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Everything posted by Bushmeister

  1. Arch Enemy? Awful? What now? Granted they're not for everybody, but they're awesome and you'd be hard-pressed finding a better modern metal guitarist than Michael Amott.
  2. They have the worst vocals I've EVER heard. Ever.
  3. He did a Cannibal Corpse parody. That's ace in my books (Y)
  4. All the vocals are me, both the low growls and the high bile screaming. We don't do none of that two vocalist shit
  5. Mortiis and Fata Morgana are the first ones that spring to mind for me. Also Shinjuku Thief and Die Verbannten Kinder Evas.
  6. Bushmeister

    Bob Dylan

    Since you people seem to be pretty knowledgeable about Dylan... Recommend me some of his material similar to "Maggie's Farm". Please?
  7. Well'er. I did like "Ranger" a lot better than the other song, mainly because of the backing screaming vocals that reminded me of The Berzerker and Gorerotted at times. The main vocalist I didn't really connect with, I dunno why but I can't bend around that style of half-growl/half-scream/a-third-of-whatever style of vocals. I very much liked the intro for "Ranger", but I was hoping for similar blastbeat-driven parts in the songs themselves apart from just the intros, now it was just mid-tempo thrashing for my ears all the way through. Not really my cup of tea, but I can say that I've heard a lot of shittier music and not just from live bands either but on records as well. Here's hoping that you guys catch a nice break and a lot of new fans. o/
  8. Bushmeister


    Oh ho. Year 2007 has already kicked off to a great start on the metal front, and will only heat up as the year proggresses. Highlights so far include: "Gothic Kabbalah" by Therion "The Hellenic Terror" by Kronos "ROM 5:12" by Marduk "Icons Of Evil" by Vital Remains "Marasmus" by Leng Tch'e And on the horizon for this year... Holy crap there's a lot of stuff I'm looking forwards to, here's a sample of the stuff I really want to get my hands on at some point: Mayhem's "Ordo Ab Chao" Vomitory's "Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize" Pelican's "City Of Echoes" Cephalic Carnage's "Xenosapien" Turisas' "The Varangian Way" Pig Destroyer's "Phantom Limb" Korpiklaani's "Tervaskanto" Behemoth's "The Apostasy" Also the as-of-now-unnamed albums from Deeds Of Flesh and Meshuggah. I'm pretty hyped up for what the rest of the year will bring with it ^_^
  9. Medieval 2 was a huge disappointment for me. The AI is full of holes both in battles and on the campaign map, plus it eats way more memory and resources than Rome ever did. The first Medieval is still my favorite, though I am very partial to playing R:TW with the barbarian nations, they're trés cool. The Total War series were the last straw that really set me off from more traditional micromanaging "rush-them-with-zerg-zergs" RTS', and I seriously can't fathom why I'd want to play a Warcraft or a Command & Conquer game again. They're just not for me and my shitty reflexes. Dawn Of War struck a nice balance between the Total War elements of strategy and the traditional rush-and-conquer RTS', but with the new add-ons and patches even that game has gone down the crapper with more emphasis on early-game rushing rather than drawn-out combat with real tactical choices. Pissed me off to no end to see the game develop that way
  10. I think that while there are more games out there that are overall easier than before (i.e. even the supposed "Hard"-setting is easy as hell. Sid Meier's Pirates!, I'm looking in your general sexy direction), it's more of an issue where the games give you way more leeway than before. There are games out there that let you fine-tune the game's difficulty with many different sliders that allow you to pinpoint the exact level you want to play at, and there are some games that adjust the difficulty depending on your playing skills as you play along. These are all technical issues that have only become available as the machines running these games have gotten progressively more powerful, thus I think it skews the perspective that the games are easier these days.
  11. Oh well, the assholes might not be the majority but they're definitively the most noticeable part of the gaming crowd. They're also curiously bi-polar on PvE servers: they'll help people of their own side quite nicely, but so help them if they find someone ten levels lower from the opposite faction, they'll gank them mercilessly. 'tis a bitch, I'm afraid. Arathi Basin is loads of fun. Even with a 52 warlock I can still easily finish in the top 3 on the "Damage Dealt" chart. On the flip side it often means that I've died the most while doing so, but that is the price to be paid for being so damn good >_>
  12. Alice Cooper has seemed like a pissed-off egoistical little tit in some interviews I've seen with him, mainly his performance in the "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey"-document convinced me that he's full of it.
  13. Bile would probably be good for a listen or two, check out the "Sex Reflex"-album as that's their biggest mashup of the three styles without exclusively belonging to just one.
  14. I just want someone to make a movie set in the Viking times with the same epic theme and have the soundtrack done by black metal bands. That would be fucking epic. Also, SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  15. Eh, it depends. Some games, like Rainbow Six's, I don't play any music at all because listening for gunshots and footsteps makes all the difference in the world. However, if playing something like Unreal Tournament or World of Warcraft, I'll have music blasting in the background to help set a proper mood. For UT it's mostly a lot of fast-paced industrial and some industrial metal (The Berzerker is excellent) and for WoW a lot of epic metal/black metal. Can't say I'd have noticed that the music has any particular effect on my level of performance, though I will quickly switch tracks if I find something getting on my nerves whilst gaming.
  16. Metal and the wide, WIDE variety of genres that it covers under its umbrella beyond the shadow of a doubt. After that, electronica.
  17. Oingo Boingo - "Little Girls"
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