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The Donators
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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Same here. Wright-Phillips is class. Bloody annoyed now because of the draw. Chelsea have gone VERY clear, and like you said mudda, a mircale would be nice.
  2. I bought it on PS2...then gave up. Bad idea, should've probably got it on PC. I'm not good at games like that where ya gotta be stealthy. But other than that, it's an awesome game.
  3. I've tried to play different games with Arsenal and Crystal Palace, and couldn't get into it. But since I started this game with Yeovil Town, I can't put it down. I got sacked by Yeovil and then took the Notts County job and have been doing fantastically. Took them over when they were 23rd in League Two, and have one game remaining in the league and I am 4th! No chance of automatic promotion, but a win in the Play-Offs could, and would be brilliant.
  4. Thomas Graveson is being linked with a move to Real Madrid by the Spanish news papers accordint to the Sky Sports website. Um...somehow I don't see that happening. Nothing against Graveson, but I don't see him as "Real material".
  5. After a fantastic start with Yeovil Town, bringing them to 2nd/3rd in the table, my team decided to hit the self destruct button. I had Mark Burchill on loan and was doing great, but then his loan expires and he goes back to Portsmouth. Fine. Not only that, two of my other strikers go down injured for 4 weeks. OK, great. I bring in Will Johnson from Blackburn on a season-long loan and he does ok, scoring 3 goals before...I get sacked. 13 games without a win, about 10 or 11 were defeats, I got fed up up. Tried everything I could think of to get my team to win, but no cigar. So, I issue an ultimatum to the board for more transfer fees, but they tell me to stick it and send me packing. After a month floating around, I get offered the Notts County job. First game is a good 2-0 win, second I believe I lost but I also got FIVE players injured! Bloody bastards...
  6. I will be surprised if either Ledley King or Jermaine Defoe are still at Tottenham come the end of next season. More to the point, I'll be surprised if one or the other doesn't sign for Arsenal at that time. I can see one going to Chelsea or Man Utd and the other coming to Arsenal. I prefer King at Arsenal, and I can see it happening.
  7. Usually just buy albums from Play.com or Amazon.co.uk. Cheaper than the shops so.
  8. Jimmy Bullard is a Wigan Athletic midfielder. Besides that I know naff all about him...except for the fact he is now my captain because the rest of my team have no influence whatsoever. Smertin and Cygan are my most influential players and they're on 3 month long loans!
  9. Kate Winslet I think she's so damn hot. Natural as well, and not a fucking twig...and she doesn't seem to have a problem with taking her clothes off for films
  10. I splashed the cash (about £1.5m) for Jimmy Bullard, and now I can't raise the funds to sign Vanden Borre! I need a measly £780k, but I only have £425k and apparently he becomes a friggin god in the game down the line! Nobody wants to sign any of Neil Shipperly, Dougie Freedman, Wayne Andrews, Tommy Black, Shaun Derry...none of them! Why dammit why?
  11. I started another new game, this time as Crystal Palace. I'm still in pre-season and I'm trying to raid the Wigan team for players. Tried to get Nathan Ellington but he chose fucking WOLVES over Premiership Palace! Twit. Trying to get Jimmy Bullard and Jason Roberts aswell. I've managed to get Alexei Smertin on a 3 month loan from Chelski and am trying to bring in Pascal Cygan on a free transfer from Arsenal. Also, on PES4 I found a guy called Vanden Boore who was 16 and pretty talented. He's slowly becoming amazing with my PES4 Arsenal side so I thought I'd look him up on FM...bloody Real Madrid, Marseille, Barcelona, Arsenal and AC Milan want him! Oh, can anyone recomend me any CHEAP, decent defenders? I haven't started the season but I know for a fact I'm gonna be leaking goals.
  12. TMM

    King Arthur - Movie

    It's a good film if you're gonna watch and not think about any of the facts. Think about it as if it were a completely fictitious film, not based on any facts of myths or whatever and it's really easy to enjoy. But, if you do start thinking "hey, that's fucking bullshit, Arthur wasn't a Roman" then it can easily stop being enjoyable. I knew it was gonna be a bit of a strange story twist and stuff, but it's a good film methinks.
  13. Well, I've got the following games sitting next to my PS2 which I have still yet to complete... The Getaway: Black Monday X-Files: Resist or Serve X-Men: Legends Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon RAW vs. SmackDown! Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force On my PC, I have: C&C: Red Alert 2 Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2 Star Trek DS9: The Fallen Yup, will probably never complete any of them the way I am.
  14. Apparently (my brother told me, crappy source) both Man Utd and Arsenal are after Jussi Jaaskelainen. Personally, he'd be welcomed to Highbury with open arms by me. He's a fantastic 'keeper, although I don't see him moving, at least not in January.
  15. TMM

    X-Men Legends

    Got the game today. I think it is really good. I've managed to get to the third level before I had to eat, and haven't playd it for a little while, but I thoroughly enjoyed what I've played so far. It's really easy to pick up on and, as someone said, if you've played any of the LotR games on PS2, the premise is the same. The graphics are really nice and for some reason, I love the comic-booky look of the characters.
  16. 95% of Man Utd penalty decisions. Seriously, they usually are clear dives or would never be given at the other end.
  17. How many people play the game as two clubs at once? I might do an Arsenal/Yeovi game, haven't done a double team game in a while, so this should be fun.l
  18. TMM

    X-Men Legends

    You get some replay value in that you unlocked some new attire for the X-Men, and since you can only use 4 X-Men while fighting baddies you can customize them whichever way you want. So instead of focusing on Wolverine, you can focus on Psyloche and build her up. ← Mmmm....Psyloche. What? She's hot dammit...isn't she dead in the comics though? Yeah, just ordered the game and hopefully it'll arrive before Xmas. Ain't holding my breath though
  19. Arsenal going 49 domestic games unbeaten will NEVER be replicated. Definetly not in my life-time, and I highly doubt any time afterwards. Purely awesome stuff we produced, and nobody else even looked on our level throughout the season.
  20. I actually thought the game was pretty decent. Nothing to write home about, but entertaining nontheless. I could see us winning, just didn't know where the goal would come from. And fuck me if I didn't spill my damn drink when Sol scored!
  21. List is already made ← Bastard. He said give it til Saturday...:'(
  22. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm trying to justify ways to blow such a big chunk of my paycheck on something so frivolous. And while it's tough to find an excuse, I just really want one. I guess I'm tired of not having music on demand; when I'm away from my computer, I always find myself wanting to listen to songs I don't have burned to CD. I see myself breaking down and buying one within a month and a half. ← Exactly the same here. An Ipod costs half of a months pay, but I do really want one, but I dunno if I wanna blow that much money on it.
  23. 1. The Who 2. Queen 3. Status Quo 3. Coldplay 4. Green Day 5. The Darkness 6. Deep Purple 7. Elvis Presley 8. Rainbow 9. Led Zepplin 10. Guns N Roses
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