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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. The Alvarez/Neer fight is quite interesting to me as I have wanted to see Eddie in the UFC for quite some time now. While Neer is no push-over (AT ALL), if Alvarez beats him then he beats a guy that was cut by UFC after back to back losses. On the other hand, if Neer wins then Alvarez will have been defeated by a guy that dropped back to back losses in the UFC. It's a true double edged blade if I've ever seen one.
  2. "Last of the Coryes" because if there is only one left then there can not be "Coreys" there is only Corey.
  3. http://news-briefs.ew.com/2010/03/10/corey-haim-dead/ Sad end to a up and down story.
  4. I think the main reason is that Guida is on a 2 loss streak while Sakara has back to back wins.
  5. It seems that people are hating on Bowles in other places, but I think he made the smart decision. Way too much people try to fight through injuries to please fans, but it is going to take good calls like this to help the sport continue to expand in a wider range of acceptability. Plus, who knows how much damage he would have done if he had continued to fight through the break.
  6. As if Team Alpha Male didn't already look solid enough.
  7. I read the prelim results prior watching and was really confused by MMAJunkie's line "the fight is waved off when the fighter leaves his feet and frantically taps". Brutal indeed. Jorgensen is easily becoming one of my favorite fighters to watch.
  8. That was probably one of the most moving speeches I've heard. I want the guy to go out with a win so badly I can feel it.
  9. I could have made a very solid case of the decision going the other way, but at the same time I can fully agree with Davis picking up the win there. Who was the referee there though? He could have improved his position a bit during the low blow claims.
  10. I really thought that they were in danger of waiving the fight off for a second there. Very nice come back.
  11. I'm watching - I'll try not to make any off comments during this card. (Y)
  12. I remember an ordeal where that same music turned up in some news broadcast and other forms before it was realized that it was just a generic house theme recorded somewhere down the line. It's pretty interesting how popular that actual piece of music was if you are able to find a list of where and how it has been featured.
  13. [if] Kimbo beats Mintrione making him 2-0 in the UFC giving him a bit more credibility and hype ability then (foreseeable) Toney beats Kimbo on the feet making Toney seem credible, add in his boxing accomplishments and hype the guy to the moon, then feed him to someone like that needs that extra momentum fight to push them over the edge. That's my prediction and seemingly a number of other peoples as well. It could work.
  14. Wow, just wow. Look what you've done Bethesda, with you horrid game! What? I was vague in my initial post, but I'm not sure what you mean either. I more so meant that I would have liked to see life forms that regenerate as the games storyline progressed. I doubt spoilers are still needed but: Fallout 3 is awesome, it's basically all I play anymore, but can't I state what I'd like to see in the New Vegas? Oh, and by "ridiculous" I mean in a good, everyday term of usage, way.
  15. Pretty sure there isn't a thread for this already so: http://www.rockstargames.com/lanoire/ I'm pretty stoked. I love Rockstar and this game has been mumbled about for quite some time. With details finally coming out and a September release date finally announced let the excitement begin. (let us all ignore the 'too' typo in the title)
  16. Mark Travis Tom (N) Giving the album a listen although I generally think Tom is a cunt.
  17. I was extremely pumped for this show and since I'm a HUGE Entourage fan I was even more stoked when it premiered directly after Entourage's Spike premier. Then I hated the premier episode. Didn't watch a second time until the other night when they ran a mini-marathon thing and I realize that I now have to catch up on all of the episodes because this show is so bad it's amazing. I'm digging it now.
  18. I'm in. Also, when I record on Wednesday night I will be covering the predictions and announcing a contest to go along with them to hopefully get some more people interested in the league. Keep up the good work, Rich.
  19. Double post, but C+P directly from Sherdog.com: Could be the eventual opening to see him in the UFC down the road.
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