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Everything posted by METALMAN

  1. You have got to be kidding me! Mansa Musu and Isabella of Castille are totally the worst. I don't think I've had a game where she hasn't nagged on at me to convert to budhism every five minutes.
  2. I already knew that because I bought this week's NME for my train journey and it said that. It was actually right good until they started banging on about how Steely Dan is bad for music. They've lost a potential reader in me because of that outburst.
  3. I have just lost the soft spot I had for Chelsea due to that abomination. And Cech looks like a pgymy now. I'll be back when I see the new Kilmarnock kit. Hope you're all excitied!

    2Pac - Alive?

    Oh I was hoping you'd keep arguing. I'm in Edinburgh and it's boring as fuck. Might make a pizza.

    2Pac - Alive?

    Right I'll compromise. She isn't sickness inducing. Just less than average. 4/10. Right? I am not conceding on the funny head shape point. I'll concede that she is rich though. Fair enough?

    2Pac - Alive?

    She's not! Her head's a funny shape. Like an oblontongon.

    2Pac - Alive?

    ewww why would you want to?
  8. New or newish(or old) songs what I like right now: Bob Dylan - Life Is Hard - my favourite Bob Dylan song since Mississippi - which was like ten years ago and he's hardly been shit since then so yeah...very good. - sounds like Ryan Adams. So obviously I'm going to love it. - best song when I saw them last month Death Cab For Cutie - I Was A Kaleidoscope An old one, but I've been listening to it a lot recently given that it's one of those songs I have a lot of emotions and memories tied up in and all that emo crap that's become relevant again. Plus it's my favourite Death Cab song. good cover of a very good song. People should listen to this. - best album of last year - this sounds like the Rakes cause they sing about East Germany and stuff. except with a stupid name and some bird singing. Friendly Fires - Jump In The Pool - cause I'm seeing them next week. - Best song on their album last year. Yes it was. - Best Metric song since Monster Hospital and Glass Ceiling. Yes it is. Where The Streets Have No Name - Pet Shop Boys - good song before U2 messed it all up Pink Mountaintops - Vampire - acoustic guitar and noises and stuff. it's good. Oh I just realised he sings a bit like Win Butler. Not really though.
  9. hahaha. Melty face. My mum said that Lorraine has a face like a melted welly. >_>
  10. The village idiot quip was awesome though.

    2Pac - Alive?

    No it's not. That's Nicolas Anelka. >_>
  12. A guy just came through the Chelsea youth team who is Scottish, has my surname and has me as favoured personnel so I have decided that he is going to be my son. Pity he's shit.
  13. Mine: Yasmina Kate James :/ Ben Mona Philip Lorraine Debra WHO THE FUCK IS HOWARD? Howard
  14. Bah...what an idiot Ben was when he said he'd bring in James. i was totally gunning for Debra to get fired. She was a right bitch there. And even though Lorraine was correct, and routinely praised for it, she still managed to do so while being a total naggy whingebag.
  15. Those backwards slashes were so irritating I wanted to punch someone.
  16. So I thought my defence was severly weakened by losing both Ashley Cole and Alex in the transfer window and replacing the pair with Joe Mattock but it hasn't been that way. I've actually had a 100% start to the season so far and Ashley Young, who I played about twice the previous year, has been phenomenal. Well I didn't actually lose Ashley Cole. I'm just refusing to play him because he's not signing another contract. Hopefully gonna get rid of him in January. Oh and I just broke my personal transfer record on a manager game too. Cool.
  17. Why all the backwards slashes? Oh and I hate grammatics.
  18. The official update has the January transfer window update. I didn't expect it to, and I wasn't too bothered about it but I started a game and found Quaresma on loan at Chelsea. So they must have done it.
  19. Sbut up. You're making me feel bad about my Chelsea team. Yes and Ajax were annoying. I was 3-0 up at halftime in the first leg but somehow still got knocked out by them.
  20. Had a decent second season with Chelsea. My hopes of winning a domestic treble were ruined when Gabriel Heinze missed his penalty in the shootout against Man Utd in the FA Cup final. But still...I won the Premier League for the first time which is pretty good. My defence of the Champions League was completely dire though. Oh and I won the Super Cup and World Club Cup...but who cares? Now the plan is to hopefully get a cushy national job after the mass firings of the World Cup and be a bit of a Guus Hiddink. Here's the outline of my season. Transfers, league table, squad and that sort of thing...
  21. When I was three I could do calculus. That's well cooler. Clearly you haven't acquainted yourself with Keith Moon's drumming style. Oh and he's three/four...allow him a bit of leeway yeah?
  22. I'm a bit worried by the number of people who have lost music due to hard drive failures. I'd totally flip out if that happened to me. Gonna back up my hard drive tonight just in case.
  23. ...none of these people look like me. >_>
  24. WHy does such a thing as that even bother you? Even though you are wrong, of course.
  25. I'm quite surprised by this. I thought the definition of the lock-up is "stage for bands I haven't heard of/don't like/gallows". It looks good actually.
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