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Daniel Bryan

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Status Replies posted by Daniel Bryan

  1. I haven't even seen Daredevil yet and I'm already kinda getting sick of it. I can't escape talk of it on Reddit, Facebook or youtube.

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Did somebody mention Daredevil? I could talk about it all day!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycdcYlSUAWs - best promo vid in years, better build in 4mins than the 3 years Vince has wasted... Goosebumps, even if the match will be shit...
    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      I did get that, and it is straight-up hilarious, I love it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycdcYlSUAWs - best promo vid in years, better build in 4mins than the 3 years Vince has wasted... Goosebumps, even if the match will be shit...
    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      I love the implication that The Rock is responsible for Cena's divorce.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Cabin in the Woods. Buy or rent? Most horror is usually only good for one viewing. Is this worth multiple?

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      It's one of those films I still enjoy, even though I know all the beats.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. I have a Avril Lavigne song stuck in my head :(

  6. Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak, and seats thirty-five?

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      She blinds everybody with her superhigh beams, she's a squirrel squashing, deer smacking, driving machine!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Donald Glover should take up rapping, he's good at it.

  8. I'm using Ezekial Jackson's theme music to help teach kids in school...is there anything generic theme music can't teach people?

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      This here what you call education.

  9. The smark jokes are worse than Otto von Bismarck in a pimento loaf deli on Palm Sunday.

  10. Sittin on the porch, playin EWR during a rainstorm,awesome

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      You're too liberal with use of the word "awesome".

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. If for any reason, you blame a heinous crime on anyone other than the perpetrator of said crime, and you have no evidence, YOU SUCK. Internet, I'm looking at you.

  12. Hey guys, why did Nick Gage cross the road where the bank was? BECAUSE AWESOME KONG IS BLACK.

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Was she on the same side of the street as him? Because that's understandable.

  13. Gotta choose a Christmas Movie; what do you guys think, Die Hard or Lethal Weapon?

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      I can only assume that was a typo and you meant to ask "Die Hard or Die Hard 2?"

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Just a reminder to not post Survivor Series or Raw spoilers in the shoutbox!

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Boo, now I know that something worth spoiling did or didn't happen. :/

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. I propose that if your first post is "Hi guys, I'm new here, a friend of mine recommended this board to me," you are a double account 100% of the time.

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Obviously; we all know that no one on this board has any friends.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Is "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman any good? I found a cheap copy of it, wondering if I should buy it for my trip...

  17. Bear walked into a bar. Bear said to deer. May I please......................................have a drink. And so deer says to bear: "Why the long pause?"

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      A blind man walks into a bar, but he is unaware of his surroundings so to derive humour from it would be exploitative.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. I hate Michael Cole.. and CM Punk is still mean

  19. I hate Michael Cole.. and CM Punk is still mean

  20. Serena Deeb has large breasts, and therefore cannot have been fired for anything other than gross public drunkenness or sexual misdemeanour. Because nobody with tits that nice could ever be an average-to-mediocre worker or anything... I mean... THE TITS!

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Yes, a woman was fired from WWE because she was only an average worker. That must be it.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. That's a real popular song! Who wants to hear of it fifty times more?

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      He's not even behind the box. He's barely obscured by the box.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Those loonies are gonna blow up the ocean!

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