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gunnar hendershow

The Dominion
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Everything posted by gunnar hendershow

  1. Stewart should stick with Daily Show... he's too good for a Late Night gig. I think Wayne Brady has a shot in all reality of getting the show, but we'll see.
  2. Well they are doing Olympic coverage right? That's the only time I'll ever watch them.
  3. Dying Fetus Satan's Almighty Penis Raped Ape Goatwhore
  4. Maddox could be funny if he weren't trying to keep his fans happy.
  5. In my MVP Baseball 2004 season he had 130 walks and a .480 OBP. He led the league in both. Though in real life his plate discipline is awful.
  6. Excessive celebration is a bullshit rule. Absolute bullshit. It's like they are making it illegal to congratulate your fellow teammate on a job well done.
  7. Interesting how you say "Don't use fucko" yet continue to say "kthx".
  8. I can't see the video for some reason. But is she hot?
  9. I saw it on Sportscenter. It was incredible.
  10. As a Ravens fan I was impressed with Kyle Boller. It took our whole offense a little while to settle down and get in rhythm, but the last drive when they scored they were looking very good. As for our defense... well... damn. Walls just got an interception. Though Schaub hasn't been doing that bad. He really looks like he could be a top tier back-up down the line (I don't see him as starter material).
  11. I have some trouble with that. I have some trouble running the ball too, at least against a 4-3. Depending on the team I can have some huge runs against me also. I need to practice alot... ← I also have problems running the ball no matter what team I face I just can't seem to get the running game off the ground. The only person who I've had success running the ball with was Michael Vick. ← I only had success with Kyle Boller. I tear up my own defense in practice, but in a real game I get destroyed. I have one of the best offensive lines in the NFL too.
  12. Yeah but I would find it rather funny if Michael Vick some how caused Ray Lewis to get injured. Not that I want to see some one get Injured it would be ironic. ← As a Ravens fan I'd laugh if that happened.
  13. I lost respect for him months ago, this is just icing on the cake.
  14. I have some trouble with that. I have some trouble running the ball too, at least against a 4-3. Depending on the team I can have some huge runs against me also. I need to practice alot...
  15. Good read despite that it is fake.
  16. Ravens in a rematch of the Madden Bowl as I am now calling it. We'll see if Ray gets hurt.
  17. The ones with a chance give it their all, but there are plenty who just party and take in the whole experience. I'm not that annoyed by it myself.
  18. I had work and missed the whole game. Thursday though is the Ravens first pre-season game, so I'll be catching that. In between my Madden marathon.
  19. I've had success with Amazon all the times I've ordered from them. Of course, the Battle Royale DVD I got reeks of the devil for no apparent reason.
  20. Now, I almost added Malmsteem to my post... but my problem with him is this. He's a shredder. Shredders have little to no emotion in everything they play. Personally I find emotion to add greatly to a guitarist. Yngwie simply doesn't have that. While he is a great guitarist on his own, the fact that he is very emotionless with his songs puts him on a level below Petrucci and Vai. At least for me.
  21. Neal Peart and Mike Portnoy... nobody comes close to them.
  22. Steve Vai and John Petrucci are on a level above all else if you ask me.
  23. Denver? DENVER?! Was that writer on crack?
  24. I have work tomorrow so I unfortunately can't get Madden until Tuesday. Still, two days before the masses.
  25. Fixed ← Let's get married. And yeah, I can agree with the list Jam posted much more.
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