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Status Replies posted by Kaney

  1. If for any reason, you blame a heinous crime on anyone other than the perpetrator of said crime, and you have no evidence, YOU SUCK. Internet, I'm looking at you.

  2. If for any reason, you blame a heinous crime on anyone other than the perpetrator of said crime, and you have no evidence, YOU SUCK. Internet, I'm looking at you.

  3. Did someone hijack MPH's account?

  4. Did someone hijack MPH's account?

  5. I can't wait to see Sousa's reaction when we start getting members who are younger than the board.

  6. I can't wait to see Sousa's reaction when we start getting members who are younger than the board.

  7. join us for the Live Raw Chat @ irc.sorcery.net or find us on Mibbit. #EWB


  9. The inside of an elephant is mental.

  10. Anyone planning to do EWB's Favourite Movies of 2010? I'll do it if no one else is.

  11. Here is a new rule: if you feel nostalgic for something that happened within the last 7-8 years, YOU ARE NOT OLD. STOP IT.

  12. Here is a new rule: if you feel nostalgic for something that happened within the last 7-8 years, YOU ARE NOT OLD. STOP IT.

  13. Still Confuse About Inception

  14. I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.

  15. Someone explain the end of Inception please. Either comment or through PM. Thanks so much

  16. I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.

  17. Call it another four hours until voting's over on this week's Pop Prom cards.

  18. Gotta choose a Christmas Movie; what do you guys think, Die Hard or Lethal Weapon?

  19. CM Punk said Dexter jumped the shark. Fuck CM Punk. ¬.¬

  20. So... I'm getting married.

  21. Psycho Killer qu'est-ce que c'est?

  22. Riddle me this, riddle me that, I've got an easy one for you, EWBats: Like small planets in the palm of a child, scattered about like the stars of the universe.

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