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Everything posted by Josh

  1. At some point when you're looking for something to do, watch Prince of Space and Invasion of the Neptune Men back-to-back. Actually, don't. The point is that they're almost the exact same movie. Both hilarious though. Invasion of the Neptune Men has one of the greatest "what the fuck?" moments of all time.
  2. I'm always amazed when people have good things to say about the Hercules episodes. They're so hard for me to get through.
  3. I'll leave this up a couple more days, on the off chance that someone like Srar still wants to vote. Then I'll make our list that's longer than the number of voters.
  4. Same here. But you? You already knew that. (Yes, I'm mixing references and I'm fine with it.)
  5. That's part of why I loved the episode. The show has a talent for making the situation a bit more dramatic than you expect a TV sitcom to be, then really let there be consequences, all while keeping the show funny overall.
  6. The alien symbiote has taken over Spidey's crotch.
  7. Black Swan. I thought I mentioned this earlier, but it seems not. I have extremely mixed feelings about it. I'll have to ponder a while.
  8. This was a very strong week for all 4 of the good Thursday night shows. 30 Rock rebounded after a couple of weeks that had me worried; The Office had a simple, but unique story that was the perfect blend of humor and emotion; Parks and Rec hit it out of the park again (The Four Horsemeals of the Eggpocalypse); and fucking Community. God, that show is too good for words. I just love that they can do one of their (now trademarked?) genre-concept episodes and make it so emotional along the way. Great night for television.
  9. Just saw Blue Valentine. So. hard. to watch. I mean . . . great movie, but . . . .
  10. When I started this thread, I thought 10 choices may be too many. Then I made my initial list. I had 37 choices. This was pretty hard. In the end I tried to a) somewhat balance the Mike and Joel episodes (overall, I tend to prefer Mike, but some of the Joel episodes are far too classic to leave out); b) judge episodes based on the combined strength of theatre segments, host segments, classic moments, and repeated viewings; and c) include some "deep cuts" episodes that might otherwise not get any mentions here, yet deserve some recognition. Hence, no Space Mutiny (shock! horror!) 1. Werewolf (Season 9) This episode can simply do no wrong. Absolutely flawless - the episode, that is. The film is riddled with flaws. (Note that I ultimately felt okay leaving out Space Mutiny because this one is here. They fit into virtually the same mold for me. Plus, I assume Space Mutiny will get a ton of votes without me.) 2. Danger! Death Ray (Season 6) This almost took number one. It's definitely my favorite of the "deep cuts", and is easily the most under-appreciated episode in the entire run. It's only number 2 because Werewolf has so much more "iconic" material. 3. Pod People (Season 3) To me, this is the very best of the Joel episodes. It's also probably the best example of an episode that could be great just on the strength of the host segments. 4. The Beast of Yucca Flats (Season 6) The best (worst?) of the Coleman Francis films (my favorite bad filmmaker from the whole run of the show), great host segments, and TWO phenomenal short films. 5. "Manos" The Hands of Fate (Season 4) This one is just unavoidable. It's the most iconic of the Joel episodes, and perhaps the most iconic episode of the series. Plus, it really is that funny. 6. Santa Claus (Season 5) Some people will think it sacrilege, but of the two Christmas episodes, this one is my favorite (though I love Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.) This is just one of the most incredibly "out there" episodes they did, plus the riffing and host segments are top-notch. 7. Mitchell (Season 5) It marks the great transition from Joel to Mike. Plus it's a movie that's more subtle in its ineptness (it's not sci-fi, horror, fantasy, etc.), making the incredibly funny riffing that much more admirable. Impressive send-off for Joel, and great introduction to Mike. 8. The Final Sacrifice (Season 9) This one's become a classic for most people, and all of the usual reasons could be mentioned here. However for me, above all else, this episode is on the list because of two words: Mike. Pipper. 9. Future War (Season 10) Another deep cut, this time from the latest part of the series. It's not mentioned as a classic the way that Manos, Werewolf, Space Mutiny, etc. are, and it really should be. The blatant ineptitude on display here is just fucking mind-numbing, and not in a "we're being tongue-in-cheek here" way like Hobgoblins. These people really thought they were making something good. 10. Warrior of the Lost World (Season 5) I think I partly put this one here because of my love for old references that I almost get, but not quite. Plus, a handful of all-time best riffs are here. I would do a list of honorable mentions, but there would be TWENTY SEVEN of them. Watch the series. It's incredibly hard to find a flat-out bad episode.
  11. You're on EWB, so there's two safe bets: You like lists. You like MST3K. Let's put the two together. The self-explanatory instructions: - List your TEN favorite episodes of MST3K. - They can be ordered 1-10 or vice versa, but do order them - based on whatever criteria you choose. - Include as much info as you please, but at a minimum include the episode title. No "the one with the funny nicknames of the space guy" please. - Just to be clear, we'll only be considering the nationally broadcast episodes and the feature film as candidates. I'm leaving out the KTMA episodes for multiple reasons, including a) most people have never seen/heard of them, b) I doubt many people would include them anyway, and c) it would be nice to be able to watch the winning episodes when the list is done. Most of the KTMA episodes are impossible to find, in any form. - Don't include the shorts as independent entries. They should be among the overall reasons you include an episode. Need help remembering/refreshing/reviewing? Try this here handy episode guide. I'll post my list of ten before the day is done. Voting continues until it seems everyone who wishes to has done so. Or maybe we'll find out that only 2 or 3 of us care to do this. Whaddya think, sirs?
  12. I put my "equal opportunity, every album I've ever owned, even the stuff I don't like anymore" music collection on shuffle to pass the time during the Hellscapezombieapocalypsesnow Day. Just heard the orchestral version of "Only In Dreams" from Classical Weezer. I'll keep you updated on this situation as it develops.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Josh


      Now Ken Shamrock's theme.

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      I sort of did this earlier. Though with just one song. Called "I Don't Wanna Know" by Mario Winans. Why the fuck did I buy that single?

    4. Josh


      Oh my god, now it's an audio recording I did of an e-fed promo I once wrote. This is the best day, for all the wrong reasons.

  13. Josh

    Big Lebowski 2?

    The article has been updated. Basically, the Coens have denied it and Reid's rep says she misunderstood something Jeff Bridges said. In other words, never fuckin' trust Tara Reid.
  14. Stupid Smarch weather.

  15. Would anyone be interested if I did one of those "EWB's Top Whatever of Whatever" Threads for MST3K?
  16. Josh

    Big Lebowski 2?

    It would be. I'm still dubious about the whole thing, considering the source, but not so dubious to not make a thread about it.
  17. http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/01/big-lebowski-2-in-the-works/?hpt=Sbin I dunno what to think.
  18. Surely I'm not the only one who watched this week. Community takes the prize this week, even if just for the Pierce/Annie story. Parks and Rec was still top-notch though, especially Ron bonding with Andy. Sidenote: It's only just now sunk in that Mark really is gone. The Office wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed. And the Michael/David interaction was fun, though brief. I loved the sly reference to the inevitable exit of Michael and his potential replacement. 30 Rock is still hanging on, but I can't say I enjoyed the Lutz subplot. That said, the entire episode may have been worth it just for De Niro's bit.
  19. I've caught a few episodes. Decent watch, but not something I follow. The L&O shows in general just get samey and depressing after a while if I watch too many.
  20. Stark Trek: Voyager seems like an incredibly random inclusion.
  21. This implies you enjoy Outsourced. To each his own and all that, but do you stand by this statement? I just saw Community, The Office, Parks and Rec, and 30 Rock as I've been busy. Pretty happy with the first 3, but early on during this episode of 30 Rock I realized that Liz (not Tina Fey, but Liz) reminds me of my roommate. Not 30 Rock's fault, but that sucked the fun out of it. The Office was good, Community was better, but Parks and Rec gets the Best of the Night honors. Such a STRONG return. That said, the line stuck in my head right now is "I agree with brown Jamie Lee Curtis."
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