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Everything posted by Bushmeister

  1. Yup, you read that right. Quoted from http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007350453,00.html
  2. Got my book in the mail today, will probably crack it open tonight or tomorrow after work.
  3. Goddamn stokerino coming in and making me look like a boof :/ And damn your previous experiences with Bebop too.

  4. Cowboy Bebop, first season of Galaxy Angel, Tengen-Toppa Gurren Lagann and Trigun. SciFi-oriented recommendations, yeah, but they should suit your fancy just fine.
  5. Yeah, at least for me. Next to the Silent Hill series, they're the best Japanese horror games I have played, and they have quite an unique feel of helplessness to them that not many other horror games can convey. They are (or at least were for me) hideously difficult to someone who's accustomed to say Resident Evil though, and the fact that even a single monster can very well fuck your day up in all sorts of interesting ways means that playing with a gun-ho attitude will result in nothing.
  6. Alright, you pretentious wankers. Recommend me stuff similar to what Xiu Xiu and Deerhoof do (to clarify, I prefer Deerhoof when they are darker and/or moodier, songs like "This Magnificient Bird Will Rise" and "Giga Dance")
  7. Nobody likes that music!!
  8. Needs more Mumakil, The County Medical Examiners and Aurora Borealis. And less overall faggotry.
  9. Just so you know, Anon are domestic terrorists and an overall Internet hate machine. You have been warned before downloading their subs.
  10. And in a slightly smaller role of emotional fuckery, perhaps the movie "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo" (AKA. The Girl Who Jumped Through Time), I personally found it pretty touching emotionally.
  11. As long as I can find it in my local liberry, I'm in. o/
  12. Dude, chill. Just post them whenever you have the time, it's not like we're getting angry or anything at the lack of updates. ... *begins sharpening of pitchfork*
  13. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=46524661 If that sounds like Cannibal Corpse, Job For A Cowboy et all to you, then the universe help you and your ears.
  14. Yeah, I am. What prompted such a guestion? :D

  15. If this is true, I'm gonna pick up a cheap PS2 just for this. I've pretty much worn out my Fire Pro Wrestling D and the GBA versions down to the core. Best wrestling game series there is, at least for me.
  16. I liked it a lot. The preview screening I was at was CROWDED with teens and pre-teens though (why the hell did they get out at midnight anyway?) so that took something away from it, I'm sure I will enjoy it better on DVD. Seriously, I was the only one laughing for the "rock and A Hard Place"-gag.
  17. Galaxy Angel, at least the first few seasons. Pretty good sci-fi/parody anime. EDIT: Also for comedy, get "Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu". It's a slapstick comedy with a pretty surreal cast and plot (if you can call it that).
  18. You make me sick. You make Chuck Berry sick. You make us all sick.
  19. Rock & roll in general. Also, early heavy metal bands that were pretty much just beefed up rock in any case. Gangsta rap springs to mind as a potential canditate as well, there is no appeal there for me.
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