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Everything posted by Pleatherface

  1. In that case.. I can GET why Cochran would push for Papa Bear. I understand that. But Papa and you JUST acknowledged that you're both exendible and that one of you is going home immediately, the other one probably not far from immediately. You see Papa with the buldge, you understand what he's doing. You don't try and get the majority to split? You don't try to work it into your advantage? Cochran really cut off his only ally of necessity, since Dawn's incompotence is slightly less than that of the double date girls. Can he work something out with Jim, and maybe Keith? It's possible. It's just as possible from judging from the giant grin on Jim's face in the previews and him doing the fake punching thing with his body language and calling it a "Survivor Move." that he's just being sadistic and giving Cochran false hope. I somehow doubt if Ozzy goes home next week, that it's because of Cochran. Dawn? I understand she's not a strategic player, and I get that she's not in IMMEDIATE danger of going home, but does it really take someone at Tribal council TELLING you you're in the minority, and then someone else (Jim) agreeing wholeheartedly? She HAS to realize that's probably not a good sign. I'm rooting for Papa Bear at redemption. I really want him back in the game, because it honestly seems as if he understands it well. He can tell when he's been played, when he's being placated, and apparently he can lay seeds, didn't work for him here though. I like that COACH looks at Brandon and his basic take on the situation is "Don't be that honest." You know you've got some troubles when Coach thinks you should hold back. I don't know what to be more offended by. The whole convo with Mikayla, in which he had to gather the group together just so they could listen to him talk down to her slightly. Or him having his ash covered "I AM HAVING THE GREATEST EXISTENSTIAL CRISIS OF ALL TIME! I'M BRANDON HANTZ! KING OF DUALITY! YOU'RE EITHER WITH ME OR I WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU SO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" moment. Brandon probably wont be much fun at the after party.
  2. I wont spoil anything because I know GoGo wont have watched tonight but... My immediate post show thoughts: I question Cochran's game savvy. I question Dawn's intelligence. .... Oh, Brandon. Just... Oh. I have to agree with you Quasi. Jim is in an ultimate bad spot. But I think he realizes it. Why has Stacey's only verbal contributions been "Boosh.. Boom.." and tonight the wonderful inclusion of "Blaaam!" *stunned head shake* Please get her off my tv. Christine seeming to believe that Coach voting her off after she loudly let it be known that she's targeting him was a cowardly boo-hoo baby move? A very good indication about WHY she was voted off. Self awareness is key Christine. Look it up. Mikayla crying because someone doesn't like her? Yup. She is certainly the strongest woman to ever play the game of Survivor... This was a fairly bleh episode, but I can see it leading to good places.
  3. 2 Broke Girls... Almost would have me hooked because it's a frickin' Kat Dennings show which is a premise I adore. But there's just something wrong about lesbian, feces, mild racism, and smoking crack jokes mixed with a laugh track. Okay show, but I don't know if I can get past the sitcom aspect.
  4. I have to argue with that GoGo. Grant immediately joins Rob at the hip. Has a meeting of the minds with him. Eventually gets a confessional where he laughs about someone not being that close to Rob, while spewing forth the keeping the tribe strong mentality. That seemed to be his entire Survivor experience. Keith does have the whole "We have to judge you up to this point because we don't know your past or the future." comment, but otherwise he seems on pace to be a less physically intimidating Grant. I could be wrong, and we'll see how the rest of his edit goes, but I'm thinking he's the inoffensive muscular dupe WITHOUT the strategic mastermind to do his thinking for him.
  5. This will sound dumb, unrealistic, and very self important but.... Nothing has ever made me want to audition and be cast for Survivor half as bad as tonight's episode. My DVR lied to me. That Tribal Council wasn't explosive... It was.. It was just painful. Brandon is defintely a Hantz. The clinging to his happy marriage and religion is clearly protesting far too much. Plus yeah.. If you're abut 4 minutes away from benefitting from a bald face lie without anyone suspecting you to be a liar or throwing your name around despite your best efforts to fuck up? KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! You aren't suddenly honest because you admit you were lying. What's the over/under on Christine having actually seen an episode of Survivor before being cast? Mikayla wins the Phile award of the night for "trustable." I didn't think I would be hearing that adjective tonight. I love that the bestie voting bloc of two doesn't actually vote together. I loved the little crab fleeing from Semhar's poetry. Speaking of... If I'm Semhar? I'd be pissed. You don't repeatedly tap a sleeping stranger on a deserted island in the middle of the night. It's just not cool. Coach slowly slipping into his Daddy Pants? Not a good sign. He was waaay to gleeful towards the end. Ozzy is the one case where I can't argue that the Producers are engaging in Idol Hijinks. Because yeah, that fucker would climb every tree in Samoa, wouldn't he? Jim forming the already formed cool kid alliance? Meh. Keith mocking Jim and basically admitting to being the co-brains of the outfit? Slightly Less Meh, kind of funny, because he really is Grant. Christine catching Edna in a lie, and then being all "HA BITCH! I caught you in a lie! What up?!?" was just awful. Stacey? So much hate for her. Like lots of hate. My jury is still out on Cochran, I'll give him some time. Brandon's continued "She turns me on, so I hate her" creepiness? I'm thinking the editors LOVE this storyline. Everyone's general outrage of the whisper that Mikayla may go home. "WHAT?!? But she doesn't suck like the rest of us girls! Let us keep the one physically strong athletic woman... So we can... Look good by comparison? Wait.. Why are we keeping her?"
  6. I'm not sure why but rewatching Amazon, and listening to backlogs of his podcast, it seems like Rob C. is almost nearing bittercakes level. I really hope that's not the case, because I loved his relationship with Matt.
  7. I broke down and listened to Rob C. and Nicole's preview... That man has made me change my opinion on Lil' Hantz. Now I'm desperately hoping for him to grow into his "Greatest Nephew of All Time." shoes.
  8. Someone please pay GoGo to do a Survivor podcast. I adore his opinions, and refuse to listen to Rob C.
  9. First Thoughts: Good on Coach 3.0 for admitting fear and worry. He actually does seem to have evolved somewhat, and only time will tell, but it seems like he is honestly a better glue for his tribe than Ozzy would be. If his Douche doesn't act up I could root for him. Austin (?) probably wont get a huge amount of screen time unless he's an asshat but I see the makings of a physical beast there, the way he hauled Lil' Hantz up by the wrists before he could even use his feet. I dislike Mikayla for what she represents. The whole female boston rob thing, her general atttude, that's sorta icky to me. Even ickier? Lil' Hantz. It doesn't make me want to see you win if in the first hour of game play there's a shot of you doing something that wouldn't be out of place in a fan made music video set to "The Creep" Seriously dude? You can't abide Mikayla because you're tempted to cheat on your wife with her, and that's her fault? Lingering stares from the bushes? I really wanted to like you. Like, really. You're a goof, and not far from being insanely offensive. Though I did find it cute that he waded out in the water to his knees, caught a minnow, and did a roar of the mighty hunter. How is any male going to justify NEVER being shirtless for 39 days? The smell alone would be just cause for torch snuffing. Cochran? I'll have to wait and see. He's coming off as less awesome nerd, more arrogant nerd with crippling insecurities. I love Papa Bear. If there is a funny 115 entry in this seasons future? I hope it's Papa Bear. He thus far seems adorable, and it seems as if he knows the game well, and can work it. Time will tell. Rick? Got major love for Rick, because he's right. If you don't learn how to start a fire before coming to Survivor, you're dumb. Dumbest Player? Maybe Stacey. We'll have to see, but when you get within inches of a clue to the hii and don't find it in a hole because you don't reach in? I don't have confidence. I hate to say this but I'm already getting older Naonka vibes from her, she seems to have a certain attitude. Ozzy lost me at let's go swimmin' and I'd be fine sleeping on the ground. Not the leader his tribe needs, dangerous, beat him to death with a rock when he's sleeping. Edna has potential. I ultimately think she'll be lost in the shuffle, but depending on how douchey Coach gets this season, and whether or not she implodes during a challenge, that one little kind of act of helping with his bags could get her along. Tonight the role of Grant will be played by Keith. Here's hoping he gets a personality.
  10. Probably mentioned elsewhere here, but.. Anyone but me checking out the new House of Mystery series? I for one must say I approve of it completely.
  11. So has ANYONE but Probst ever called Keith "Ashton Kutcher Extra Large"? Cuz I somehow doubt it. After watching the preview... Yeah, it does look like they nerfed the tribes this season when it comes specificly to alpha males just so Coach and Ozzy wouldn't have too much trouble. I'll never get comfortable with young women saying they're prepared for Survivor because they have pageant experience, and they're not afraid to flirt. It always makes me feel icky. And the simple fact that the self-proclaimed "strongest woman in survivor history" the female boston rob (Probst's words) is just some lingerie football player makes my heart sad. Edna doesn't inspire much hope in me since she's associated with Samoa Nick, and didn't even want to be on the show.
  12. I don't care if it would leave my tribe saddeled with daddy bear and cochran as the physical anchors, I'd still vote Ozzy off before the helicopter landed. He's popular, he's a physical threat, and in his previous seasons he's shown to not be super rational, so unless you're in control of him like Yul was he's dangerous.
  13. Hot In Cleveland marathon today. First time I've seen it.. Haven't been so attracted to women of an inappropriate age since the last Betty White sitcom I watched. Absolutely amazing show.
  14. I know he's balanced like monkey, but is Ozzy really going to be the same challenge monster? I mean this is several years later, and unless the producers build him a pool he's not going to be able to swim. I may be in the minority, but I'm really rooting for Brandon. I kinda hope he wins if ass hattery isn't in the blood line. Though I'm not sure Coach will give him an opportunity.
  15. Lala's Hair? More annoying than Tara, you fail.
  16. It'll probably be over looked by Maester Pycelle's little scene was my favorite moment of the finale. HE DOES SQUATS! He stretches before council meetings! It makes me want to learn so much more about him now that we've seen he's putting on a mask. And that exaggerated little stoop at the end complete with the "Is it really worth all this shit?" sigh was wonderous. I have to agree that I would've liked to seen Renley, just to remind us he's in the picture, but they have alot to build up so I can understand if they don't slap him in. Seeing more of Little Finger and The Spider's respectful hate for each other is nice, so they pretty much just take jabs at each other and freely argue about whose the better treasonous wretch when they're alone in a room together. Good to know. Baby DRAAAAAAAAGOOOONS! Frickin' awesome. Shame Rhaego the stallion dragon who will mount the.. wait, worms? ewww... Died offscreen, but it would've have totally killed the vibe, so it's really for the best. So Robert's Bastard decides to wait and threaten the fat kid picking on the little orphan boy untill the orphan boy is about to shank fatty? A little late maybe? But Stark and Baratheon 2.0 should be made of win. Dani? Just awesome.. Just awesome. Plus more baby dragons. Shame no Bronn this episode. Charles Dance/Peter Dinklage are perfect together and Tyrion's reaction to being acknowledged as Tywin's son was amazing. Jaime Lannister is actually developing into one of my favorite characters, which I didn't expect. Him talking with Cat really sold him to me. He was truthful up to a point, didn't dishonor himself by begging for mercy or trying to deal, and was completely sympathetic to her understandible rage. He's a human being and not a archetype. Thumbs up. Jon Snow? Still fairly bland to me, but he's got a wonderful supporting cast on the wall to carry him. Bran riding Tonks? Adorable. Shaggy Dog? Adorable. Remembering who Rickon is? Finally.
  17. I half expected a raven to show up at the last second with news Jaime had been captured, thus staying the execution. I was certain Eddard died in the books, but I never thought HBO would pull the trigger in season 1. Bravo. A well deserved death for Ned really. Though, it really shows that despite his genetics Joffrey IS Robert's son, when EVERY schemer in all of King's Landing rushes him trying to stop everything from going straight to hell. Joffrey is pretty much Robert minus the soldiery gruffness and any sense of earning his position, and his first true act as king shows us that he wont be easily controlled. I look at him and I don't really see the horror everyone else seems to. I hold sympathy for the boy, he's a product of his environment and if he had his father's skill with a sword, or even a small percentage of his mother and dwarf uncle's wit I may view him as an uber baddie. He's not. He's a spoiled brat, who truly believes he's the son of the king, who has Robert's entitlment and strategic forethought. He's an older Sweet Robin without the creepy breast feeding and some add sociopathy. If Joffrey had a guiding influence like his uncle, or little finger, or Jorah, or hell even another impatient self-entitled brat like Viserys (to give him perspective) he might grow into a fit king. If Ned had swallowed his pride and acted as Joffrey's moral compass when he could have, he might have even developed into a decent person or atleast one with twinges of humanity. But surrounded with toadies and yes man, with his grandfather doting over him, I can't see him developing into anything but Viserys with a throne.
  18. Bronn and Jorah (or as he's known at my house Dothraki Bronn) continue to impress. John Snow getting Jorah's birth right sword is something that I'm sure wont come of anything, but it's a wonderfully good touch. It makes everything seem significant and interconnected. I would soooo vote for King Joffrey. Kid has a good mind when it comes to homeland security. "All the dragons are dead, Khalessi." I screamed at the tv "NO DUDE! You forgot the blind guy! He's the DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOON!' I really love this show. If I had the expertise I'd quickly get started on a 'Guidelines to being a successful Khal' meme. "Maybe, don't lean into the sword and flex because it's cool and intimidating? Just a thought." Like that Jaime immediately asks for a duel. Also, like that noone is stupid enough to give him one.
  19. I'd argue that Jeff told the story about Rob betraying Lex because Steve brought it up, and if you notice, Jeff spun it as to tell everyone Rob was just betraying Lex so he could stay loyal to Amber who then beat him. He was telling them to stick with Rob, and sure that's what they were going to do anyway, but that kind of stuff is just sleazey. I'd also point out that if Rob and Russell hadn't been there to begin with, someone else would have had to show some personality. Rob being there means the editors get a free pass because Rob knows how to make good television and is driving the story for them. If he wasn't there, someone else would be. *nods*
  20. So, anyone here near the Oregon area going to the casting call on the 16th, in hopes of getting one of the highly desired "not a model" spots? I realize this isn't the thread for the question, but honestly? Just curious.
  21. This Jury seems like it's going to be complete bittercakes, if Rob makes a seat at the final tribal, and since the next tribal is his last chance to play his idol if he's going to I don't see any chance he wont. I somehow doubt the Jury will respect his masterful play, especially considering it's likely made up of 5 people he had alienated and uncerimoniously booted, and 4 people he stabbed in the back (one of whom twice). If the R.I. winner makes final 3, they win. If it's Matt I write Probst an angry letter. I still say taking Natalie to the final tribal is a mistake. She's the less bitchy of two girls and putting Ashley on the jury gives Natalie an auto vote. She may not have any visible personality, she may infact be a vapid barely adult mean girl, but she hasn't given me any indication of that except for the "PSYYYYYCHO!" in the previews, and I think Ashley could've been a driving influence there, and yeah it's Phillip so kind of forgivable. And this is an old note, but I'm really sick of Probst leading contestants in the game. If he wants to play he should stop producing and play. Trying to draw drama from people is one thing, manipulating the game so you can tell the story you want to tell is another. Immunity Idols = Okay, if they're not hidden in every reward basket, clam shell, hollowed out log, pair of former secret agent? pink panties you look in. Redemption Island = Annoying but okay if it ends at the merge. Medallion or Stupid Stick of Advantage = Dumb Idea. A returning player against a group of people that don't know the game? Not unless it's Fans v.s. Favorites damnit.
  22. It's a bad sign when the old episode making fun of Jersey you air infront of your new episode is infinitely better. The Tyler Perry stuff killed at my house, but otherwise not the best episode ever.
  23. And Mike out Jesusing Matt? That's actually kind of adorable.
  24. Redemption Island pisses me off, because even if you bide your time, and vote off a threat like grant, or wait until you can blindside Rob, they get pretty much a free pass into the final four if they win one challenge. When Judd won immunities in a row it meant something, because he had to win. You don't have to win Redemption Island yet or Individual Immunity at all. The season just seems a little bleh..
  25. Goodbye David, you got mildly amusing in the end, and I believe I will miss you. Phile playing the race card was just... magical. That was in no way called for. Steve is a miracle worker to keep dignity and some civility in that situation. I'm not certain I would have been able to. And sure it's petty and trivial and more than a little mean spirited but I applaude the zaps for refusing to allow Phile to pool the rice. If you pool the rice into one container it becomes community property and then you get Phile and Ashley griping at you because you're eating too much. If you're next in line to go no matter what you do, eating more and depriving your opponents of the same priviledge can only be useful, especially if they're the ones that established a division within the groups. I agree that Matt needs to go, and Probst feeding him with that "you won again" bullshit... He didn't win again. Mike beat him, if redemption island made sense he'd be sitting on the jury right now with David. God is not carrying you Matt, Burnett is. Learn the difference.
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