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Everything posted by LexChaney

  1. You may say that Harry Redknapp over-rated, but if anyone can help Spurs it has to be Redknapp.
  2. I know I have bumped an old thread, but I did not want to make a new one since there was already one on the board. Watched the Premier of the second series tonight on Virgin 1. I have to say that I have missed the show, it was a welcome return. The story is coming along very well and they always seem to wrap up any loose ends that they have. Contains Spoilers for S2 EP1 Spoiler: Click here to viewIt's been said that they don't show emotion, but what was with all the saying "I love you John, I know you love me." It kind of struck me as they never show emotion, was it there to throw John off. I hope they explain this in the future episodes. I liked how John came into his own and took up the leadership a little when he defied what they had told him to do. Lastly, Summer Glau is just pure hotness.
  3. Welcome back -Matt-, I thought you had died or something.

  4. I hate Aresenal so much after I lost to them 7-1, I was Manchester United. But I did win Manager of the Month with United for September and manage to get a 6-1 over Sunderland, I wasn't cheering mind you. Anyone know of any good players that could actually win The Premiership for my team? I'll take anyone since Gamst was a waste of 14mil from Blackburn. EDIT: Oh, some decent tactics wouldn't be all that bad.
  5. I had my doubts about Heskey being in the team, but he proved to be a key part in the team and set up most of the goals. It's a shame that he did not manage to get one himself. Lampard and Gerrard were both awful in a England shirt, they do not seem to gel all that well. I was not that happy about the formation that they played, I was happy when they changed it and it seemed to work out for the best. Beckham = Happy England fans. (Y)
  6. Good work there Idol. Need to see the full gear on you, but I bet it looks perfect. What happens if I dress up as Ultimate Warrior, or Randy Savage it will be like a Wrestlemania re-match.
  7. "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie. It can never get old with me, I love Lionel.
  8. I loved The Krypton Factor when I was young, I enjoyed the assualt course at the end of the show more.
  9. I watch James Marsters, Nick Lea, Gillian Anderson, Bruce Willis, Christian Bale, Bradd Pitt, Mr. Depp and Edward Norton in anything. I like anything with Johnny Depp in, he's able to make the role and film act really good.
  10. Oh Cock. Why do I need to be tested on which team to surport now.
  11. Paul Newman has always been a great actor, he will be missed. I didn't know he even had cancer to tell you the truth. RIP Paul Newman.
  12. So FM 08 on the 360 is going well. I started unemployed, I was offered the job of Nigeria and decided to take it. I managed to get them in Semi-Final of the African Nations Cup, I lost 3-2 in the end. I left after that game and took on the job at Norwich. I haven't played a game yet, but should do before the weekend. For the PC. I'm at Blackburn and we are yet to get a win after six games, we have two points so far.
  13. 1-1 so far, but Robinho has scored which is good.
  14. So Blackburn lost. Sunderland managed to get a point out of a game that they had in the bag. >_< Anyway, the richest team play soon, Chelsea will also be there. I have been waiting most of the day for this game, it should be good. Also I may have gone overboard with the smileys.
  15. Following consuming several Cobra beers on Saturday, it seemed like the perfect time to jump into the world of FM Manager. I started a game with Preston North End, the only player I picked up for the team was Matt Jansen. I managed to get them to the 3rd round of the League Cup, also we are 9th at the moment, but we have had a few losses. On my other file, Blackburn managed to pick up a draw with Spurs at WHL in the opening day of the premiership. This came with a price, both David Bentley and Morten Gamst Pedersen are now injured.
  16. Khan is not a decent boxer, he was good in the Olympics, but that was about it. Put him in the ring with a decent boxer and that's what you get, a 30 second beat down. I bet half of Bolton paid to see the match as well, myself I viewed the highlights on Sky Sports News, not that there were many highlights.
  17. When I was a kid I fell in love with Batman: TAS, I recently got the first series on DVD and it was well worth the money I paid for them. The Joker does make the series for me, Mark Hamill was awesome with his voice acting for him. Spiderman was also good, I loved the Green Goblin storyline along with the entrance of the Hobgoblin. Just watched Superman: Doomsday which had some decent voice talents and a good storyline.
  18. Darnell and his was rap was impressive, he needs to get some kind of deal when he comes out of the house. The lyrics seemed a lot better than what the rest came up with. I cannot belive that Rex fucked his up, it was all going so well and the words did rhyme.
  19. Just seen the beginning of the film, the opening scene with the bank was pretty impressive. I adored Joker along with his magic trick with the pencil, it was very comical.
  20. Mikey is a cock, if he wins I will have lost all faith in Big Brother and its fans. He has tried to turn half the house agaisn't Rex, he does nothing but fucking eat like a pig. Also why is Mikey in the house, to get the check at the end like the rest of them. REX TO WIN, SO VOTE FOR HIM 09016 16 16 14 Also don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but I'll put it in tags. Spoiler: Click here to viewDOUBLE EVICTION ON TUESDAY THE HOUSEMATES WITH THE LOWEST AMOUNT OF TO WIN VOTES WILL BE EVICTED!! Also as you can tell I hate Mikey, and want a piece of Rex.
  21. I need to complete the England file I have on FM08, I have them in Euro 2008 but I am yet to get to the first game they have to play. I may play it after, it depends on how much I have to drink. Grand Theft Auto IV is another one I need to get around to doing as well, I will some this week when I have time. I always end up fucking about on it in the end.
  22. Cock. Better make that 3 goals for City. City 3 - 0 Sunderland
  23. Sara could win for being bullied.
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