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Everything posted by Josh

  1. The entire run of The Office (UK), including the Christmas special. Yes, it took me this long to finally start (and finish.) But I'm still very glad I watched it. Great, great stuff. A bit odd that I had seen the entire run of Extras before this, though.
  2. Josh

    I'm less impressed with you.

    Okay, so I'm not, but . . . um . . . you know.

  3. TREMENDOUS turn of events. I'm . . . I'm a little giddy. I mean, I'm still stressed and probably shouldn't be on EWB - but now I'm quite giddy.

    1. Rocky


      Yeah..I'm gonna throw it out there...

      Do tell?

    2. C-MIL


      He's expecting!

    3. Rocky


      Then it's probably morning sickness, not giddiness...

  4. If there's a bad bookkeeping joke, I haven't heard it.
  5. Josh

    True Grit

    Intolerable Cruelty is... less good than the others. It's not bad. But it's not something I'd seek out and watch again. So I've heard. Still kinda wanna see it. Ladykillers is TREMENDOUS. I even loved the hell outta Marlon Wayans character.
  6. I've never seen Dexter, and all signs point to it being a potential favorite for me, so I'll hold back my usual "go to fucking hell" response. Sort of the same for The Walking Dead. BUT COMMUNITY! Yes, absolutely, the single best show on television. Period. And as for Ken hosting Raw, that was just completely the wrong environment for him. He works perfectly (as does everyone - seriously, right down to the most incidental characters) on Community. . . . . yeah, okay, Community should have been #1, mature response be damned.
  7. Josh

    True Grit

    Saw this today, finally. By god, I want to be adopted by Ma and Pa Coen, so I can forever soak in the wisdom of their sons. In all seriousness, there is not a single false note in this film. If I have any complaint, it's that Cogburn is a tad difficult to understand every great once in a while. However, that's incredibly nitpicky. It certainly does not get in the way of soaking in the film in all of its fullness. If the Coens can somehow actually do wrong, I don't want to know about it.
  8. To be honest, clean and sober Barney has never struck a chord with me. The only good thing to ever come from a sober Barney was Moe's "coffee" stall and the smoke machine choking him. Although I suppose it did bring around Homer's fail when he's trying the gymnastics. I'm not saying I dislike the episode, it's definitely one of the better episodes all round, I'm just saying I find things funnier once he's part of the program and in space. Kent Brockman's overreaction to the ants is hilarious. ETA: Is Deep Space Homer the one where Homer calls for Marge for advice, then halfway through her speech he starts dialling again? Yes, it is. Don't you feel ashamed now? Also, I don't think you and Sousa are entirely referencing the same "clean and sober Barney." In "Deep Space Homer", Barney is just temporarily so, while you seem to be referencing his later seasons-long run of sobriety. And Sousa? You compared Lanley to Hank Hill. I suppose a comparison can be made, but something (everything) tells me you meant Harold Hill. As for the list itself, I can't say I'm shocked that all but maybe 2 of my picks were left off of the list. I voted late in the game, so I intentionally went largely with dark horse selections (seriously, if people aren't watching the newer seasons, they should be. Not "prime of the show" good, but still very good.) Plus, with so damn many shows being voted for overall, we had some episodes make the top 25 on the strength of two votes. No big complaints, though. In the end, even my personal top 25 will always be changing, and this list is a decent cross-section of the series.
  9. Zero kinda summed it up for me on Always Sunny, though he's likely seen far more of it. There's only so much purely negative comedy I can take after a while. Modern Family sounds fantastic, but I've never seen it. Lost is the very definition of "didn't catch it early on, so now I can't watch until I go all the way to the beginning, and it can't possibly live up to all this hype when I finally do see it."
  10. The episodes on religion and his night out are just stellar. Of course, those are the only 2 I've seen.
  11. So. How do I ignore another user? Officially and with technology on EWB, that is. I now have great use for such a feature.

    1. C-MIL


      My Settings -> Profile -> Manage Ignored Users

    2. Josh
    3. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Youll never get rid of me that easy josh. What we have is forever.

  12. Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, and Terriers all fall into that "never seen an episode, but from all indications it would be precisely my kind of addiction" category. How I Met Your Fuck Off can fuck off. Fuck right off.
  13. I haven't watched much South Park lately, and I've never been one to avidly watch it, as it was always hit and miss for me. I love 30 Rock, but I'd rank The Office just above it, unlike GoGo. Parks and Rec above both of those, and the show that had damn well better be number one on top of the NBC Thursday stuff. Conan totally deserves to be that high up above other scripted shows (if not higher), as he's gotta turn that shit out a LOT more often. He's satisfactory at worst and fucking genius at best. Chuck I have no opinion on, whatsoever. Seeing so many of my picks already listed doesn't bode well for the top 10, but I'm holding out hope for number 1.
  14. Other seasons have house have been better, but I'd still rank it over all but maybe 2 or 3 shows (in fact, I think I did.) Similar story for The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and - to a slightly lesser extent - The Simpsons. I am totally judging everyone in this thread that did anything to keep those shows out of the top 10 - especially considering some of the shows it seems will make it that high.
  15. I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maxx


      I needed to know where the ducks went in the winter.

    3. Kaney


      Maxx fails, big time.

    4. Sousa
  16. I hear good things about Sherlock. Is it ever on here in the States? Should have been so much higher. Also, it deserves it's own list SOUSA. It's time to drop an H-Bomb on Australia. I feel this is the only appropriate response. And something tells me shit like Big Bang Theory is yet to come. Uuuuuughhh.
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