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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. RPS

    Favourite videos

    Rise Above The definition of bad-ass.
  2. Nah, I got the old one. Its just incredibly lame playing it that way. I wanna play all the fucking games right away with my friends. I don't like playing video games alone. It makes me feel like a virgin...
  3. Zero, you having Rayman Raving whatever? If so, is the only way to get multiplayer games to play the games single player and they are unlocked multiplayer? If so... LAME. Furthemore, my boyfriend has this strange obsession with Trauma Center. I mean, when we play the game, he is useless, because I pretty much do everything and he occassionally hops in and does something. But for some reason, he is obsessed with it...
  4. The Tragically Hip are the most overplayed, overrated bands to come out of Canada. The Tragically Hip? Seriously? They make average radio singles and their CDs are boring as fuck. I mean, I can name at least two dozen bands who would deserve the title of best Canadian Band. Sloan? The Arcade Fire? Broken Social Scene? Feist? Final Fantasy? Billy Talent? Alexisonfire? K-OS? Heck, I don't even like the Weakerthans and I'd put them above the Hip anyday...
  5. I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and that wasn't a bad movie. Eclipsed by the original? Totally. But it was a respectable movie in its own right - I mean, if the original didn't exist it would probably be remembered a hell of a lot more fonder.
  6. What a fucking great movie. Not for everyone, but I swear, this movie just further proves my notion that Tim Burton is such an amazing auteur and has to be remembered as one of the most consistent directors around today. Has this guy made a bad movie outside of Planet of the Apes?
  7. RPS


    At least she doesn't lip sync.... She is alright. Evanscene are boring, but I mean... they aren't that offensive.
  8. RPS

    Top SINGLES of 2007

    10. Phantom Pt. 2 by Justice. The complete opposite of D.A.N.C.E. Its messy, chaotic and not pop at all. But still in this oddly strange way, its addictive. 9. Atlas by Battles A bit overrated and the band's novelty hasn't really lasted with them. However, they still wrote some pretty decent tunes. 8. Lovestoned by Justin Timberlake I know, the album was released last year, but the song was released this year... still amazing... 7. Intervention by Arcade Fire Holy shit this song is amazing. Too bad the rest of the album was shite. 6. Hunting For Witches by Bloc Party Fucking stellar track... sounds like the much needed sequel to Helicopters... 5. My Moon My Man by Feist Who thought Feist could make such a great dance song? Fucking stunning! 4. 1-2-3-4 by Feist. I was in love with this song the first time I heard it. And usually I hate songs they use in teh I-Pod Commercials, if only because I become overexposed too the song. But I fucking loved it more. 3. Stronger by Kanye West Kanye's return is him sampling Daft Punk? Who would have thought that! And it was a #1 hit. Fucking amazing. 2. Paper Planes by M.I.A Sampling the Clash = great fucking tune. Shame about all the commotion about it being censored and her being sabotaged... 1. D.A.N.C.E by Justice. Just perfeccccccct. Michael Jackson/Jackson 5 meets Daft Punk. Plus, the live footage of it on Kimmell is... amazing.
  9. MSTRKRFT does Bloc Party's Blue Light and Flux, both of which are pimp beyond belief. Fat Boy Slim remixed Song 2 by Blur, and Pet Shop Boys did Boys and Girls.
  10. Waluigi is godly. I swear, even if his character is shit in a game, I'll choose the son of a bitch! He is basically the greatest character ever.
  11. Justice - their CD † is fucking good. Shades of Daft Punk galore. Simian Mobile Disco CD is really good. Hustler is a fucking killer tune, def. club worthy. I am currently digging Guns N Bombs, but they've only really got a bunch of remixes out. MSTRKRFT is the dude from DFA1979 and his CD was MEH, but his remixes are out of this world. He has done Woman (by Wolfmother), Two Years & Flux (by Bloc Party), Monster Hospital (by Metric) and a shit load of others. Their CD is worth checking out as well. Def. shades of Daft Punk. Boys Noize are fucking amazing too. Digitalism are some good shit. The Chemical Brothers new stuff has been meh, but their singles CD is worth the price (or time to download). Junior Boys are a little less dancy, but still good. United States of Electronica are Daft Punk but unbelievably happy and gay beyond belief. LCD Soundsystem make some fine ass dance tunes as well.
  12. RPS

    Best Albums of 2007

    Man, what a year it has been. It has been a great year for music. Lots of great stuff has come out left and right. With less than a month left till the end of the year and in my opinion no notable releases coming out, I figure its acceptable to start the year end lists already. With lots of big releases coming out from Jay Z, Radiohead, The White Stripes, Kanye West and Fifty Cent, Amy Winehouse, the Foo Fighters, and The Arcade Fire, as well as critically acclaimed music from LCD Soundsystem, M.I.A and Battles, there is a shit load of music to choose from this year. Put as many CDs on the list as you want.... 10. Daft Punk - Alive 2007 Not only one of the best releases of the year, but one of the best live albums, ever. 9.The White Stripes - Icky Thump Although a very strong release at first, I haven't touched this CD since I saw them live. A great CD, but it seems to not be as interesting as I intitally thought. 8. LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver. Its a damn fine record, but it some songs lack the intial charm of Losing my Edge and Daft Punk is Playing at My House. Still a damn fine record. 7. The Good, The Bad, The Queen. An album that grew on me - but when it did, man was it a classic. I feel as though unlike other albums on my list, this album will continue and continue to grow on me, and it very may well be one of the top albums from 2007 in a few years. 6.The Field - From Here We Go To Sublime An unexpected hit for me. An overwhelming record that is fucking amazing to listen too. 5. Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City I was unsure where to put this record. Start of the year it would have been in my bottom 5 list of the year. However, it is actually one of the most deep listens of the year. Hearing it live, it all made sense. Underneath the Radiohead-influenced sound is an amazing dance record. Just gotta have some patience. 4. Kanye West - Graduation He out sold 50 Cent, sampled Daft Punk and Steely Dan and wrote one of the best CDs of the year. Hands down, one of the most important and relevant musicians around. 3. Justice - † The new Daft Punk. Thats not to say that Daft Punk's time has come and gone - they've still got amazing music to make in the future. But Justice is taking the throne of electronica music and not thinking twice. † would have been the best album of the year had they filtered a two or three songs off their CD that weren't needed. D.A.N.C.E is by far the best song of the year. 2. Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position From the opening note, Patrick Wolf proves that he has changed. Gone is the brooding young man from Wind in the Wires and now we've got Patrick Wolf who is making a pop, feel good record. And Wolf never sounded better. The title track is perhaps one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. 1. M.I.A - Kala M.I.A is coming back with powa powa. Top to bottom, the best CD of the year. She is the new counterculture. 30 years ago they had the Clash and today we have M.I.A. She knows that a women isn't supposed to say what she does. But she does it anyway. What else can say about her?
  13. Also; What is with the influx of rappers making dance moves too their song? Didn't they learn from the macarana? Its just NOT cool.
  14. Its infinitely funny that everytime I hit the clubs up or DJ that the queers love this shit.
  15. The Format. Seriously, the best band ever.
  16. RPS

    Rufus Wainwright

    I have always been a casual fan, but I guess just recently I've recently started to download and explore all of his work. Poses is one of the finest pieces of work I have ever heard. Just from top to bottom he manages to just hook me each and every time. His self titled CD is just amazing. Yeah, its a bit over the top at some moments (especially in his later career), but seriously, the guy is probably one of the most overlooked talents. Yeah, sure he got acclaim from the Rolling Stones with his first CD, but the guy should have WAY more fans. I am actually really pumped for his new live CD where he performs Judy Garland songs. His cover of Across the Universe is probably the only Beatle cover that should exist.
  17. I assume you are looking more for a singer as opposed to Daft Punk-ish vocals where its more of a robot vocals. Kenna is good. Its like a combo of rock and roll, funk, hip-hop and house. Cassius is great too. Like Kenna, mish-mash of styles. United States of Electronica are campy as hell. It's like Daft Punk but totally gay. The Prodigy are great. Junior Boy's are fucking out of this world. On another note, I just discovered Ratatat, and I love their CD Classics. Its funky and dancy, but in a completely rock and roll way. Its very experimental and different, but still very cool.
  18. RPS


    I'm pretty sure if I saw it in a 3D theatre, I would have thought it was pretty good. But seeing in a non-3D theatre meant it was really a wasted experience.
  19. A) It's a word that existed before RHCP uses, so your point is moot. If I used some word like desultory and wrote an album about it, it wouldn't mean I had any right to the song. Its not like I could go around being like, I brought desultory back and now it defines who I am and I have complete right to the word. I didn't invent the word, and nor did RHCP. They should quit being pussy's and suck it up. B) I didn't say they couldn't sue. I just said they didn't have a right to bitch. Sue away if they want, it just a bunch of old rockers grasping for straws. It just makes them look like hypocrites and total bitches for suing when they themselves are guilty of ripping off other people.
  20. Oh, I know that the comparison between the two situations is entirely different, but still. RHCP can't really bitch about people stealing their identity off when they basically stole an entire song from Tom Petty. And I agree, its a ridiclous lawsuit. RHCP are completely ridiclous thinking that they own that word. Can no one use the word Music because it's the name of a Madonna single and album? It's fucking ridiclous.
  21. Remember when the Red Hot Chilli Peppers were relevant? All I hear know is the sounds of a bunch of old men grasping for straws. Seriously. Its fucking ridiclous. If he invented the word or a phrase, than it's cool. If they made a show called Hump Bump, than sue away. But it's a word that has existed for a long time. Fucking christ... And does anyone else find it ridlcous RHCP are suing someone for ripping them off? If I were Petty, I'd sue their asses for a being a bunch of pussys.
  22. RPS

    Last.fm OMI

    http://www.musickum.com/omi/index.php5?username=colliefletch' rel="external nofollow"> I can understand why my list would look like this over the last year. If you took a survey from the last few months, it'd be predominately indie and electronica, though. And the thing you guys are wondering about is probably just a divider or something dumb.
  23. RPS

    The BEST Song

    Care to venture some of them? The song won a Grammy, as well as doing fairly well on the Billboard Charts (I think it peaked at 3). Say what you will about a Grammy, but its definitely an important accolade in the music business. It signaled an end to the dynasty of Boybands. Sure, Like I Love You was a deparature from his N Sync days, but Cry Me A River represented so much more. It was an example of destruction and construction in pop music. Timberlake put the last nail in the coffin of the boybands of the 90's. And Timberlake clearly established himself as the new force in pop music, which has been the case for the a long time. Sure, between 2005 there wasn't much Justin, but its hard to deny 2003, 2006, 2007 weren't years that Justin Timberlake was on top of the pop world. Hell, single after single after single are coming out and trying to replicate the sounds Timbalanda and Justin Timberlake started here and carried over too FS/LS. As well, it was a marked deparature because of the lyric and video content. The record executives didn't want the video released. Justin Timberlake was creating a new pop star in front of us. He was edgy, he was dark, he was everything N Sync wasn't. As well, the song is amazing. Hate "pop" music all you want, but Cry Me A River is an amazing song. I know it popped up on at least a few year end lists as one of the best songs of 2003. This song has it all - great atmosphere, great lyrics, great instrumental, great lyrics.
  24. RPS

    The Hunter's Lullaby

    Thats right. Ignore me because Raine Maida is a pretenious emo bitch who tries to pass himself off as a rapper? He is just as much as a douche anyone else out there making music, but he tries to make himself seem better because he knows activist and drives a hybrid car. Fuck him. Grow a set and make some real music and quit singing like Clumsy was a good fucking CD.
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