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Everything posted by LexChaney

  1. You look a little like Owen Wilson in your personal photo.

  2. Nope. Only Schulz can play Murdoch and make him seem clever yet crazy.
  3. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A-Team. Taken from BBC I fucking love The A-Team so I'm pretty hyped that news about a film version is going around. Mr. T better have an apperance in it. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0DTWGmcEY4Q While not related I still had to post this. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wyz_2DEah4o Oh, related. The theme music to the A-Team.
  4. Just got a Game Cube for £14.99 and two games with it. Resident Evil: Zero and Resident Evil 2. I'm yet to play on it. But it's there for a rainy day and that. I just need the Resident Evil remake for it now.
  5. Yeah I made that mistake and decided that I preferred to be entertained and engrossed when playing games as opposed to being terrified about turning my character around towards a noise. It's just me being a Pussy. But it scared the shit out of me. When I turned it off I could hear noises in my room so I went and slept on the couch. >_< Still I'm half way into MK Vs. DC which is good. I'm enjoying that and it ain't made me scared yet. Just makes me want to watch a Sonya Blade and Catwoman Porn film. Oh, Joker is the best character on the game, after Batman like and then I think it's Superman on the DC side.
  6. Fuck playing Condemned 2 in a dark room at night. Fuck that.
  7. I have COD:WAW. I like it, but the only decent thing is Online play and the Zombie game. Oh, do we have any Devil May Cry fans on the board? I loved the first three games and at the moment I am wondering if to get the 4th. But I wanted to know what the fans of the game think first.
  8. Oblivion. I've poured 200 hours into it and I still don't feel like I'm wearing it thin at all (not yet half way through any guild missions, only a few missions into the main quest and constantly have a dozen side quests on my to-do list). I will pick Oblivion up on Monday. I just got Condemned 2 to keep me busy at the moment. Just read the Wiki report, it sounds like a game that I will really enjoy. Thanks Chris. (Y) When I get it expect me to be on msn talking to you about it.
  9. Yeah I was put off with her hair once. But I looked passed it. If Britney can do it, then so can Belladonna.
  10. Ok, I need people to recommend some decent games to me. I like games that have a decent storyline, RPG elements, twists and good characters. I can't stand stealth games (Except MGS series). I don't mind shooting, fighting but I don't want it all the time in the game. I like something that has a mystery to it and that can keep you hooked for a long time. Maybe something with a conspiracey. Maybe a mix of what I have listed, but I bet that there aren't any games that are like this. If you know of any for the PS2 or PS3 please state here. Also thanks in advance. It can be any-game at all, I will take any advice in the correct direction.
  11. Do not pull that sick face and then mention Belladonna. She's a very attractive woman. Also her ass hole could fit a truck in it, if you tried. Belladonna was my first porn love.
  12. I love this kind of thing from the construed "rivalry" between Arnie and Sly - I'm sure it was reversed somewhere with Arnie appearing as Rambo on a poster in another film...I thought it was Demolition Man, in the President Schwarzanegger Museum/Library, but perhaps not... It was the same with Bruce Willis films at the time. Take Die Hard for example, he mentions Arnie and Rambo in the film. The three of them at the time in the 90's were the main three actors in action movies. Saying that Die Hard was mentioned in Last Action Hero and was directed by John McTiernan who was the director on Die Hard. Bridgette Wilson
  13. I love this film. It's great, I love the cameos that a lot of actors make in the film. Robert Patrick, Sharon Stone, Stallone (I was laughing my head off when he was on the Terminator 2 poster).
  14. I made a list like this last night. I don't know if this is all of them? But some I can think of at the moment. 1) I Am Alive 2) Mass Effect 2 3) Batman: Arkham Asylum 4) Heavy Rain (This is a must have) 5) Resident Evil 5 6) Mafia 2 7) Godfather 2 8) Splinter Cell: Conviction 9) Prototype 10) DC Universe Online 11) Just Cause 2 12) The Outsider 13) Tekken 6 14) APB 15) Yakuza 3 (Loved the first two games) 16) Duke Nukem Forever (If it ever comes out) 17) Ride to Hell 18) Hydrophobia 19) Hei$t (Y) 20) This Is Vegas
  15. This is the kind of film that makes you less of a man for watching it. Yet, I will end up watching it when my Mother wants to. She made me watch Brokeback Mountain before.
  16. You had just made me fall in love with your name and avatar.

  17. I'd say Dexter. Worth the watch really and keeps you gripped to the action. Chuck wasn't all that bad, but I never really got into it. I will also pimp out The Deadzone to some people who want a good show to watch. If you don't want to watch the TV shows, you can always watch the film with Christopher Walken. It's based on the novel by Stephen King.
  18. Oh fucking hell. Another of my Artists who I liked has died. A legend and will be missed. I always liked him along with Mark Speight and Neil Buchanan.
  19. LexChaney

    Early Edition.

    Yeah I watched this show. It was pretty cool when I was a kid watching it. I think he had a friend or something who kept asking him for the lottery results or something. [Maybe a spoiler for a future episode] Spoiler: Click here to viewI recall an episode when there was two things on the front page. One about a little girl getting run over and another about a plane crash. It's cool how they interlink at the end. I may get these on DVD sometime. It was this show that made me watch The DeadZone, which was a lot better than Early Edition, but still Early Edition is a cool show. ITV used to show it on Saturday afternoons years ago.
  20. Curious to see Chyna's penis? It's for research.
  21. Ok, I need to be very, very, very subtle in how I put this. Looking over google images last night I came across "One Night in China" caps for the film. I am yet to see this film. I am asking does anyone on here own this film or have it on their computer, I suspect that you won't due to that it's Chyna. If you do MSN, or PM me.
  22. First comment.

    I think you will become a good member here. Also you get kudos for being a fan of Ghosts lol.

  23. No worries. I just wanted to pass it on and see if the members of EWB to see they would enjoy it. The London Underground has a lot of history, so if you don't believe in Ghost's it's just worth a watch to see what goes in the stations and that. I think Most Haunted once went down into the Underground, I'll have a look and post that in here if I find it. [Edit] Yeah they did, so here it is. Part One http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9HtoV_0Hmh0 Part Two http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8xdQh2DTplg&...feature=related Part Three http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Xry-d3CPflI&...feature=related Part Four http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dmKr8eoXpI8&...feature=related Part Five http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs7AIf9dn0c&...feature=related
  24. Phil Collins. Take your pick really, I've heard most of his music today and it's all good. Phil's music speaks to me and stops me feeling sad for myself. On the iPod, A Day Away. I can't stop playing their music.
  25. It's my thing, thats what I must be attracted to.
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