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gunnar hendershow

The Dominion
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Everything posted by gunnar hendershow

  1. I've ran into that problem before with manga and DVDs. Though nothing is worse than being at Otakon and looking for Volume 1 of the Love Hina manga only to have the person in front of you grab the last copy you could find.
  2. I've been following this game for awhile, it's looking so sweet.
  3. The Gymnastics judging has been awful all Olympics. I don't think Korkhina was screwed since everyone was given crazy scores all night.
  4. *Spoilers for Men's Swimming* Holy shit, what a load of bullshit with Piersol. I'll leave it at that. Bullshit. EDIT- Just saw it was overturned, that's good.
  5. No Subtitles??? Man... I still might get it just since it's the closest to bliss a DVD set will ever get.
  6. I haven't read much Manga, but I've watched some of the Love Hina anime and its alright. The manga's supposedly much better so I'd suggest checking that out.
  7. It was amazing. When he fell I actually turned to my mom and said, "Hamm's gonna win this, you wait and see."
  8. I'm getting a little suspicious about the crediblites of Iraq's victories in soccer, is anyone else?
  9. I've been saying it for years, Nintendo should go exclusively-handheld. That is an audience that allows them to remain child-oriented, yet rack in big bucks.
  10. Well of course, what else was released this year? I personally think its overrated since a large chunk of the anti-FF crowd worship Tales since it is a series that isn't FF yet is consistent in releases. Part of the reason it's been praised so highly is because this crowd is very vocal. Though, yes, it is the best RPG this year.
  11. Sounds like an opportunity to still see if he has it left. He'll be around McAlister, Lewis, and Reed too so he will have help.
  12. When is the Handball on again? I missed it earlier.
  13. Yeah, some kid told me at school on 9/12.
  14. Ha, you're kidding right? Wrestling is the only sport in the Olympics I actually care about. I know a bunch of other people that are the same way. Wrestling is HUGE, its just not mainstream. ← It's the biggest cult sport in the world. Being a wrestler I can say this. It's a whole cult almost. You mention you wrestle and you can get in a conversation with a fellow wrestler for years. And as for Team USA, fuck 'em. I hope this'll be a wake up call to have a National Team practice more often and play more friendlies.
  15. I may begin to do that. I'm growing tired of getting the "Mega Special Edition" only for the "Ultimate Special Edition" to be released 2 years later.
  16. But they play together pratically all year. They have more experience as a team.
  17. ***Possible Spoilers from Serbia/Argentina basketball game**** Yeah, the game was incredible... an amazing finish. I jumped out of my seat when Manu made that shot.
  18. I live near Michael Phelps... I live near Michael Phelps... nya nya... I live near Michael Phelps. [/bragging] I haven't seen any hot female atheletes yet, except in the opening ceremonies in which they were everywhere.
  19. Yes she is. She knows what she's talking about, can be funny, can be serious. She has I think 10 years or so of experience on Sportscenter (She's been an anchor since I started watching which was in like 95). The only anchor presently who I think comes close to her is John Anderson.
  20. For those of Yanks who can't see things live and have to wait for Primetime can we like have to mark spoilers in this topic? Or do something. I don't really mind about the Swimming, but there'll be other things I will care about.
  21. First rule of marketing.....when you have a marketable product......you market it. Simple as that. This guy is gonna go for eight Gold Medals, NBC would be stupid not to take advantage of that. As for the small countries that came by during commercials they did show them right when they got back from commercials(eventhough it was very quickly ← Well I understand that, but why not mention someone like Martin Boonzaayer who is one of the best Judoists (Is that a word) in the world? Hell, Cael Sanderson isn't getting THAT much coverage and he has a chance to establish himself as one of the best wrestlers in the world with a medal in the 185 lb freestyle.
  22. The opening ceremonies were great since NBC took commercials for the Maltas of the world. I didn't get to see the small countries and I won't see them the rest of the Olympics. And another plus from NBC, overexposure of Michael Phelps!!!!
  23. Got Madden already, Sly 2 is up next. Then Gran Turismo 4, Jak 3, and Suikoden IV. I shall then get Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal for Christmas.
  24. I've always thought Conan would get either Late Show or Tonight Show eventually... I don't see any reason for he to make the move to CBS unless he is definitely guaranteed Letterman's spot when Letterman does retire.
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