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Everything posted by Bushmeister

  1. Pelican better become larger than the gods themselves after their new album and DVD. At least, that is what I hope. But with the critical acclaim that Mastodon received with "Blood Mountain" even from non-metal press, I am quite certain that Pelican or one of their ilk will garner some larger press this coming year.
  2. Happened this summer at a Marduk gig. They fired up "Panzer Division Marduk" out of nowhere, stormed through it with vengeance, and then when the song died down the air raid sample intro for "Baptism By Fire" began to play over the speakers. I was in chills the whole time while the band prepared on the stage, then Mortuus reached for the mic and yelled out "BAPTISM! BY! FIRE!"... And then they went and annihilated everything. It was very fucking awesome because IMO those two are the best tracks of their best album, and played back-to-back like on the record made them sound even more amazing.
  3. At least there should be a horrible influx of old-school thrashers in the audience, thus making the mosh pit one of the more hostile places on the planet for a few nights (Y) Good times.
  4. So, anyone play a warlock here? Because I need some advice with the kind of a build I'm gonna be putting on this badboy. So far I've settled on an Affliction warlock, that's all fine and dandy: although I have not yet decided if I want to put the full 41 points into it (although Unstable Contagion seems to be the shiznit) but it is clear that Affliction is going to be my main talent tree. However, I have no earthly idea where to put the other points. I can't decide if Demonology or Destruction would serve me better as an Affliction 'lock. So if anyone has any experience on the subject of warlocks, please halp?
  5. Doesn't have anything on Scorched Earth Tactics' "Grind Christmas", though
  6. The Carcass country album was better than this crap.
  7. I find them bland and boring, but still a lot better than the crock of shit known as the Axl Rose Show. Good for them.
  8. While I will not second all of these suggestions (Burzum is just horrible, and dear Jesus Christ & other fairytale creatures, Satyricon?), I will second most of them. As well as giving out some of my own: 1349 (Very fast and heavy, with all your typical black metal fare. The production quality tends to be better than average, however, and thus sounds a lot cleaner than standard black metal) Aborym (Very strong industrial and even techno influences here: fast guitars, nasty vocals and drum machines interwoven with industrial themes and keyboards) Algazanth (Aside from being just fast and heavy, Alganzath really gather points in my books for the good use of keyboards, probably the best aside from Emperor and Summoning. Also, they write a lot of stuff for the guitars in a higher key, so the sound is somewhat different than the usual murky darkness) Anaal Nathrakh (Just inhumane. "Pandemonic Hyperblast" is enough to strip paint off of walls and shock the dead back to life) Arcturus (Their latest few albums aren't really that black metal anymore, more like weird space metal operas/symphonies with black metal elements to them. However, their first album "Aspera Hiems Symfonia" is a beautiful album with masterful music as well as your typical black metal lyrics and vocals) Asmodeus (One of my favorite albums for 2006, "Imperium Damnatum", comes from these guys. Their drummer is just withering in his speed and fury. The vocals are also not as tortured as a lot of other bands') Belphegor (Gotta love a band whose promotional pictures include the lead singer sodomizing the neck stump of a dead deer that is wrapped in barbwire. Filthy European black metal, you should try them if other suggestions like Gorgoroth and Marduk catch your ear) Blut Aus Nord (The French, while I usually dislike their black metal scene, have produced an excellent band in Blut Aus Nord. Not as fast as a lot of other stuff, but they make up for it with nice variation and guitar riffs. Also, one of the few bands I have heard that actually manage to sound very good with a low production quality) Bombensturm (More folk/viking metal influenced than most, but hey, I mentioned Arcturus so might as well go all out. Epic and melodic, they should fit pretty well if Týr is your usual fare) Carpathian Forest (boo on damshow for mentioning Nattefrost but not CF!) Horna (Had to mention my favorite black metal band from my own country Horna's material is usually pretty low quality production-wise, but their guitar-work and vocals are what win me over. If you ever get to listening to them and like it, PM me for more Finnish black metal suggestions We have a pretty good scene up here) Impaled Nazarene (OK, well, here's another Finnish BM band right there >_> Very akin to Darkthrone, even to their "black-and-roll"-influences. Had the best Finnish metal album of the past year with "Pro Patria Finlandia" IMO, which is very angry, well-produced and fast black metal) Judas Iscariot (Hey, even some Americans know how to make good black metal. Judas Iscariot is a one-man band that has churned out some very nihilistic, fast and technically sound black metal. His vocals are very good in my opinion, and like Algazanth a lot of the guitar stuff could be considered even uplifting by black metal standards) Keep Of Kalessin (One of the better Norwegian BM prospects out there right now. They had Mayhem's vocalist and Satyricon's drummer for their last album, but now they have a fully "original" lineup and their latest release "Armada" is an excellent black metal album through and through) Nokturnal Mortum (If you can stomach the fact that these guys are even more bigoted than Graveland's Rob Darken, you're in for some very nice epic black metal that plays around with a lot of folk influences and spirits. Just don't get alarmed the first time the singer starts growling about the Jewish threat to his people's lands) Rivendell (Kinda like Summoning, that is epic and symphonic black metal completely immersed in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Unlike Summoning however, Rivendell sound more like black metal and less like ambient soundtracks. Still, I bet you'd like both Summoning and this very much) Vesania (Features some of the members from Behemoth, at least the bassist if I am correct. They incorporate a lot of keyboards into their music, which sounds somewhat like slowed-down Behemoth with downtuned guitars. The keyboards are a bit too obvious for my tastes, but some people dig it like this)
  9. Why, when these threads pop up, Farscape never gets mentioned? It deserved a proper season to finalize the storylines, not a shitty two-part TV-movie which was such a rushjob that the constipation it gave me was more enjoyable than the movie itself.
  10. Chrono Symphonic is a very nice remix of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack, hit it up at http://chrono.ocremix.org/ In addition to The Black Mages that stokes mentioned (even though they don't quite fit in what you want ) would be HORSE The Band and Machinae Supremacy. MS have a TON of material available for d/l at www.machinaesupremacy.com, and HORSE The Band is worth checking out just because they rock ass.
  11. For horror films, get "Cube" and "Cube II: Hypercube" (the sequel/prequel "Cube Zero" sucks cocks, however, so stay away), has some nice horror effects as well as a pretty twisted story.
  12. My band currently plays the following covers: "Seven Angels, Seven Trumpets" by Marduk "Only Tools & Corpses" by Gorerotted "Nyrkillä Tapettava Huora" by Impaled Nazarene "Hammer Smashed Face" by Cannibal Corpse Due to my inability to do proper growling vocals (at least as of now), the covers tend to be very black metal-y with screeching vocals and shit. Yeah, we're not very good yet
  13. "O Fortuna" by Therion would get my recommendation. I am unsure if they have covered any other classical pieces: however, let's just say that I would not be amazed at all if they had.
  14. Imoen from Baldur's Gate I and II. I SWEAR there is no way to possess the nerves of steel needed to have her hang around in your party for either of those games. "Hey it's me, Imoen!"
  15. Gallagher can go suck a donkey off for all I care. Part of losing that "magic" in music, I believe, comes from just plain old experience: you listen to a lot of music, it won't be the same. More and more acts will start sounding very mundane, generic and just a part of the "grey mass" - those really great moments can be very few and far inbetween. It's the same with movie critics: no-one will give the latest Hollywood shitfest good grades because they have become so desensitized to all the hundreds of similar films they have had to watch so they don't give a shit anymore. With music, however, it's so much easier for a single insane genius to put his mind into an artform and produce something completely unexpected and great. Even more so with modern technology: it is much easier to express oneself through music thanks to what we have available. And out of that pit you'll spawn the Lykathea Aflames and The Berzerkers of any given genre, the shit that just comes along, seizes what has been previously done and just goes and runs off with it into a direction you never even knew existed. The magic ain't dying, it's just harder to find because what used to be magical to you is just run-of-the-mill nowadays. So to summarize my point, Gallagher is a cunt and this is an issue of personal boredom rather than any adverse technological effects on music in general.
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