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Monster Hunter: World


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Since a bunch of us have it, might as well make a thread for it!


Just did the Pukei-Pukei hunt....spent 20 minutes looking for it <_<


And it turns out when I accepted that quest, I accidentally turned it on for 4 players, so the monster was way harder than it should have been! Had to get it on round 2.


What is everyone's go to weapon? I've been using the heavy bow-gun, with reliance on Spread Shot. Because shotguns are cool! 

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I've been using the dual blades - started out with a different melee weapon, and in the Wii Monster Hunter game used the big heavy hammer, but I wanted something fast-paced and frantic this time around. I've not really tried ranged weapons yet, but will have to start upgrading one to a decent level before long.

I've just moved to the first quest in the second area - the escort mission aspect of it wasn't as tedious as I thought it would be, though the monster fight at the end was tough in places. I figured that, having managed that, I'd go and have a stab at the big T-Rex dude in the Ancient Forest, and got killed in two hits.

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4 hours ago, Ruki said:

And it turns out when I accepted that quest, I accidentally turned it on for 4 players, so the monster was way harder than it should have been! Had to get it on round 2.

It shouldn't actually activate the harder difficulty unless other people actually join up with you - unless that's what happened. When someone does, the game tells you mid-mission that it's adjusting for multiplayer.

I started out thinking that I was going to go with the long sword but it's actually a bit complicated with the combos, so I moved onto the light bowgun and had great success with that but now I'm doing the great sword and I'm really, really liking it. I tried the gunlance and I like that too but I'm doing too well with the great sword to stop now so I'm going to stick with it for the time being. I'm going down the tree that you can take from a monster in the final area, it has a chance to put the monsters to sleep.

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I am a hammer convert, so much fun, much smashing. Currently have one upgraded to the Pukei tier so it's poisonous.  Do I feel guilty beating monsters heads in until they are stunned and have seizures?  Sometimes!

 I also keep a long sword upgraded for instances when I want to cut off a tail.

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I've switched to the Kinsect Blade. It's pretty fun! I like being able to leap in the air and do some damage...it's like I'm a Final Fantasy Dragoon. Although I am still not 100% on what the bug does.


I would have gone with the longsword because I did a cool move in the practice mode (you jump up in the air and come crashing down), but I couldn't make it work consistently. 

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Kindest Glaive is awesome because you can mount anytime - but to do the full effect you need to use the bug for buffs 

When you shot it out and it hits an enemy. It gets a different color based on where you hit it. Then you call it back and you get that buff - I think it's generally:

Red (Attack): Head

White (Speed): Body

Orange (Defense): Limbs

Green (Health) : Other

I might be off on three locations there, but anyways - health is instant but the other buffs only last a certain amount of time. But if you get all three (it all shows in a meter under your health) you get a super buff to all of them and the timer extends I believe.

The are other things that go with the colors too - only one I remember is that red changes your combos.


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Accidentally ran into Diablos. Thankfully, I had a high ranking friend with me. WHo then brought in two other MH vets and we captured it (well, I kinda stood there). And then the Barathos or whatever. And then we went for the dragon queen or whatever her name/title is, since that was the actual quest. Came out with a lot of gear. 

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Spent the better part of an hour hunting the big T-Rex fucker in the first area, had him limping and then he "left the area". Like, right in front of me, just fucking disappeared off the map. What a prick.

I then head off to the squadron leader bloke for my next mission...and it's to kill that fucker. Fuck this gay world.

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  • 1 month later...

Blitzed some time on this last night - unless there's a swerve coming, finally defeated Zorah Madaros, so that was nice.

Then the next thing I have to do?


Fight a super-strong Pukei-Pukei. I hate those fuckers.


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I had a lot of fun with Monster Hunter (like...30+ hours, which is crazy)...but I just could not keep up with my friends. I was finishing Zorah Madaros, and they were on, like....Tempered Elder Dragons or something.


I think I ended up doing the first or second high ranking quest, and then moved on to other games. 

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Yeah I had a hard time keeping up with people too, and just keeping track of what I was doing in general due to my schedule. Trying to remember what I was going for last time, what I needed to do, what I'd have time to do just didn't work with my schedule but still a great re-debut on a non-Nintendo console for the game.

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Yeah, it's getting a bit too repetitive for me now, particularly as I'm just going after stronger versions of monsters I've already faced. I'm sticking with it, but it's getting harder to motivate myself to play and go out exploring for exploring's sake, as it doesn't feel like the game has much more to offer me.

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