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RoyWill Rumble

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Everything posted by RoyWill Rumble

  1. FUCK ME SIDEWAYS AND CALL ME BETSY. Seriously, that was one of the best movies I've ever seen. Top five no doubt, maybe even top three. It is the best superhero movie of all time. This is what cinema should be. Heath Ledger, what can I say? Performance of a lifetime no doubt, and it really is tragic he won't get to see the reactions to his work. Every single scene he was in he was brilliant. Not once did I think "This is someone acting." Seriously, he draws you in so god damned well, there were times I forgot I was watching Heath Ledger portraying The Joker. Even scenes he isn't in, I thought to myself "Fuck, when is The Joker going to pop up?" He was sadistic as fuck and got away with quite a bit for a PG-13 movie as far as just how fucked up he was. Furthermore, dear God does The Joker ever make you think and the relationship between Batman and The Joker was played out BRILLIANTLY. Christian Bale was definitely no slouch either. The way the two just seem know (The Joker more so than Batman) they need each other to basically exist and have a purpose is really well done, too. Gary Oldman was brilliant. Aaron Eckhardt (spelling?) was awesome too. A lot of times when I watch movies, I will acknowledge that something is great, but it takes a lot to really get me to think and feel. I was able to think and feel and get disturbed and creeped out and a whole bunch of shit by this movie. It was fantastic. Nolan did a fucking AMAZING job directing. Brilliant use of the score, too. Especially: Spoiler: Click here to viewWhen the huge chase scene occurs and Nolan uses NO MUSIC at all. I thought that was sheer fucking brilliance. Again, Ledger was just absolutely CHILLING and Eckhardt (again, spelling) had some great scenes that really got to me as well, Spoiler: Click here to viewespecially after he became Two-Face. The whole scene with him having Comissioner Gordon's family. Wooowww. Spoiler: Click here to viewSpeaking of Gordon, HOLY SWERVE TO FIND OUT HE'S ALIVE. Not to mention Morgan Freeman, Maggie Gyllenhal, and Michael Caine were solid too. The entire cast was fucking superb. It would take a lot to steal the scenes when EVERYONE was nailing it and Ledger did it. Eckhardt did it a few times, too. All in all, ten out of fucking ten no doubt. Top five films of all time? Definitely. Christopher Nolan a brilliant director? Dear God yes. His use of the score was some of the best I've seen in a loooooong time. Heath Ledger? Awe-inspiring, disturbing, emotional, brilliant fucking performance. He sucked me in and he really made me feel. Spoiler: Click here to viewI swear, any time he had a knife to someone I nearly shat myself. The thing is, Ledger was so damned convincing and so committed and so just absurd in the way he spoke, but he played his role with such conviction and the dialogue was so fucking brilliant that what he was saying throughout the movie, in some kind of fucked up way you couldn't help but find yourself agree with some things he said. Sure, he went about things in an awful way, but some of his batshit insane logic made sense. It was really a reflection upon morals, heroes, anarchy, just a bunch of deep shit that made you think. Oscar nominations all around, to be quite honest. Not only do all superhero movies have a big challenge to top this movie, but movies in general do. In fact, actors do too. This movie is a phenomenon and for good reason. It deserves every bit of hype it gets. Fuck, I'm seeing this at least two more times in theatres.
  2. 'Cause Billiiiiieee Jeaaaannn is not my lovvverrrr. And Love is a Battlefield is fucking awesome, especially the dance sequence.
  3. Not only could this movie be the record holder for opening weekend box-office, but I could conceivably see it being the top grossing film of all time. Seriously. And I get to see it today. And fuck, I'll probably see it at least one or two more times depending on friends who won't be cunts and money. And fuck, I'll pick up the DVD the first day it comes out.
  4. Fuck if that ain't cool. I'm going to The Dark Knight today, so hopefully The Watchmen trailer will play beforehand. If not, I know what I'm doing when I come back. I am incredibly hyped about this, because fuck if The Watchmen isn't one of the best comics of all time. In fact, dare I say, it's one of the best novels of all time. Yeah, I went there.
  5. Holy arcade, Batman. I'll let the actual gameplay slide because that HAD to be human vs. human vs. human, and said humans were dumb as fuck. The commentary was pretty atrocious at times, too. Well, I'll rent it at least.
  6. Yes, be nice to people who probably won't see it until tomorrow. With their moms. I don't give a fuck if I need to see it with my mom, I'll enjoy it, and she'll enjoy actually being able to spend time with me. This is going to be so awesome. >_>
  7. If this ever happens, I'm definitely going into it with low expectations in hopes to be pleasantly surprised if it's anything but shit. Yoshimitsu ought to be interesting to see though, I will admit that.
  8. Everyone I know plans on going to see it at some point. Yet, I can't find anyone to go with me. Fuck it, I'm seeing it by myself on Saturday if I have to.
  9. I highly doubt it's overheating. As suggested, it's on it's way to RROD'ing. That happened to my first 360 as well. It would be okay for a while, then RROD when I got Guitar Hero II, then NHL 07 was fine. Then, eventually, it shit bricks and I had to send it in. So, although it's not RRODing yet, it probably will be soon.
  10. How is it not true? It's a scheduled appearance, it's not like it's going to be a big thing where Colbert is trying to fool everyone. O__o
  11. Well... Yes, let's mention obvious fucking bands. Woooooooooooooooooooooo. And Fugazi's quite punk, so fuck you.
  12. I will say cunts as much as I please, GoGo YouCunt. I was hoping for a streaming site, but that'll do. Let's see what all this hullabaloo is about.
  13. So, where can I find Geass? Cunts.
  14. Well, then, parents are fucking idiots.
  15. Now, yes, but I'm basing my experience off of four years ago, when they opened for The Arctic Monkeys. Nobody Move, Nobody Gets Hurt is certainly memorable, though. The rest I'd assume so too, but again, I'm basing my experience off of them four years ago, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  16. Dude. DUDE. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. Bob fucking Dylan. BOB FUCKING DYLAN IN ROCK BAND. I'm sold right there. The rest is great, but Tangled Up in Blue? That is cool as all fuck. Edit: AND EYE OF THE TIGER? I don't drink, but I think it has to be a pre-requisite to be drunk while playing that song.
  17. You really think that a big part of the movie's demographic is kids under seventeen? Maybe I'm crazy, but I'll have to disagree. I'm certain it's definitely part of the demographic, but not a big chunk. I don't think many teenagers who are under the age of 17 or so know much of Max Payne.
  18. I got to see them live opening for The Arctic Monkeys. (free ticket, trip to Toronto, I figured I might as well) Anyway, they're a pretty fun band live (granted four years ago was when I saw them live), but they don't really have any songs that you'll remember. Just hope they play their old stuff I guess, 'cause their new stuff is shit? I've only heard stuff from three or four years ago since that's when I went to the concert. Good band. Not great, not awful either. That's the best way to explain them, basically.
  19. Fuck anyone who hated Pan's Labyrinth, it was absolutely brilliant. Fuck anyone who hasn't seen it too, because they need to see it. It was one of my favourite, if not my favourite movie last year. Anyway, I believe I need to see Hellboy II if it's anything like Pan's Labyrinth. I don't mind if there's some liberations taken from the comcs, because Del Torro seems to know what he's doing. Plus, the original, although not phenomenal, wasn't awful either, so I'll give this a chance. I dunno when I'll give it a chance, because of The Dark Knight coming out on Friday, but I will definitely give it a chance.
  21. Mos Def, you cock. Anyway, since this has seemingly turned into the 'what is good thread', as far as mainstream rap goes: Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common, K'naan (I think he's only come out with one fucking record, which pisses me off, and I'm not sure if he's mainstream anyway) is mostly all I need. Brother Ali is rather awesome, too, especially for being white as fuck.
  22. I don't feel the need to talk about previously mentioned bands since they've been mentioned, but Fugazi is downright fucking awesome. Moss Icon is good too, but I'm not exactly sure if they're punk. Oh well. Speaking of covers of 'Mother', this is certainly a different way to go about it. It's pretty fucking cool, though.
  23. Why don't you emboss a font? I think it adds to the text. Because to me, embossed fonts screams amateur. Not saying everything I do, or everything here is profession at all, but to me, emboss fonts just look like they come off of some Angelfire website or something. >_> And yes, emboss can work with the right effects, but it's very, very rare.
  24. I'm assuming the rap songs won't be part of the DLC? Same with MSI, even though that would be amazing. And $300? Jesus Fucking Christ. No way. Just no.
  25. I'd blend the blood into the white a bit more, and personally, I'd never ever ever ever emboss a font. It usually doesn't look good at all, and this is one of those times. Aside from that though, it's fine for what it is.
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