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Status Replies posted by Kaney

  1. Another 12 hours to vote for this week's Pop Prom...some people need to vote if they don't want to get taken off the roster...

  2. is this Swinger2000 guy 10 orr 11? if there's a board member ten years younger than me I'm actually gonna cry


  4. Is the spoiler ban on the Superbowl in effect still? Or can we tell the people of Cleveland that the Browns didn't win the Superbowl....

  5. EWBers overdid an old joke!

  6. NEW EWB CONTEST! Whoever is happiest about nampleaca being banned gets a dollar.

  7. is no longer sick! Has awful side effects from all the meds that he's suffering through at the moment, but he is no longer sick! Joyous!

  8. So yeah, update on that whole sick thing. This is ridiculous. Last night I had a fever of 104, I wake up and it's down to 102.7. I'm coughing up blood and vomitting. Going to keep taking medicine, see if it helps, but at this rate I'll probably have to see someone. I don't know what you did to me, Kaney, but you are a son of a bitch.

  9. i was just informed, by no less a source than my brother, that both CAWS and 4chan have threads about EWB. Strange.

  10. There's a zombie on your lawn. We don't want zombies on the lawn.

  11. It's a pity that it went off the rails at the end there, I really thought Sousa was going to get an HoF thread (on his birthday, no less!).

  12. If you let out a fart and nobody is around to smell it, does it still smell like crap?

  13. If you let out a fart and nobody is around to smell it, does it still smell like crap?

  14. Move to the music everyone

  15. Alright, everyone, we all know which side of the 'debate' you fall on, now shut the fuck up.

  16. Alright, everyone, we all know which side of the 'debate' you fall on, now shut the fuck up.

  17. If for any reason, you blame a heinous crime on anyone other than the perpetrator of said crime, and you have no evidence, YOU SUCK. Internet, I'm looking at you.

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