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The Donators
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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Green Day - American Idiot Haven't got round to listening to it yet though...
  2. My Palace team are really having problems scoring. Andy Johnson just isn't performaing whatsoever and my top scorers are Dean Richards and Dougie Freedman with 1! I'm trying out Torghelle in the line-up and I'm gonna give both Neil Shipperly and Alessio Cerci a go see if they can score. My team isn't actually playing badly, they just can't bloody score!
  3. Well, Ferguson hasn't fielded a fully strength side so far in this competition, and if he does field a fully strengthed side against us (when we will play a young side) that'll be Fergie trying to one-up Wenger.
  4. Frank McLintock was singing the lads praises during the coverage thingy on Sky Sports, and it's great to hear how well the kids did against the team 3rd place in the Premiership.
  5. So, Van Nistelrooy admits to fouling, but its still Wengers fault? get over it. I don't know why people even bother saying the 'if this happened we would of won' type of things, you didn't tough shit. ← I could say the same thing to every Arsenal fan still moaning over the fact that they were robbed at Old Trafford. ← I don't know any Arsenal fans who are "still moaning" over the game. I'm over it and I'm looking forward to Saturday's North London derby, biggest derby in Britain by far. If we beat Tottenham on Saturday you can sure as hell bet our season will be back on track.
  6. Need more characters like Emlyn Hughes around nowadays. There's no such thing as a footballing 'character' nowadays.
  7. FINALLY arrived today about 2:30 or summit. Haven't been able to get into it just yet as I'm a tad ill so that's keeping my concentration short, but hopefully when I'm feelin better I'll be able to get into it properly.
  8. I still haven't got the game, but surely having flashbacks to one of the greatest manager games ever created cannot be bad can it? In my opinion, 03/04 was the best CM, so if I get flashbacks to that I'll be happy!
  9. Mine still hasn't arrived ...I need a hug... :'(
  10. My bloody copy will arrive today just to piss me off coz I'm working til 10 today and the 9-5 2moro. I gonna cry...
  11. Ok...HURRY UP NEXT YEAR!!! Can't wait til it is released...
  12. I don't see it as a disgrace personally. Ferdinand missed the test, and in the eyes of the FA etc, he took performance enhancing drugs which was why he didn't turn up. And for all we know, that is the exact reason. If that were the case, 8 months is a let off. But back on subject, Mutu took a recreational drug and admitted it. He didn't deny it. Performance enhancing drugs and recreational drugs are two ENTIRELY different things, and the punishment should be intirely different. 7 months is a good time suspension, but the fine I would've increased for the simple fact £20,000 is nothing to him.
  13. See? Gooner is usefull every now and again! Nah I'm kiddin, I love ya really...kinda... Thanks for the thingy
  14. ← Don't worry, fineintent had to pay £7 more to get it from Gameplay. I'm willing to wait over the weekend to save that. ← I'm not....I want it now! NOW, NOW, NOW!!!
  15. CUNT!!! Mine's still stuck in processing from yesterday! I want my Football Manager!!!
  16. I'd change one thing from that and that is putting in Pennant for Freddie. Now, Pennant has yet to show what he is cappable of for Arsenal but if the guy ever PLAYED he would be awesome. To be honest, I don't think we'd lose much if Freddie wasn't a part of the side. While I don't want him going anyway, I wouldn't really be bothered all that much. Anyway, this is the team I'd have out: GK: Taylor RB: Lauren LB: Cole CB: Toure CB: Campbell RM: Pennant LM: van Persie CM: Vieira CM: Gilberto/Fabregas (they were talking about how we've missed him recently and I have noticed this. Fabregas isn't ready to be playing week in week out just yet) ST: Henry ST: Reyes
  17. I've always really liked the N64 controllers. They were simple to use and really easy to pick up. Of course, the PS2 controllers are simple as hell as well so.
  18. I was rather annoyed again that we couldn't get it done. That said, both were definetly penalties and I was amazed that the referee had the balls to give our one! Cygan was obviosuly at fault, but I feel really sorry for the guy he truly did look gutted/embarressed/whatever you wanna say. I feel bad for him considering the ammount of stick he takes. Mind you; he does deserve it.
  19. I ordered mine 31st August...let's hope and pray I get it early Actually...let's hope I have enough money in my account! Oh shit, must go check that...
  20. I can almost taste it now... ← Yay! Mine says the same thing!!!! YAY!!!! Just out of interest, will it arrive Wednesday or Thursday? Which is more likely?
  21. Just got this sent into my inbox a little while ago: For those who can't be arsed to visit the link up there, he's the stuff in it: There's also a bunch of indies that'll stock the game but I can't be arsed to copy and paste them coz it's a huge list. A day early though! How great is that? Saves me from getting annoyed while at work coz I'd be working Friday and it'd be in my head all day thinking about it. 4 days! Can't wait!
  22. Agreed. 96 and 98 were both great ones.
  23. At the moment I'm beginning to sour on the idea of buying it. While looking amazing, I'm a little disappointed afterreading that review. I'm gonna go cancel my order on Amazon for now. Might (see: probably will) get it later in the year or something.
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