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Everything posted by Pleatherface

  1. Gretchen Mol (Boardwalk Empire) Liza Lapira (Every show ever, and Traffic Light.)
  2. I would definitely relish any opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something like this, and would love to be a contributor. I'd perhaps be better suited for video reviews since that's something I'm capable of, because as anyone here that knows me can tell you, I'm horrid at forming actual sentences. Not sure if you have something that large of scope in mind, or if you're hoping for mainly written articles, but either way I would be interested.
  3. In fairness to The Zaps who have admittedly really mismanaged this game, Phil was never going to flip to work with them, he's playing for 2nd or 3rd place, not 6th or 7th. If he did turn on Rob it would be with smaller numbers, and if you watch during the pre-merge challenges, it almost seems like he has a real animosity towards them. The Zaps main problem is that their own strategy of staying united until the smaller weaker threat is eliminated is being used against them, and they are completely unprepared for it. If Grant or Andrea is smart they'll work something out with Steve/Julie and MAYBE Ralph before it's too late to save themselves, but no Ometepe EXCEPT for Matt had a reason to flip with Mike and David around just so they could draw rocks if it went bad, or be at the bottom of an entirely unknown and untested alliance if it went right. And as a stupid aside? If he's really carried to FTC I hope Phillip wins just so the reunion show runs for like 8 hours.
  4. Favorites: Yul. Penner. Cao Boi. Becky. (Cook Island: The One With The Funny Racism). Courtney, James (China) Cirie, Bob (Exile Island). Sandra, Fairplay (Pearl Islands). Taj, Coach. (The Coach Show) Yau Man and Earl. (The Yau Man and Earl Show Featuring The Turtle!) Sugar. Hatch. Black Widow Jerri. Least Fav: Rocky (The Yau Man and Earl Show featuring thinly veiled homophobic bullying and a younger white male.. well, in fairness italian repeatedly calling his older black bullying victim... boy. Stay classy Rock.) Nate, Parvati, Candace (Cook Island). Russell (The last 18 seasons) Racist Randy.... Just... Dude. Really? Dude. Racist Ben (Samoa.) Jane From Nicaragua, something about that woman's teeth and her irrational anger just bugs me.. Oh yeah, Shambo (Samoa) and while we're at good ol' Sue Hawk. Sue Hawk 2.0 Jerri. (HvV) Colby's Corpse (HvV)
  5. Potential Spoilers if you haven't watched Pearl Islands. Sorry. Editted to remove, and make relevant to this season... Ummmm... Umm.. Oh, yeah! As much as I would have just as eagerly thrown the challenge to get rid of Russell if I thought he had a shot at finding an idol and had already grabbed a pair of henchgirls? In hindsight it was a mistake to vote him out, and not because they lost momentum or any of that nonsense. Voting out Stephenie and Krista would have accomplished the same thing, it would have killed Russell's threat to their tribe unless he flipped, and anyone that knows Russell knows he's not flipping just so he can share someone else's glory. The Zaps ended up desperately needing Russell's experience and the ability to do exactly what Russell does. Make cracks in alliances. If you replaced Russell's name with Steve in the boot order and kept everything else the same? Russell, David, Mike, Ralph, Julie, and Ralph's idol that noone on ometepe knows about could work something out. But that's the advantage to being an arm chair survivor player I guess.. *shrugs* Zap needed a sneaky persuasive bastard that could sell them. David had no interest in doing so, Mike is too rational, and Ralph? Well, that was straight up sad.
  6. I'm a little disappointed in David. "Hey, the flagpole is moved. There could be an idol under it. Let's dig.. Hmm.. No idol. Okay, so Mike's gone. Probst is repeatedly telling us to dig deep.... Hmmm.." DUDE! Check where the flag was. I'm not a big believer in producer shenanigans, but if I can tell for certain an object has been tampered with, I'm not stopping at looking at that object, I'm digging a tunnel 3 miles wide around it. Love that David actually gets more likeable when he realizes he's going home. And couldn't help but notice when Probst was describing the challenge, the second he said the word puzzle David perked up. He really fought for that one, and I can see him doing well in certain puzzle challenges, I noticed him actually looking at the pattern though and taking his time, which was probably a mistake when Grant and Mike are just shoving pieces together as quickly as they can. Could have been a very good cereberal player, but now even if he wins redemption island (Which I'd bet good money that he could.) he's toast. The Rahb mafia comments, could have been offensive considering Rob's heritage, but I think they were actually pretty dead on, and David's jovial tone helped. Dude needs to smile more. Phillip playing for second place isn't shameful to me, I mean if I was ever lucky enough to get cast, I'd play for second or third myself, it's a good strategy, but being an asshole to the tribe low in numbers just for the sake of being an ass makes me worry that he's not entirely acting. The more of sane Phillip I see the less I like him. Ralph continues to be entertaining. His banter with Jeff in previous episodes, his mocking of Phillip, and the fact that he put Ashley's name on the block from a simple grasping at straws comment about ftc votes makes him enjoyable. Which means if he's not gone next week, it's only because The Rahbfather takes care of whoever comes back from redemption island. His survival after that depends entirely upon whether or not he can win i.i. and if Rob wants to put a bullet in the back of Grant's head before the final 6. I also love Ralph's votes. "Ressel, Krasta, Stiffinie, Philite, Davey." I was disappointed he didn't go for "Rohb" Say what you will about him being dumb, he knows what makes good tv and he's playing it up. God bless him. Steve and Julie are lame ducks. Julie has potential but if she was going to make a move she'd have made it before now. These two are just waiting to be picked up by any Ometepe member looking to shake things up pre-final 6, which is unlikely since the numbers required to flip at this point just aren't there, unless several people decide to take out Rob, and with them all convinced they're in his final 3 why would they risk it just yet? For this same reason, I don't hold out hope for the redemption island winner lasting beyond his return episode. Matt is a twice scorned strategic moron whose burned any possible bridge he has beyond winning every immunity challenge he can until the numbers are so low someone needs him... He's Fabio 2.0 without the stealth mastermind streak. Unfortunately he's also Probst's dream contestant a buff good looking young dude that has proved his challenge dominance over weaker women and a fat dude, he's the living embodiment of out play, so chances are even if he loses this redemption island, he's getting a huge fuck-off chunk of the reunion. Mike is smart, likeable, well disciplined, and a physical threat that speaks well. He's a less calm Yul that got the rotten luck of not having a suitable Penner flip or a handy challenge monster buddy, with the jury made up of a good deal of Zaps, there's no way in hell you'd want him anywhere near final four, and I honestly wouldn't allow him there even if the jury was filled with only people Mike has wronged by punching their infants. Dave as stated is doomed if he reenters the game, unless someone takes pity on him and pulls him into an alliance, and if this is the case, he's certainly not making it much further than Rob. Andrea and Grant are in the same boat, they're both threats to Rob for different reasons, and they're both waiting for their moment to strike, unfortunately they probably wont get that moment, since I'm betting Rob takes one of them out before final 6, just to be certain. It's too late for them to flip to zap, and none of Ashley, Natalie, or Phillip have a reason to think they'll need to take out Rob. Ashley is interesting in that I believe Rob had intended to take her along with Natalie just as a dumb girl alliance of his own, and I think she's fallen from third place thanks to a lethal combination of Phillip's Craziness Being Attractive, Rob's Paranoia, Ralph's One Social Move, and Natalie throwing her under the bus. Natalie is honestly the biggest threat to Rob, and one I'm not sure he sees. Natalie is young, has played a mostly quiet game, has been in on all of Rob's decisions from the get go, and has proven to be suitable and endurance and balance challenges. Most importantly noone there will believe she controlled everything with Rob around. I believe she can easily beat Rob for the million. Whether he's aware of this or not, I have no idea. Rob has mismanaged the jury thus far, and may continue to do so. He's controlled his tribe but he's alienated the other, and will get MAYBE David and Mike's votes for respect of the game, but I'm shakey on Mike. Who knows maybe they'll give him his due, but I believe that his paranoia and general (well-deserved) cockiness may ensure he cashes yet another check for not a million dollars. The Redemption Island concept itself? I doubt will be back, since Rob has shown how stupid it is with his Charlie Brown Kicking the Football treatment of Matt. Redemption Island is only useful if you're down in the numbers or want to change your position, otherwise there's no reason to allow anyone back in the game. And the idea that someone as bad at this game as Matt can be voted out twice and still have the chance to come back and win the whole shebang is insulting as a fan. If I want an underdog story I'll watch the Cook Islands season, I don't need to see Jesus and The Producers piggy back someone into FTC because they couldn't get there themselves. The Ghost Tribe? Better idea. Thus far, I like the season. There's been moments that make me roll my eyes and groan, but things are good overall.
  7. If hardcore survivor fans are telling you a guy that's now playing his 4th game with a bunch of survivor children who are keeping him around basically to benefit them makes him one ofthe greatest players to never win? Just.... Eeeh... Yau Man, Cirie, Ozzy, Sugar, hell even Fairplay have all come much closer to winning than he has in one go. And any one of them could play a bunch of newbies like a fiddle. Penner and Cao Boi could do so just as easily despite not getting quite as close as he did. BRahb has gotten very lucky with the season thus far in that Phillip exploded and noone considered "Hey, that chick has an idol. Rob can't vote her out for the forseeable future, that means he'll target people he considers expendable.. I don't intend to give him a million dollars.. Hmmm... Maybe, I should jump ship." Because if I had the chance, I'd jump at the opportunity to vote of Rahb. Having two players with 7 games between them is bullshit. Plus these guys are already famous and you have to worry about people getting starstruck or using them to get the end at the expense of you. In a situation like Redemption Island, it would make much more sense to put Rahb out of comission so the producers have less of a chance to bring him back, and he either goes home or sends home alot of threats for you. In the end he can win this, he can play these people, that doesn't make him a survivor god. He's got a good social game, he's smart, hell with puzzles, strong at challenges, has good leadership abilities, and can help you make a camp. That makes him dangerous. Let him make your shelter, get a fire going, and then kick his ass to the curb.
  8. Loving the hillbilly show down, and I'm actually getting some Cao Boi, Yau Man, likeable sort of guy vibes from Ralph. I really reaaaaaally hope he can keep his mouth shut about the idol for just a little bit, so he doesn't give Russhole the necessary leverage to boot him. He stirred up the shit with the idol clue call out, and that's amazing because he painted Russel as a giant douche, but he needs to slow play now. The majority of his tribe that we've heard from wants to slit the little troll's throat, so Ralph really doesn't need to play the "I got the idol" card to get him eliminated. But I like him so it's odds on that he brags when he doesn't have to and bites the bullet, especially considering Russ' Dumb Girl #1 hailing "THE GREATEST BLINDSIDE IN HISTORY!" Seeing as this is the last season we'll see Russ I really want him to be voted off early, at the hands of Ralph, David, The Silver Fox, or Army Boy. Each of whom has the potential to be very enjoyable if they get actual screentime.
  9. In fairness that was ALL Tim Curry. He rocked ass and saved it.
  10. Dragon Age? I've played through repeatedly every different origin both male and female, just so I get all the story and all the conversation options. The Female version of the City Elf origin is much more badass. I recommend it over the male any day. Fable 2 was the same bit. If I play a game with options I'll replay every option.
  11. I believe that is infact Eric's plan. Seeing as the King was already doubled over in pain, and Eric was still able to be all badass and "We'll die together." He's able to withstand the sun's ravaging just a little longer because the King is much older and more vulnerable to it. Granted, the king only has to resist for a split second to rip off Eric's head and make a bee line for the door, but I'm thinking the pain he's feeling is a bit intense for thoughts more complex than "MOTHERFUCKER!" right now.
  12. The Boondock Saints 1&2. Avoided them both because people told me they were shit. Watched them last weekend, they're not bad at all. Jesus' Son: Heard it was horrible. Watched it. One of my favorite Dennis Hopper movies ever. True Romance: My other favorite Dennis Hopper movie. Again there's criticism leveled against it being too slow, and too over the top, but if you havn't seen it? I recommend you do. Dennis Hopper, Gary Oldman, and Christopher Walken. Fucking worth it. Tiptoes: This one has some controversial elements, and I think that's what stirred up the hate surrounding it. It's not a horrible movie. A little bad, someone behind the scenes seems to have a problem with continuity, but there's some excellent performances handed out, and overall if you can get over the cheesieness of the whole thing it's entertaining. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky. If you haven't seen it? See it. Simple as that. A japanese prison movie based on a manga? Fuck yeah. Critics can soak their heads, it's a classic. Running Scared (2006): I was told the most believable acting of this entire movie was done by a tatoo of John Wayne. I avoided it for the longest time but watched it this morning. The tat does have a good showing. *Nod* I can see the criticism here, and actually understand why most people would choose not watch it. I thought it'd be a shitty drama action picture. I was wrong. Sorta. There are some deliveries that fall a little flat, and some of the twists and plot points are a little broken. But what this film does right it does wonderfully. The lead IS bland, now this is just my opinion, but he doesn't get better as the movie goes on. He stays bland, but interesting if not believable supporting characters salvage it from being awful and make it a semi-enjoyable movie to watch on your MEH days. Smoking Aces 2: Not that bad. It's a direct to dvd sequel sure, and some actors feel out of place, and the plot feels a little familiar, but in the end it's not the worst piece of cinema in the last 50 years. 200 Cigarettes: I actually can't blurb this one. I'm worried I'll give something away, but it was trashed for various reasons, but is a suprisingly good and funny movie. YPF: THIS SHOULD BE HORRIBLE. Callum Blue turns in a performance that actually makes me question for a split second why I love him so much, if he's always going to act the same way no matter what character he's playing, but then I remember I love him and it's all good. Everyone else is pretty good, but the writing tells you that it should have been god awful, and would have been if not for such a nice cast. Avoid it if you have problems with sexual themed materil (it's all about various couples fucking, and a character study of them. that's it) no heavy nudity or anything, but different things bother different people. Also avoid if you don't like movies where the writer puts himself in the story. He shows up with the most conventionally hot girl in the story, and conviently has the best line of the picture. Which is right up there with some of the greats. Besides my pet peeves it's a decent movie and I'd recommend it. Fanboys: I've heard Spoony, and many others trash this movie, ontop of my suspicions that it would be shit, I avoided it. Having watched it, it's a somewhat forgettable comedy. You wouldn't write-in an oscar vote for it, but it's good and a wonderful performance by Kristen Bell to boot. Trick R Treat: Alot of people hate this movie. On the otherhand quite a few enjoy it, and I personally think it's one of the best horror movies aimed at kids/teens/AND adults in years. The complaints I heard about it were all unfounded, except for a brief flash of titties taking you out of what is otherwise a very fun family safe (but not required) movie. It's a must see if you haven't had the chance. All of these are available to netflix, and all are worth atleast a curious watch.
  13. Over the years before I found a woman willing to settle for less and marry me, I used one movie for first dvd dates. The Princess Bride. Based on the simple logic that it's a movie that evokes alot of emotions, and even if it's not a 100% guaranteed panty peeler, it's still a fun experience so no big loss. More recently, I bought Up and used it for a first dvd date with my future wife. Unfortunately, I hadn't watched it before hand, and ended up openly weeping for most of the movie. Not the best course of action unless you're going for sensitive dude pity sex, and despite being a great movie it's really kind of a downer for a date, so I wouldn't recommend it.
  14. Intro: She Talks To Angels - The Black Crowes. Beautiful song, and the heroin theme that runs throughout provides a great backdrop for the opening scene overdose of my 15 yearold mom. Credits Roll: One Headlight - The Wallflowers. Another hauntingly beautiful tune, and while I'd like the spot to go to songs like "Satan, Satan Lend Me a Dollar", "We 3", or "Daughter", none of them really fit, and One Headlight is a little more unique so I'll let it's melancholy beats take us out.
  15. Douche is a moron, but only because he's making it out to be some sort of enormously noble thing he's done, part of me almost thought he was working Russell when he asked to be knighted, because that's the perfect way to work the little man, play to his ego, but apparently Douche really believes all the bullshit he's been spouting this whole time. I would applaude him playing Rob and Russell against each other, and taking out Rob who is clearly the stronger threat to future immunity, if I thought for a second that was his actual intention. I'm beginning to believe he was actually just really starstruck with Rob, and perhaps did consider him as a friend. I hate playing into the idea that anyone would be dumb enough to confuse game loyalty with real loyalty and let that prevent them from making the right plays, but it really does seem like Douche wanted to remain loyal to both rob and russell, and didn't want to make an enemy out of either.. Which makes throwing away your vote even more dumb, because we're no doubt going to hear him whine about Rob being gone when he had every chance to save him. Sometimes I really despise Coach.. Moving on. I realize that by voicing my favorites I'm immediately dooming them, but if next week is the merge (which I doubt seriously) I can see several alliances forming, and lots of flipping. First possible alliance that occurs to me: Rupert and Sandra. I'm not sure of their relationship since their season but both are smart enough to realize they're on the outs, and forming together to prepare themselves for the end game, Sandra doing what she does best and gather an alliance of the outcasts, and waiting for the power tribes to eat each other. I can easily see Courtney and Amanda/or Candice (depending on how it goes) following along. Russell lives or dies by the hands of Parvati and Douche, both of whom have natural alliances against him if they wish to capatilize. Parvati's ofcourse swallowing up Amanda, Candice, Danielle, and perhaps Sandra as the kicker vote since she will ofcourse do whatever it takes to survive. If Parvati wants him gone when the merge arrives she has the opportunity. Coach's go to alliance, atleast from first glance would include JT (for however long he sees it benefits him), Colby, whichever girl hero decided to come along for the ride, and mayhaps Rupert due to his own self-grandizing attitude. I don't see Jerri getting included in it, I really don't, especially if Colby is present. If neither of them split off which seems unlikely, Russell may have a shot, but I'd lean towards him being blindsided by his troops seeing as they are all well versed in doing just that. I hate Parvati, and would sooner root for a Lil Russel, Rupert, and Douche 3-Way tie, but I have to admit the odds are stacked in her favor if there's a fast approaching merge.
  16. James going was a mistake for Amanda and Rupert, JT is a snake and a flip flopper but he's an irrational one that can be predicted, until the merge Colby needs him, and for Amanda not to realize she's next when they lose unless there's a shake up... Well, it's just dumb and speaks volumes about how she really does need Cirie and her Jedi Powers of common sense. James proved himself a misogynist early in the season, and was swiftly disowned by my house, despite that even I realize that it would be a good move to keep him aslong as possible, not only if you're in a majority alliance with him, but just in general, he can barely walk and what is normally a physical based challenge monster is now just a limping jackass that has no hope infront of a jury. THAT is the guy you want to take to the end, especially in favor of people you can't trust like JT who WILL try to make big moves and screw over everyone he can to make the jury think he's cereberal cancer. Colby COULD have been pulled into the alliance and is something I would have atleast tried to feel out. And even though he's proved time and time again that he's not cut out for this game, and kind of a jackass, James still cracked me up with "Would you like a banana?" Poor guy has problems with fruit. On the other end of the spectrum, I have to applaud Russell, he knew exactly what Rob would do and picked the one person that he could work his 'houdini magic' on to ensure that he got to make the big move at tribal council and look like a genuis (though part of me hopes that he just tried that voting parvati speech with everyone and only Tyson was dumb enough to take him at his word) I'm shocked that noone is ready to admit Russel v.s. Rob is good tv, sure the little troll is annoying, and self entitled but he knows the game and unlike most contestants these days I'd say it's a safe bet a casting director didn't bump into him at a Whole Foods and give him a spot because he looked adorable. The only real problem I have with Russ is his ego, which ultimately makes him very easy to play, and his tendency to make promises he doesn't have to make, ensuring a jury will hate him. Rob on the otherhand I love wholeheartedly, and I can't wait to see how he reacts to these developments. Tyson was just dumb and I can't believe he'd go against Rob's instructions and vote parvati, because the guy that has the idol tells him that's who he's voting for. DUUUMB! Also, I'm going to take this time to say... WHY IN THE HELL OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE ON COOK ISLAND IS CANDICE A HERO?!?! Am I the only one that remembers her fake dating her way through the game, forming a white's only (unless you count Uncle Nate) alliance, being a bitch to quite a few people, and then using her jury vote to slander the people that actually played with dignity? I realize she probably just had a bad edit and in actuality is a perfectly charming and intelligent young woman, but would it really have been too much to ask to bring in Yul, or Cao Boi? Infact, the Heroes tribe seemed stacked from the beginning to give Parvati as many post merge friends as possible. Strange.
  17. 1. Something Positive 2. Mecernary Schlock 3. VG Cats 4. Questionable Content 5. Exploitation Now!
  18. I love me some Russ. I get the feeling it's just because so many people have reacted violently to him being pretty much the focus of last season, and sure the production team made finding the idols super easy if anyone actually looked but I just have to support him. He out strengthed Eric, he out ran Dave, and he out lasted the real threats. He deserved a win based on his play, and I truly believe if Eric hadn't decided to ignore the fact that he tried to do the same exact thing Russel did and basically give Natalie the reason why she should win, and gave the jury and exscuse to give it to her without admitting they just didn't want Russ to win.. Well, either he would've got it, or the aftermath would've been far more awkward. All that said? Can't see him winning here. He did so well last season because he was a strong player coming into a tribe mostly compromised of lazy people that weren't going to work for the spot like Jeffery Tambor, Jaison, and Natalie, skilled nice guys that didn't make big plays because they feared ruining their image like Asian Girl, and Nick.. Oh, and Uncle Ben was there too. He rose to the top because the nice guys wanted to use him as a heavy, the lazies wanted to ride his coattails, and the few genuinely strong players there he eliminated quickly before they saw him coming. He socialized hard and heavy on his tribe before the merge, and was really the only person trying, which is why he got the majority of camera time. He made the mistake of thinking the jury would be rational and that being the clearly visible blunt instrument would take him all the way. But when exposed to stronger players that aren't blindsided by him immediately, players that don't need him, or even players with enough brain cells to NOT tell him they think he's full of shit, like Eric, Mean Reality Show Hot I Guess Granny, or John. He falls apart. Even Monica managed to rattle him. He's best when dealing with players that need him, players that he genuinely is smarter than, and he desperately needs a situation where he can take out the strongest threats early. That's not going to fly here. His tribe alone is compromised of some of the better players (Despite the lack of Amber, Fairplay, and Hatch) he's not going to boss them around, he wont be able to manipulate them with sock burning, and his usual schtick of having a final two alliance with everyone thus ensuring the jury will hate him for being a backstabber and dying for a reason to deny him riches will get him kicked off in a hurry if he ruffles the wrong feathers. If I was Russ I'd be praying Boston Rob has a stroke during a bungee challenge and lands on Sandra, because if the two of them work together they'll run their tribe if not the entire game, and both could easily see through his shit, it's also illadvised for him to try and pull Dumb Girl Alliance 2.0 out of his ass, because considering the girls he'd be recruiting this early will not hesitate to fuck him over. I can't see the villains tolerating him long once they figure him out, so it's a good thing he's part bloodhound when it comes to idols. Other thoughts: Tom caught me off guard, I did not expect him to nail Gangsta In A Oprah Suit (should've been the episode title) right away, and I have to give him props. Ofcourse it's not likely to do him insane amounts of good since Cirie has pegged him, and if she reminds Amanda to stop jabbering about Stephenie and let momma make the decisions she may bring down the wrath rather quickly, because JT would soo 'mmm, shucks' backstab him in a heart beat, and I envision James going along for the ride for atleast a little while.. But that may just be my desire to see him stick around as long as possible since he's the only castmember whose hotness Katie and I can agree upon. Cirie - Top notch as always, and I want to see her make it to the merge so she can either ally with or rage wildly against Sandra. Boston Rob - INCRUDIBLE! 'Nuff Said Colby - Yeah.. I don't feel him this season, and whenever I see him I get Nick flashbacks. Rupert - Perhaps the only member one the heroes tribe that could have rivaled Russel for most screen time, and instead he tries as hard as he can to be this season's Shambo.. Poor guy. Sandra - Her life in this game depends on who she allies with, she's as sharp as a whip and can play with the best of them, could easily take it home. Coach - My hatred for him died the second I witnessed him teeter tottering with Russ. That shit was just beautiful. I'm starting to adore him despite myself because of his puppy doggish fan girl relationship with Rob. It's like he realized he was a dick and decided instead of being good, y'know what I'll just be as goofy as possible. And then my hatred resurfaced when he began canoodling Jeri. That alliance will either take him far or fuck him up fast and hard, he's not gonna be able to play her, and I don't think for a second that she wont pluck him like one of those chickens the second she can. Rob, Russ, and Sandra are the people he should be forming a tight knit circle with, because they're the 3 most likely to be able to off Jeri if it comes to it. Jeri - I LOVE THIS BITCH! Randy, Tyson, most everyone on the heroes side - Meh. Not So Dumb Girl Alliance - not sure yet.
  19. Jesus' Son - 4/10 Just finished watching it again for the 80th time, repeated viewings have worn it's charm thin for me, but it's not terrible. He's Just Not That Into You - 8/10 Love it. Everyone turns in excellent performances, and the only reason it doesn't get a full 10 from me is Drew Barrymore. The only movie that allows me to keep my hatred for Justin Long in check and not scream at my tv everytime he's on screen.
  20. 1. Mayor Richard Wilkins III (Buffy) The most evil character on the show, and perhaps the greatest villian Whedon has ever constructed, even if his ultimate goal is to turn into a giant snake. 2. Otis B. Driftwood (The Devil's Rejects) Only ranks this high for the visceral reaction he brings simply from being perfectly realistic, a true monster, and a completel psychopath. The only person that could actually make the audience root for Wydell. 3. Karl Hertz (Shoot 'Em Up) A true thinking man's villian, and despite lacking physical gifts on par with some of the more well-known villians he is without a doubt one of the more dangerous foes on this list simply because he's really fucking good at his job, and unlike other baddies is one that most of us could work for without fear of being randomly executed to prove a point. 4. Benedict (The Last Action Hero) I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for him, because he was the first instance I witnessed as a child of the villian defeating his adversary not through unfair means, or overwhelming odds, or some convuluted scheme. Rather he was simply brilliant even before he entered the real world, and had victory sewn up had it not been for the sudden realization that he's in an Arnold movie and has to die. "No, Jack. I just left one chamber empty." Fucking, classic. 5. Jubal Early (Firefly) If anyone questions this decision they don't know my love for the character. He's easily one of my favorite characters of all time, and his unrivaled skill and intelligence makes him a very formidible opponent for any standard hero. 6. Cyrus 'Cy' Tolliver (Deadwood) Perhaps the most consistently evil character his show has to offer and consider the morality of his fellow characters that statement isn't a light one. 7. Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs) Madman, psychopath, ultimately an ineffective criminal but pure unadulterated evil. He only graces my list because he was one of the first examples of the psychotic villian I had ever witnessed. He remains one of the better in my opinion. 8. Riley (The Guild) A person with fan-dabi-dozi potential for evil, because she simply has no care for her fellow human beings and shows absolutely no remorse for any action, while a minor antagonist she represents Codex's greatest foe in the series to date with perhaps the exception of her own insecurities. It is unlikely we'll get further glimpses into her character, but one can only assume this woman will one day rule the world, or atleast blow it up. 9. Magua (The Last of The Mohicans) My first villian ever, sadly passing years have shown he wasn't truly evil so much as wronged, and a little disturbed so his place is one of nostalgia and I can't justify giving him a higher spot. But if you judge a villian by their opposing hero, then he ranks highly because Chingachook is one bad mother fucker. 10. She Go (Kim Possible) Perhaps the most compotent on the list, she only ranks so low because of her lack of dedication to evil, if she were focused on being a true villian she'd be my number 1.
  21. I'll take socially disconnected drug dealer any day of the week. Regardless of genre these guys if they're awkward enough have a really low mortality rate despite a dangerous line of work, and are almost always successful at anything they try to do despite the odds against them. 2. Longshot Boxer. 3. Comedicly Incompotent Pirate. 4. Mandalorian Bountyhunter.
  22. Any Tarantino picture. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but seriously, the actors themselves are generally the highlight. The most notable example has to be Deathproof. I was jazzed for it too...
  23. Sarah Michelle Gellar in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. My sister keeps telling me she's there but I just can't spot her.
  24. Honestly? I was a little disappointed last night. I've given them the benefit of the doubt this season because they were doing something right that did get me excited. They were building a great supporting cast of interesting characters. I wont go into details since sadly I'm not aware of how to spoiler tag stuff, but watching last night I had to ask myself several times "Are they serious?" For me it was like reading OMAC. Jonsed to see DC finally using someone that doesn't get enough page time, actually develop the character and then.. HOLY FUCK HIS BRAIN! HIS BRAIN! *sadness* Not the happiest of seasons for me, but still decent enough. Volume 4 looks good atleast.
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