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The Donators
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Everything posted by ThrillhouseMAX

  1. All-Pro Football 2K8. What is the oldest game you own?
  2. Can somebody put this on the logo background and possibly throw the word "Wrestling" underneath? I'm starting a Red Bull promotion for my next game.
  3. Your turn in the draft, bro.

  4. Got my tickets to the WWE Supershow/Fan Appreciation Day on October 30th! Can't wait!

  5. I don't think Valentine wants to come back, but it'd be nice. What I'd like to see, though, is Torre as the skipper, even if just for one season. Plus, he teased. He's got to at least try.
  6. Hey. Tried PMing you but it didn't work. You have the 13th and final pick in your division's draft.

  7. I wish my Xbox wasn't broken :(

    1. Lj.
    2. King Ellis
    3. Rocky


      Misused candle wax and broom handles?

  8. I love playing GTA online. I'd try to play with you guys, but tonight I have a call-back for an audition I had last week. Fun times.
  9. Oh cool. So, what happened to TWD and all the feds and stuff?

  10. I'm actually looking forward to the album. I already pre-ordered it and everything.
  11. Yitzy, are you the same Yitzy that posts on TWD?

  12. Can I get the pics below on KyKy please? Thanks in advance! - Fady the Arabian Bull - Andrew Leavine
  13. Ahhhh I don't wanna move. I'm so out of it from my 21st birthday party. It's 2:30 P.M. and I just fucking woke up.

    1. Lj.


      To much cake & pin the tail on the donkey? I hear ya.

    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      He was amazed by the Mathmagician they had and his "magic 7s".

    3. ThrillhouseMAX


      I think my brain reached its' point of explosion when I realized that my cake.... was ice cream.

  14. Just heard the NXT theme song during the Little League World Series.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyle_


      It gets a lot of radio play, at least around here anyways

    3. Josh


      I would kill to see the Little League Championship team invade the MLB, led by a British 11 year old.

    4. DJ Ice
  15. Can I get a pic of Goldust with the WWE Unified Tag Team Titles?
  16. iDOL this site is great. It's very good looking, and it's easy to navigate. Kudos.
  17. Would somebody mind making me a kyky of the Rock with the WWE Championship (the spinner one)?
  18. Can I get a Wade Barrett with the World Heavyweight Title please?
  19. Those look great. The Batista one looks best imo. Kudos.
  20. Those damn white people!

  21. Can I get this Steve Lewington on KyKy? Please and thanks!
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