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Everything posted by Bushmeister

  1. The title of the movie is "The Story Of Ricky", and is basically just one gory boss fight after another. Amazing film to watch with friends and one that isn't easily topped on the "What the hell was that"-scale.
  2. Brutal Truth - "Collateral Damage" This video is record-breaking and has made it into the Guinnes Book Of World Records. Amazing stuff.
  3. Penny Arcade were years ahead when they envisioned THIS, apparently.
  4. Lykathea Aflame (MySpace link) The most technical and most beautiful death metal I have ever heard, music that trancends genres while still being some of the most heaviest stuff you will ever hear on this planet. Influences range from jazz to ancient Egyptian instruments with a solid death/grind base. Beautiful instrumentals combined with powerful vocals and one seriously badass drummer. Listen to the tracks on MySpace and then get yourselves their "Elvenfris"-album if you care even the tiniest bit about metal. Seriously. Sound like: Closest you can get is Nile and Cryptopsy, I think: but neither of those bands can play this kind of elegant, controlled chaos. Recommended songs: Anything you can get your hands on. "Elvenfris" is easily in the top 3 metal albums ever made.
  5. Play some Marduk for me. If you don't have then I can *ahem* help you acquire some. And yes, I will be listening, it'll be a nice way to kick off my Saturday morning.
  6. I had the pleasure of grouping with a 35 BE paladin when I did the Scarlet Monastery Library part. We were pretty overkill with me (36 warlock), another warlock in the high 30's, a 32 BE priest and a 37 orc warrior. We only had one casualty during the run and even that was the priest (who had been soulstoned in any case) Needless to say, with a priest healing you and a paladin & a warrior holding up the aggro, two warlocks Hellfire'ing the crap out of themselves and everything around them is pretty effective. SM is a very good place to farm, seeing as each wing drops a lot of silk cloth and the like on top of any trash loot, plus the drops you get from the bosses are really good for the duration of the levels recommended for SM runs. And to top it off, with a good group you can clear any given SM wing very quickly, with only Cathedral being significantly longer and tougher. Library and Armory are 30-45 minutes depending on group and skill level, and you can accomodate a wipe or two in a hour-long run if you're of the unlucky sort.
  7. So far this list has been made of equal proportions "teh gay" and "AIDS". No offense meant.
  8. Nightwish - "Wishmaster" Probably the oldest one in the book but still great.
  9. However, it should be said that the French guy's GUILD made one guy go from 60 to 70 in 27+ hours, since the guy had a 35-man raid with him grinding monsters for most of the time. Pretty badass teamwork though, I wonder if they're planning on doing it for each member in their guild >_>
  10. "In My Heart There's A Star Named After You" or "I Respect Your Feelings As A Woman", both by Anal Cunt. DO IT!
  11. Subarachnoid Space is a must. Very trippy, Floyd-esque space prog rock. As mentioned before, Ayreon, specifically the album "The Universal Migrator" (both parts) Mortiis' "The Smell Of Rain" is his later, more techno-influenced work and thus has a more sci-fi feel to it. There's also "The Stargate" and a side project called Fata Morgana that are EXCELLENT ambient albums, but they tend towards more of a fantasy theme rather than sci-fi. Apoptygma Berzerk, almost any material really, though it might be not ideal since it isn't as strictly instrumental/progressive as most of the artists mentioned so far. Kid606's "Resilience" and Squarepusher's "Hello Everything", tricky and trippy electronic music that jumble a crapload of different genres into the spans of single albums. Oooh, almost forgot Arcturus! Their latest release "Sideshow Symphonies" about space pirates and contains some very effective metal music. Their back catalogue is also excellent, but the further back you go the harsher and more black metal their sound becomes. That's as far as my brain can take me at this point.
  12. Robin Williams and Bill Murray are the first ones that spring to my mind, Williams for his great stand-up routines and Murray for his style of dry and ink-black comedy that I so dearly love. Also have to mention Ron Livingston here, who is brilliant in "Office Space" and "Adaptation".
  13. "World War Z" by Max Brooks. It's about zombies, man. You know it's good.
  14. I couldn't care less about if my songs are tagged correctly due to year or genre, because I goddamn well know the genres of the music that I listen to and don't need a reminder about it, thankyouverymuch. The songs are organized alphabetically by artist and further by album, with a "Misc." folder for everything else. My real-life CD-collection is a bit more organized, it occupies two shelves in my closet with the upper shelf being for metal CD's orgainzed alphabetically by artist and album title, and the lower one for non-metal CD's formatted in the same style.
  15. I love Pelican and they're a really talented band. The only with them is that they don't have any vocals which may put a damper on the possibility of them becoming as big as Mastodon did this year. Sure the songs on Blood Mountain did have instrumentals in them and they didn't use a terrible amount of vocals, but nevertheless they do have vocals and they have a mainstream connection in Josh Homme, who's a good friend of the band. Pelican's a great band, I just don't think that they can reach the same level without a vocalist at all.
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