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Everything posted by Pepsi

  1. Ha! The Drudge Report got pwned. EDIT: I was curious so I called Ashlee Simpson. Wasn't Ashlee Simpson.
  2. Well this series has been around forever so I don't see the big deal. It'd be like people getting pissed cuase you tell them Bruce Willis is dead in The Sixth Sense.
  3. Pepsi

    Perfect Albums

    Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile Radiohead - Ok Computer Rage Against The Machine- The Battle Of Los Angeles Trainspotting Soundtrack 1 & 2
  4. In an interview the directer said that they couldn't afford the CGI needed for Zaphod so they had to compromise. Since a literal adaption if the first book would cost well over 100 Million.
  5. At least it's Josh Hartnett, could have been Chris Klein.
  6. Link Thought maybe you guys would wanna see this.
  7. All of them except for Serenity. Never liked Firefly.
  8. I am looking forward to that as well as I was a huge fan of the first two flicks (just look at my top 10) and I've heard good things about the third. And if there's anybody who has at least enough of a clue to write an adaptation like that, I'd go with Roger Avary. ←
  9. What's wrong with Elijah Wood? He plays a mute cannibal. That's some pretty sweet casting and he looks the part too. Tarentino did some work on the film for 1 dollar since Rodriguez wrote the score fof Kill Bill vol.2 for 1 dollar because it's against guild/union rules to have someone work for free on a film. Hartnett is only in one story though and it's probably the shortest of them all since it's only two people.
  10. I liked the Final Fantasy movie. Anyways, I actually couldn't think of any videogame movies that are good. I have high hopes for Spy Hunter though. Oh and I'm looking forward to the Silent Hill movie as it is written by the guy who co-wrote Pulp Fiction and Rules of Attraction and is directed by the guy who made The Brotherhood of the Wolf.
  11. I liked The first Punisher but not as much as most people. Thought it was decent but they made Castle kind of annoying. I wished the movie would have been more like the videogame.
  12. May can't get here soon enough.
  13. I can't wait for the new Tarentino movie. I read that the script is huge.
  14. Everyone has already mentioned the best games.
  15. I don't think it's fair to say that just because Ebert liked some Jennifer Lopez movies that other critics didn't that he is biased towards women. I like most Keanu Reeves' movies that doesn't mean I'm biased towards men. I don't get what your trying to say. EDIT: And Ebert liked the action in Anaconda, not Jennifer Lopez. In fact he mentions mostly Jon Voight in his review and hardly mentions Lopez.
  16. Actually the thing I'm most pissed off about besides Eternal Sunshine being screwed out of Best Picture and Best Directer. Clint Eastwood got a Nomination for Best Actor? Ok I admit the movie was great and he was a great directer....but his acting was hardly Oscar Worthy. How is it Eastwood got the nom but Paul Giamatti and Jim Carrey were not?
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