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Everything posted by Bushmeister

  1. Oh damn. I just got my hands on Korpiklaani's new effort, "Tervaskanto". Oh DOUBLE DAY-HAMN. I want to hear this shit live and just dance my ass off to the grooviest beat ever to be produced from the unholy harmony of eletric guitars, drums and an accordion. Oh and there's a violin somewhere there too.
  2. What the fuck? Three pages and no mention of Arch Enemy? The album "Anthems Of Rebellion" and to a lesser extent "Doomsday Machine". Some of the most powerful vocal delivery ever done by a woman, ever. It's too sad her voice is pretty much shot to shit nowadays, but if you want to hear a female sing like never before... Here's your chance.
  3. I like The Rock's movies. A lot. Although not "Doom", not even he could have saved that one But my definitive #1 quilty pleasure is "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen". I just can't get tired of it for some reason. Probably Connery.
  4. 1. Napalm Death - You Suffer 2. Pelican - March Into The Sea 3. Marduk - Baptism By Fire 4. Korpiklaani - Happy Little Boozer 5. Main theme of LocoRoco (I hope these kinds of songs count as well )
  5. Get Karl Sanders' "Saurian Meditations". It's not exactly 100% acoustic, but it's an ambient album with authentic Egyptian instruments and some very great passages in it.
  6. I have consumed too much aolcohol to sexually stimulate myself. Also I'm a faggot.
  7. Fucking SErbia. Fuckig fucking Serbia. I was rooting for Ukraine all the way. Fucking fucking fuckiing Serbia.
  8. Were it not for the warez rules, this could and maybe should have been "Short Music For Short People" But I will give it a listen, and also Propagandhi and Raised Fist being on there is top notch (Y)
  9. Too much thrash metal in this topic. I don't really dig that At live gigs, thrash is alright. But I never understood how someone could spend money on it on a CD (or even the time to d/l it :/) As far as top 3's go, mine fluctuates a lot depending on if I've been listening to a lot of death metal, black metal or grind, but the following three I listen to no matter what else is playing: 1. Marduk 2. Pelican 3. Meshuggah So, any people planning on going to any metal gigs in the near future? I'm hitting up a few Finnish festivals in June, so far the two shows have booked acts like Behemoth, Meshuggah (WHOOP), Emperor, Immortal (WHOOP) and Isis, so I'm pretty fucking stoked for both of them.
  10. After a lot of pondering on this subject, this is my answer: "March To The Sea" by Pelican. For those who have never been exposed to this excellence, a live version:
  11. I claim Wikipedia has the benefit of hindsight. What I spoke of was through a developing stream of information spanning over a decade.
  12. Sheesh, this is actually a pretty hard question. I mean, how many shitty songs do you actually bother memorizing instead of just tuning out/slamming the radio with a fucking hammer? But for me, the goddamn "Macarena" song. I hated it when I was a young snot-nosed brat, and I hate it to this day. Why someone thinks it is hilarious to bust out the song and the goddam inane dance at the most inappropriate of times (read: any time) is beyond my feeble comprehension.
  13. The first games I can ever recall playing were VGA Golf and a game called Gorba on my dad's old-ass PC when I was about 4 or 5, I think. Gorba was a clone/hack of an older game* where you played as the ex-USSR state secretary Gorbachev. Then came the original NES and Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt. The roots show, however: haven't bought a single new console since SNES and haev always been a computer gamer through and through. * I don't even know the original's name, you basically played as an archeologist who could tunnel through walls in search of diamonds, then there were open areas with monsters trapped in them that were set loose once you tunneled into them. Also, there was lots of boulders about
  14. Tied at 9: "The Pestilence That Walketh In Darkness (Psalm 91 : 5-8)" by Cryptopsy "Life's Emblem" by Marduk I listened to "The Pestilence..." a bunch of times when Cryptopsy came out with their latest album a few years back. The return of the previous vocalist Lord Worm had me hyped, and this was the first track I heard off of it. The surpisingly mellow track threw me off the album's direction big time and left me unprepared for the full-scale onslaugh that "Once Was Not" turned out to be. "Life's Emblem" has gotten heavy play time, as has most of Marduk's "Plague Angel". Mortuus is just a perfect vocalist for Marduk, and the band sounds as viscious as ever but without the silly thrash influences of the latest album. Tied at 7: "battlecry" by Nujabes feat. Shing02 "Only Tools & Corpses" by Gorerotted "Only Tools & Corpses" is one of the songs our band covers, so I have to be familiar with the original product >_> Honestly haven't listened to a lot of Gorerotted as of late, though. I fell in love with "battlecry" the instance I saw the first episode of Samurai Champloo. It's mellow, groovy hip-hop that just screams "SUMMER!" to me, and there's nothing like a good summer vibe track that I love. 6: "March Into The Sea" by Pelican Were this song shorter than 20 minutes, it would probably be a lot higher than this. To my ears, "March Into The Sea" is a journey very accurately described by its title: it is a trek towards the vast, open seas, into the eye of a terrifying storm and then out to the calm behind it. It never fails to give me the shivers, and I'd personally vote this to be one of the top 3 songs composed in at least the 2000's. 5: "Painless" by The Berzerker A pretty offball track for the death metal-era of The Berzerker, "Painless" is one of the highlights of Berzerker's second album "Dissimulate". It lacks the ultra-hyper-speed of the rest of Berzerker's discography, so it serves as a great break during the album. It also is a kickass song in its own right, with a very powerful riff and great vocals. 4: "Time To Know - Be Waltz" from the Cowboy Bebop - Knockin' On Heaven's Door OST If "March Into The Sea" gives me the shivers every time I listen to it, then "Time To Know - Be Waltz" is the song that always makes me smile no matter what. The waltz-based rhythm, the swinging orchestra, even the bit of vocals intervined with a great string arrangement all make me wish that the song was just a bit longer so it could be used as an actual waltz. Would be cool as hell, and one of my daydreams 3: "Nyrkillä Tapettava Huora" by Impaled Nazarene At first, this song got a lot of plays because of the title and the lyrics (the title roughly translates to "A Whore Killed With A Fist"), but then our band decided to pick it up as one of our cover songs and I needed to get accustomed to it. I actually manage to do the screams pretty good in this one, henceforth I rule. 2: "Abra Cadaver" by The Hives Yet another song that always gives me the same reaction, no matter where I hear it at. I actually don't know what it is about these certain songs that induce this reaction: but the first time hearing them just happens to be so powerful and latches on to an emotional switch in my head, never to let go. "Abra Cadaver" makes me active and joyful. I need to tap along, stomp my feet, jump around and sing along in a loud voice. Were it at a gig I would go batshit insane when "Abra Cadaver" came on. 1: "No One Wins" by The Berzerker This is the song of pure nihilism. "No One Wins" is a trainwreck in under two minutes, blasting along at 300BPM and never ever giving up space for a breather. Every time the intro speech clip changes over to the drums, I get an instant fix of adrenaline that pounds in my head along to the track until the short and sweet end. The whole idea of such controlled chaos is very appealing to me, and to hear the speed that these Aussies blasts at makes you wonder how they keep it together. But they do, and this track is a testament to their ability in it.
  15. Marduk's "The Hangman Of Prague" is actually a pretty accurate re-telling of the life of SS Nazi commander Richard Heydricht and his eventual demise, hidden in some pretty graphic and dark allegories within the lyrics.
  16. Just finished a game of Alpha Centauri I started last week. Largest map possible, I played as The Hive. I had those damn hippie Gaians and the University cornered on little islands, but they were built thick with cities and bunkers full of soldiers so I could only do a complete naval and aerial blockade. Then I realized that even if I couldn't overturn the U.N. Charter in order to commit attrocities (including but not limited to using chemical weapons, nuclear weapons or executing/brainwashing political dissidents), it wouldn't matter a thing. I cut off diplomatic ties, and in five turns' time there was a payload of six nuclear missiles headed for each island. Blew both islands to cratered wrecks, after which I landed with my troops and commenced mop-up until the last of my enemies were wiped out. I had almost forgotten how much work it is to achieve a Conquest victory in these Civ-type games. I usually go for the diplomatic road if possible.
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