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Everything posted by Laice07

  1. Harry Potter in the top 20 NOT NUMBER 1 :pinch: Its alright , top 20 is not bad at all, here's hoping these films are in the top 10: Spiderman 2, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, The Incrdeibles, Million Dollar Baby and Kill Bill Volume 2. I always thought Harry Potter was better then Shrek 2 overall(a bit from the fanboy in me, but realistically) and whatever Shrek 2's place in that list, The Prisoner of Azkaban should be there. Anyway looking forward to mthe list, while I'm still patiently waiting for Numbah's to stop being busy and start posting his thoughts on the year that was...2004.
  2. Trailer looks good...nothing mindblowing but they are tweaking everything up for the date. They also added an extra 20 million dollars to its already large budget to make the final battle with Doom more exciting. Overall though, I'm really anticipating the film!!
  3. Yeah, I know its sad, but work has been killer in school but I'm still managing to find some time for games. Plus I'm balancing out Resident Evil 4, Star Wars:Knights of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and Metroid Prime 2, all excellent games!!
  4. In Good Company: 7.5/10: A Surprisingly sweet, funny movie that feels real, because it does happen everyday. The Cast were all fantastic. They definently know how to spell Chemistry .
  5. The Friggin El Gigante was awseome....yet very frustrating...another intense boss battle...right now I've found Sarah and learned what I have to do next...any tips before I go and try to reach the helicopter.......with Sarah?? By the way I've actually never jumped so many times in any game but this one...best way to play it is in the dark, with the only light coming from the game.
  6. Spoilers Wow.....I'm at the Fish boss....its pure awseomness.
  7. Laice07

    Next Breakup

    Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff....Come on...their hiding their love with each other by pretending to dislike one another. Really though...I don't know...maybe Dicaprio will split with his model and get a hotter one. Garner and Afflec are supposedly going out, and if thats true that won't last long.
  8. My favourites Padme Amidala Aowyn from LOTR(sorry for the spelling) Princess Leia Hermoine Granger The Bride from Kill Bill Mia Wallace Celementine from Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind There are many more...sorry can't pick one, but those are most of them.
  9. You see the Ring Looks creepy, I missed out seeing the first one(which in my mind was pretty good). Hope its better then the Grudge.
  10. Too bad...seems like the only celebs that could do it right is Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, there's also Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze. But I agree with Dogg, the breakup was overdue, even though they looked great together.
  11. Well I have have all 3 systems, and to my knowledge PS2 owners will have to wait a long time(around 6 months) for RE4 goodness. I played the demo and it seriously is the best Survival Horror game ever made.
  12. There have been some amazing titles for the Gamecube, and I was really excited about this game, but after reading the review on IGN, my excitment has reached at its max level(and I thought only Mario, Link and Samus could do that I need this game!! Here's the review, the score: 9.8/10 You don't own Resident Evil 4. It owns you.
  13. Laice07

    Love Song Help

    I'll be Watching you from The Police Your Still the One from Shania Twain From this moment from shania twain Any Celine Dion song
  14. whoops..stupid me. Thanks. Just saw the SNL video...don't know if I should feel sorrt for her or not. I mean I dig her sister
  15. I want to see the SNL performance....does anyone know a link? As for the halftime show...well she's the only person when singing makes William Hung bearable.
  16. Yes Kingdom of Heaven is an epic....but Ridley Scott is directing it, I loved Gladiator and I have very high hopes for the movie even with Orlando Bloom as the main star. It looks amazing. Check out the Trailer Now does anyone know what period this is in?? I hope Mr. Scott doesn't show the Muslims as raving lunatics... and Christains as the good guys, because of what I know both had evil doings. Movie looks great...coming out on May.
  17. Here's my top 10 movies that I'm most anticipating in 2005(I bet you could guess my top 2) 10.) Charlie and the chocolate factory 9.) Sin City 8.) Fantastic 4 7.) Constantine 6.) Batman Begins 5.)King Kong 4.)War Of The Worlds 3.)Kingdom of Heaven 2.)Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire 1.)Star Wars Epsiode III: Revenge of The Sith(I guess I'm one of the rare people who loved Episode II)
  18. I'm Lovin it....and its not McDonalds. Great work so far! I didn't see Man on Fire yet, but I did watch Walking Tall....and I agree for the most part about your thoughts on the movie.
  19. Dumb and Dumber: 8.5/10 An amazing comedy with hilarious moments in every moment you look at Jim Carrey.
  20. I'm with you Numbahs, 5/10. I can't wait to see Harry Potter in there
  21. Sideways: 8.5/10 Collateral: 8/10, Jamie Foxx Rules. I want him to win for Best Actor, for this film or Ray
  22. Muppets Christmas Carol If you want my #2 and #3: 2.)Home Alone 3.)Elf
  23. Awseome. SO she said more characters will die in the final 2 books....who's your pick(s) in the upcoming 6th book of the Harry Potter series. I hope its Percy...he deserves it.
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