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The Donators
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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Ray Parlour or Tony Adams. Just love their style of play in that they're "typical English players". 100% committed to the cause and would never stop playing until the final whistle went. That's what we're lacking now; a "typical English player".
  2. Oh god knows. I'm in the midst of collecting the X-Files sexy boxsets, and I'm midway through season 3 now. Basically, once I finish one season I'll get the next, so it depends for me. I'd say about £100 or so at least though.
  3. I got annoyed because I was reading the credits/cast list in the manual and it says who does the voices of all the characters...therefore giving away all the ones you get to unlock. The characters in the cutscenes look good I think. They look and feel cartoonish/comic-booky which, in my opinion, is one of the best things about the game. I'm so glad they didn't try and make them look 'humanly-real'.
  4. * Echoes TheReilDeal's statement about when Daniel ascended in Stargate * When Data died in Star Trek: Nemesis...that was so damn emotional for me! The end of Return of the King was sad as well. EDIT: Oooo, the end of Season 7 of Stargate SG-1...that was rather emotional I must say...
  5. I bought it last month, played it for a day or two and stopped for some reason. This despite me thinking that the game is great. So I started playing it again last night and I'm up to the same part (rescuing the crewmen from the Arbiter). I love the flashback missions, hope there are a lot.
  6. I noticed that when I started a game as Sevilla after signing Hernan Crespo and Juan Veron. I had 5 non-EU players. I got bored after about 2 friendlies though and quit. But now I intend to start again as Sevilla and STICK WITH IT...I've got £12m in the bank and am lining up Nigel De Jong, Maarten Stekelenburg and Andy Van Der Meyde at the mo. I should be able to get at least two of them, so that's good.
  7. Neither do I. Started as bit of a joke thing between me and Summers that seemed to go on...ok so I added a bit at the end but who's counting?
  8. Yeah with Rooney diving to win a penalty... ← And had a rightful penalty appeal not given. Thank you. ← Seens as we're talking about the League game now... Rio Ferdinand shouldn't have been on the pitch by then...
  9. They haven't released it in the UK yet, so I'm awating that. But there have been no signs that they're planning to so far
  10. I just have. It seems pretty neat. For those who don't know about it, you pay £7.99 and get 4 DVD's (or pay £9.99 for 6 per month) for rental per month and you can keep the DVD's for as long as you want. You're allowed only half of those at home at once, and as soon as you send those back you get the next ones sent to you. There's no charge for P&P or delivery, so I though...why not? Anyone signed up for this?
  11. Kevin Campbell has joined West Brom. Would post a link, but somebody broke it at Sky Sports.
  12. Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) - Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) - Alien/s/3/Resurection Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) - Star Trek: Generations/First Contact/Insurrection/Nemesis Arwen (Liv Tyler) - Lord of the Rings Deloris Van Cartier/Sister Mary Clarence (Whoopi Goldberg) - Sister Act 1 & 2
  13. Well, the team that reached the semi-finals of the League Cup wasn't exactly a reserve side now was it? Second, don't take it away from Exeter. This is the magic of the FA Cup when teams from the minnows get a result against the big guns. Teams like Exeter and Yeovil put in 110% in these matches. Mind you, doesn't take away the fact that Man Utd couldn't beat a Conference side
  14. Wow, thats still not funny. ← It's only funny when Arsenal fans say it.
  15. I watched bits of it, and the only thing that kept me entertained was the fans. They made quite the sound. Otherwise, the football was boring. I hated the way the commentators said that the Old Firm Derby was the biggest game in British football. Bullshit. Chelsea vs. Arsenal Man Utd vs. Arsenal Everton vs. Liverpool Liverpool vs. Newcastle Liverpool vs. Man Utd There's more that are bigger, but ya get my point.
  16. Apparently, they broke up because Jennifer Aniston has been refusing to put family first. what I've read is that she wants to put her career first because she doesn't want to be remembered as the girl from Friends.
  17. Except JBL doesn't have a tattoo of a fascist dictator, nor can Di Canio claim to be "in character". ← He could...football's all fake you know.
  18. I just like them. Not quite sure why, because the lyrics make no bloody sense. But I tend to just blur out the lyrics, and I enjoy it.
  19. Do you have a completely black screen? If so, it's probably the same problem as mine. I think it's with the same skin as well. You've probably simply got the actual skin folder inside of another folder with the same name. That's what my problem was. If there's folder inside the folder with the same name, then you've got that problem. Take the stuff out and just get rid of the first folder
  20. God damn it. I was trying to get Daniel Spaul from Arsenal at the end of my first season, and before they accept, he's released. OK, great. I sign him and everything is hunky dory. Except...I'm stil trying to sign him! It says there's a bid being made for him, and it's from me and it just won't go away! I can't reject/accept it and I can't cancel the bid either! It's gonna get annoying I say...
  21. Much of the bashing came from their early season "we'll play for a 1-0 win" performance in which it would've been more fun to watch paint dry. Also, some of it comes from the fact Chelsea (if the win it) would have essentially bought the league. Anyway, they've been fantastic as of late, and if they win the league, credit where credit's due...although we're still gonna win it
  22. It really, was not a difficult call. They've shown the replay about 1000 times on Sky Sports News today, and where the linesman ended up, it's damn clear that the ball crossed the line. Now, granted he was out of position when the shot was taken, but by the time Carroll had dropped the ball, the linesman had a good enough view that anyone with the ability to see with their eyes should've seen it crossed the line. Shitty positioning for all the officials.
  23. I have the urge to murder AJ...bloody Limp Bizkit murderized that song! It made me wanna cry whenever I heard it, nobody can cover the Who...nobody.
  24. Just found the worst refereeing mistake ever... From today's game with Tottenham, the goal wasn't given despite the ball being about a foot inside the net.
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