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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I agree that it's gotten better over time, but I don't get the sentiment that the first season isn't nearly as good as the second. I dug those first few episodes.
  2. Breaking Bad is one of those shows (along with Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, and maybe Walking Dead) that I would probably love if I ever watched it. But I'm very stuck on the idea of watching a series from the beginning, I don't buy/rent DVDs much, and do not have a Netflix account. And with shows like Boardwalk Empire, I don't have any premium cable channels. It's probably for the best, as I would probably devote way too much time to TV in general if I kept up with everything.
  3. Also Louis C.K. had a guest run. See? Just more and more reasons to watch it.
  4. I like where this list is going. However, I really wish both Parks & Rec and The Colbert Report would have placed higher.
  5. Well, it's rather brutal here. Right now we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns.

  6. I always expect that sort of thing from Ace. I guess it kind of explains it if it's an Australian thing. On an unrelated note, I shall never visit Australia. Also, even though I only caught a couple of episodes, I totally regret not putting Louie on my list.
  7. I think it's actually been striking a smart balance between referential satire and telling its own involving stories. After all, the Christmas episode began as something really gimmicky but turned out to be all about Abed's personal story.
  8. 1. Community 2. The Colbert Report 3. The Daily Show 4. House 5. Parks and Recreation 6. The Simpsons 7. The Office 8. Conan 9. 30 Rock 10. Top Chef 11. WWE Raw 12. WWE NXT 13. WWE Smackdown! 14. The Late Show with David Letterman 15. Family Guy Yeah, I don't watch 15 shows regularly. I'm proud of, like, the first 9 choices. I watch the next 4 regularly and typically enjoy - but 3 are wrasslin' and Top Chef: Just Desserts made me nearly turn my back on all reality TV altogether (I still might.) I needed to fill 2 more slots: a) I don't watch Letterman regularly, but when I do I still enjoy, and b) I'm a little ashamed that I DVR the new episodes of Family Guy and enjoy it, but I sort of do. If I had to pick a 16th show, I'd have to pick the Weather Channel.
  9. So, that upcoming Manos sequel? Apparently, not only is Snitsky in it, but the original Master will reprise his role and Maria Kanellis will play Maggie. For real: http://www.torgolives.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Josh


      It's all frankly a frighteningly wonderful thing.

    3. Hobo


      So there is room and the Master would approve!

    4. Sousa


      This made me happier than anything has in weeks.

  10. Saw a few things recently. Notes On A Scandal. What a fucking movie. See this. Great performances from Dench, Blanchett . . . well, everyone, really. The Merchant of Venice. I was curious how Pacino would do as Shylock. I figured he'd either be a cartoon or just nail it. And he nailed it. Pretty good overall, but I question some directorial choices. The lead actress has me a bit puzzled, but it may be a case of "just a difference of opinion." Good film, all told. Ladykillers. Further proof that the Coen brothers can do no wrong - even with a Wayans brother in the cast!
  11. I never really wanted to be a donator - until today, when I noticed the trend of Ghostbusters name changes.

  12. You mean, do we hate that Arrested Development ended? I do hate that.
  13. http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2010/11/09/conan-beats-tonight-and-late-show-in-ratings/?hpt=Sbin And that song that Conan and Jack did was just ridiculously good.
  14. is working on his Cockney and British RP dialects. Mostly Cockney, to be honest.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Josh


      I'm playing Bob Cratchit (and some other minor characters) in A Christmas Carol. Not sure yet if my Bob will use an RP or Cockney dialect.

    3. Pesci


      Cockney for someone of his class, clearly.

    4. Josh


      That's my thought. Strangely though, I more often see the role performed with an RP dialect.

  15. Josh

    EWB's FearFest

    Ah, the Zombieland porno.
  16. I figured. Just so you don't forget entirely.
  17. Clearly, the film needs Marsha, Queen of Diamonds. But seriously, the question of who the villain is is next to irrelevant. Nolan has made a concentrated effort to actually make the films about Batman himself. So long as whatever villain he chooses provides plenty of material for the further evolution of Batman, it'll be a good choice. Plus, like Zero said, we should really just be able to trust that Nolan can knock anything out of the park by now.
  18. We want Chilly Willy! We want Chilly Willy!
  19. *gasp* It's the one with the Babysitter Bandit, isn't it? Penny Marshall is an automatic ticket to number one.
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