal would be pushed through before the transfer window closes on Monday.

Edu has been touting himself for a move to Spain for the past few weeks and a switch to the Mestalla looked to be sealed this week.

“Edu looks like he could move to Valencia today or tomorrow,” said Wenger.

“We are close to a fee but it is not done yet. At the moment the situation looks 50:50.

“It could happen now or not at all. But I had a chat with Edu and if it does not happen he will give his best to the Club until the end of the season.”

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