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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Fiona Apple, Feist, Nancy Sinatra, Aimee Man, Lily Allen, M.I.A, Amy Winehouse, Gwen Stefani, The Cardigans, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Courtney Love and Hole, Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, Sleater-Kinney, The Gossip, The Pipettes, Peaches, Metric, The Soviettes, and The Distillers. In particular, Feist is amazing, Nancy Sinatra is classic, Lily Allen's voice is beyond stellar, M.I.A is the new counter culture, Gwen Stefani = sex, Le Tigre make feminist politics interesting and dancable, Sleater-Kinney are the ONLY great rock band in the 21st century, and Peaches is ridiclously amazing. The rest are give and take.
  2. Yeah, I just realised that today when I actually beat the game and the Purple Star became available. And holy shit, what an epic ending to the game. Easy, but epic.
  3. Question for all your Mario Galaxy nuts. So, there are six stars for every Galaxy? Three of the normal stars, a comet star, a Luigi star and a hidden galaxy planet star? I've gotten six stars for each galaxy and it still doesn't say they are cleared. Is there another star somewhere in there?
  4. Disco [before and after] 1. Chic - Good Times 2. KC and the Sunshine Band - Thats The Way I Like It. 3. Junior Senior - Move Your Feet 4. The Bee Gees - Jive Talkin' 5. Anita Bell - Ring My Bell 6. The Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing 7. Get Dancin - Disco Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes 8. Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder 9. Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music White Boy 10. Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancing 11. Imagination - Just an Illusion. 12. Diana Ross - Upside Down 13. Earth, Wind and Fire - Boogie Wonderland 14. Madonna - Hung Up 15. The Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive Basically the point would be to have some of the classic disco bands and to contrast them with newer disco influenced acts.
  5. Recommend me some shit. Right know feeling a mix of the Klaxons, Disco, Kaiser Chiefs and Bloc Party. Anything similar or whatever the fuck you think I should listen to, tell me.
  6. RPS

    Sleeping Albums

    Blur, Coldplay, Rufus Wainwright, Broken Social Scene, Joe Strummer and the Mescelaros, Radiohead. A bunch of other artists, but these are the main.
  7. Probably playing TFC and getting over a score of 200 with a server full of people. It was epic.
  8. How about some silent films love? The General with Buster Keaton? Safety Last with Harold Lloyd? The Kid/Gold Rush and just about any other movie with Charlie Chaplin? Comedic geniuses.
  9. Well, because context is everything. Sure, the Matrix doesn't nearly look as revolutionary today, but its because of the context of which it was made. The same argument can be made about any movie - heck, you look at Safety Last starring Harold Lloyd or Star Wars or any other movie ahead of its time and you'd think the movies were ridiclous. Technology advances, acting techniques differs, scripts are approached in different ways. But given the time period, these movie is complete genius and ahead of its time. Very few things are timeless, and things that are timeless don't have nearly the same immediate effect as movies like the Matrix. Sure, it may not be a classic, but its effect on the modern state of movies cannot be understated enough. Will it be the same in twenty years? Hell no, but VERY, VERY, VERY few movies actually do.
  10. Well, obviously it is going to fall apart since the acting is pretty awful in the movie. Carrie Ann Moss and Keanu Reeves aren't the greatest actors and their characters are very one dimensional. But in terms of its influence on action movies in terms of the fight scenes and the style of the movie, it was and still is a very important movie.
  11. Benji, I don't think its necessarily that The Matrix has lost its touch, just that it had such a HUGE influence on movies, that it'll be largely discarded for a while. But I assure you, within a decade, the original Matrix will be seen as a really important movie in helping to shape SciFi movies for at least a decade or so. I didn't really like the movie, but its effect on movies was really big. Its just it became really saturated.
  12. Yeah, I don't get Nicholas Cage. At all. Haven't ever watched a single movie with him in it that I enjoyed.
  13. Yeah, Mario is amazing, but I find its so fucked up at times I want to puke its such a mind fuck.
  14. Blur/Gorillaz/Good,Bad,Queen, Bloc Party, Justin Timberlake, The Format, My Chemical Romance, Final Fantasy, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf & M.I.A. Pretty much indie rock, or indie rock thats danceable, or just dance music.
  15. I said it once, but it bears repeating. Vampire Weekend. Everyone listen to them. I've listened to their CD a good 15 times since I downloaded it. Indie + afro-pop + ska + classical music = something you've never heard before!
  16. A) Music saturation is inherent to the business. Its the way things work, always has worked that way. B) Music saturation, especially on the radio, is NOTHING compared to what it used to be in the past. Top 40 stations used to play just that. Only the songs that were on the top 40. They played NOTHING else. At least these days they play things new and old, and spice it up a bit. C) They aren' saturating anything. The music business is really the nature of the beast thats the problem you are ranting about. Does My Chemical Romance go to radio stations and force them to play their songs? They make the songs, other people promote them and play them. D) Aren't there like... dozens and dozens of more pressing issues in the music business besides Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance to get up in arms about?
  17. Here is the thing though. With hindsight we can definitely say bands from the 80's were guilty pleasures band. But we can't really jump into the future and see how history will look at them. Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong. Bu't I think given the fact that both Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance had critical acclaim for their new albums, moreso My Chemical Romance, leads me to believe that these guys might be around for a little longer and may have a more favourable influence on history than you'd think. Heck, I'd say that the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance is way more than catchy pop punk. In my opinion, and I'm guessing in the opinion of a lot of people including members of this board but of the musical community, is that the Black Parade sounded less like pop-punk and more like the classic rock we've all come to love. I mean, music journalists have put them in the same sentences as Nirvana, The Smith, Pixies and Queen. I'm not saying they are, but I'm just saying that the viewpoint is necessarily right or wrong, just some people tend to view these bands as a little more than disposable pop. But really, only time will tell, so there is no point of argiuing about it.
  18. Totally did this with my friend the other day. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm There are tracks for the lovers, there are tracks for the dancers, there are trackers for the rockers. Works out for everyone. The Clash - London Calling In the same vein of Bloc Party, there is a number of different styles represented on this album that enable you to listen to it nunerous times. It doesn't ever get boring. Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds Top heavy on the dance, but it gets sentimental at the end. Pure pop classic. Junior Senior - D-d-d-don't Stop the Beat. It was either this or Scissor Sisters. Campy, pure fun, mindless stuff. Blur - Think Tank An album I can think about all day. Just a mind blowing CD.
  19. You know, maybe a few years ago the band were different, but they aren't anymore. The exact same thing happened with N Sync and BSB. Yeah, they started off sounding similar, but as they progressed, both bands ended up sounding totally different. Example; N Sync's song Girlfriend with Nelly off their last album. There isn't a single Backstreet Boy song that sounds REMOTELY like it. At all. These bands hit it big making similarish songs and than they develop new influences. Really, the only thing that relates MCR and Fall Out Boy at this stage is that they may or may not have a similar fan base and that they kinda/sorta sounded similar years ago. Fall Out Boy and MCR are like... ages apart in terms of sound. I don't even know why anyone would put them in the same sentence. The comment about them being designed to sell to the current generation of teenagers is funny. Newsflash - thats what major record labels do. Indies do it to a certain extent as well, but its less transparent. They try to sell their CDs to different generations, the biggest being young kids. Linkin Park, Green Day, Limp Bizkit, blink-182-, the White Stripes, Nirvanva, Pearl Jam, Elvis Presley, The Beatles... the list goes on and on and on.
  20. Oh man. Vampire Weekend. Where have you been my entire life? I've been digging this shit since it leaked. Oh goodness, I think I orgasmed.
  21. Ok, I'm not a big gamer, but I've played video games enough. So I need advice. My situation is that. Got a Wii for Christmas and I opened it up. Needless to say, the console was broken. It wasn't reading the discs half of the time. We phoned, had a tough time dealing with them, they sent me a refurbished one and gave us an extra two years on the warranty, but I didn't get it until today. I open it up, start to play the and the console makes really loud sounds. In the one day it has been open, it hasn't loaded the game I wanted to play three times and its frozen up two other times. I am getting quite annoyed. I dealt with Nintendo once before and it was frustrating. I don't want to phone them again and deal with the same issues and wait ONCE AGAIN to receive my Wii. Like, this is fucking ridiclous. I'm not asking for hte moon. The loud sounds I can deal with. What I can't deal with is the game not working. Its ridiclous. So, a) what should I do? b) Is there any alternatives besides going through Nintendo. c) What are the chances that this will get progressively worse? I just want to play my Wii. Really, I'd phone Nintendo right now, but I'm 99.9% sure I'd chew whoever answered a new asshole, I'm a little pissed off.
  22. RPS

    The Bedlam in Goliath

    I knew it was going to happen one of these days, but... I am kinda bored by this record. While The Mars Volta once blew my mind, they've seem to become a shadow of their once self and its just completely MEH. I'll give the record a few more listens, but...
  23. Everyone should love Toyko Police Club. Thats enough.
  24. RPS

    Justin Timberlake.

    I think I've made it known many times how well I regard Justin Timberlake. The guy is, in every sense of the word, a musical genius. Not to mention, he is fucking gold on the Charts. Not since Michael Jackson has someone ruled the charts like Justin. 6 Top 20 Songs off one album (not done since MJ in 1991), three of which are consecutive #1 hits and another number one hit with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado. FutureSex/LoveSounds has sold 9 million albums worldwide, which is crazy in today's world yielding him 7 Grammy Nominations, two of which he has so far won. He is one of the highest grossing live performers of 2006/2007. He has recorded some of the most critically acclaimed singles of this decade, including Cry Me A River, Rock Your Body, What Goes Around... Comes Around and My Love. Seriously. The guy is amazing.
  25. RPS

    Linkin Park

    I used to be very anti-Linkin Park. But I'll give the guys props - they manage to reinvent themselves with each album and stay relevant. They are very very very intelligent and hard working guys who know how to market themselves and make fine ass music.
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