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VR Presents: The Best Damn Diary Split


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Vince McMahon laid on his back, a small whisper of a word escaping his lips. He looked peaceful, his arms laid across his chest, but the rapid movement behind his closed eye lids conveyed another message. Deep inside his mind Vince stood in the center of his own ring, dressed in his customary suit, and looking as dapper as ever. Alongside him two younger versions of himself stood, similarly dressed. The arena was cold and dark aside from the light that hung above the ring, illuminating only it and them. Vince went to speak and found his voice caught in his own throat. He looked at the other two, a small look of concern overcoming him as he attempted to talk and could not, and saw the same thing on them.

Then the voice began to speak, not from around them but from within. All three Vince McMahons heard the scratchy sound within their own heads. A tiny voice, almost frail sounding but full of power nonetheless, spoke to them.

"Mabel become King Of The Ring in 1995. Shawn Michaels is injured and forced to retire from active competition in 1998. Stone Cold Steve Austin walks out of the company in 2002, effectively ending one of the most successful careers in wrestling with a whimper. Diesel has a year long WWF World Title Reign in 1994 and 1995, costing the company millions of dollars and almost crippling it. Owen Hart's Black Hart gimmick is crushed in 1998, sending him into a downward spiral in the World Wrsetling Federation that will culminate in his death when he redons the Blue Blazer costume and gimmick 17 months later. In 2002 the WWF will be split in two with the advent of the roster split, alienating fans and causing the already declining ratings to sink to new lows as those who have loved wrestling for years walk away. In 1995 Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, and Scott Hall gain so much power over you Vince McMahon that they will effectively run the company into the ground before they all leave you high and dry over the next few years. In 1998 Mick Foley will take falls from the top of a steel cage that will cause him to retire years before he ever should have, becoming yet one more Main Event Draw to leave a company that will lose them all in the years to come. In 2002 Hunter Hearst Helmsley will return from an injury, full of power and his own desire to be bigger than he ever deserved to be, with the resulting action killing many promising careers and plummeting ratings ever lower."

Vince looked at the faces of those next to him, his other selves, and saw the panic spread. These were facts, points of his own past he wished he could have changed, but for them some, if not all, were from a future yet to come. A future where the once mighty empire known as The World Wrestling Federation would hit all time lows and recieve negative exposure from all sides.

As if reading his own thoughts, the voice replied.

"A future that does not have to come. It all comes crashing down, it all comes to an end, and in the near future the empire is no more. Three years, three important times, three chances to rectify the mistakes of the past, present, and future. It can be averted. You have a chance now to do so, all of you. One of you must, for the absolute worst is yet to come. You can beat the government, you can beat your coporate adversaries, and you can beat the naysayers within your own company, but you can not beat me..."

The air crackled, steam rose from nothingness, and the form appeared before them.

"...I am The Angel Of Death, and I am coming for you. You have been warned. Do not fail me."

The three forms of Vince stared in shocked horror at what they saw before them. The figure of the creature, hideous to behold, and the future he showed them, boiling out of his own flesh. A dark future where it all ends. Then .....

In 1995 Vince McMahon awoke on the plane, a piercing scream erupting from his mouth...

In 1998 Vince McMahon jumped up from the bed he shared with his latest female companion, a piercing scream erupting from his mouth...

In 2002 Vince McMahon rolled out of his own bed, smacking his head on the floor as a piercing scream erupted from his mouth.

They all had the same thought.

"If it's true...dear god do I cause that?"

It had to be changed, it would be changed. All of them, every last one of them made this solemn vow to themselves.

"That will not happen to me, I will not allow it to happen to...us."

VR, JHS and TGC Present: The Best Damn Diary Split

100% Less LaFunk, 100% More Talent

Edited by thegodcomplex
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Looks interesting with the backstory an all, for sure has potential with considering who is writing it. I'll be reading, and please....PLEASE don't sign randy orton( or in the one doing '02's case DON'T JESUS PUSH ORTON PLEASE! ). But eh...your the writers, your the ones who gets to decide in the end. Though ya know...i have been lacking my daily amount of jack doan so the '98 is a must read. :P

Besides i'm sure that pic of sable in JHS' sigs will attract all the horny lil' 13 year old members who are seeking their daily amount of ....boobies?.....Yeah...

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Guest Vince Russo

So, what will LaFunk suffer first upon seeing this ? A seizure ? An embolism ? I'm taking bets people.

And I'm 'the one doing 2002', so no Jesus Push for Orton. Expect a very different 2002.

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All I've got to say is that I am in damn good company here. VR has written what many, including myself, consider to be one of the greatest WWE Diaries ever on any of these boards, and JHS indeed DOES live up to her hype. I can't possibly recommend her WCW 1993 enough for those who have not read it.

With that said, sit back, read, and enjoy what the three of us have in store for you. I can say that what little bits I have gleaned from the other two tells me that 1998 and 2002 will be good, if not great, in these versions of reality. Oh, and there's really nowhere left for 1995 to go but up.



Edited by thegodcomplex
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Guest Red Devil

I am very excited at the potential of this diary. All three writers are not only talented writers but are commited writers and have history of great diaries so this should be great. Since VR is taking '02 i've got a feeling Srar will be taking '95 leaving TGC with '98. This should be very good.

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Oh how I wish I would have checked my PMs earlier :(

With the talent involved in this, the subtitle of the Best Damn Diary Split will no doubt come true. Especially with this kind of idea. I'll probably be reading 1998 with the most interest since that's when I was into wrestling the most.

Good luck you guys, not that you need it.

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Guest Vince Russo

Tuesday, January 1st 2002

Vince McMahon’s house

Vince paced around his study, thinking about what had transpired during the night. Had it all been a dream ? Had it just been the result of an overindulgence ? Or, had he really been the recipient of a visitation from some sort of apparition ? Vince stopped his pacing, and came to a decision. He couldn’t ignore the Angel Of Death, or the warnings that it had imparted to him. Changes, big changes, had to be made to the World Wrestling Federation, and he knew he had to implement them.

Over the course of the day, Vince spent a great deal of time on the phone, making calls to numerous people within wrestling. He knew that the changes he should make, had to make, would need to see fences mended, and that meant swallowing some pride. Vince didn’t have a problem with that; not anymore, not since he had realised that his future may well depend on the next year, and the changes he would have to make to what was originally meant to happen.

At the evenings close, Vince sat back in his favorite chair, reflecting over his visitation during the night, and over the changes he had begun to make during the day. Vince was no fool; he knew the changes would take time to come to fruition, and that some might not work out. However, he also knew that the changes had to be made, and that the risks they brought were risks that just had to be taken. Vince knew that to take any other path was to practically guarantee the ruination of his company, and that was the one thing, maybe the only thing, that would ensure that he would indeed take notice of the Angel Of Death.

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