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Meacon Keaton

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Everything posted by Meacon Keaton

  1. Is anybody still playing this? I have it from December 2014 and have still yet to start it. I was waiting for a buddy of mine to get it, but he still hasn't.
  2. I'll never get the "too many threes" argument. But that could be that I grew sick and tired of the dunkfest that was the NBA for years and years through high school and early adulthood.
  3. The answer to both Jordan and Gretzky is no, it never got boring watching either. Attention spans are shorter now and there are so many other options for people to watch instead. We're witnessing a potential historic season and people don't seem to really care.
  4. If I made a list titled "Franchises with the most overpaid quarterback", I'd throw you all toward the top of that as well.
  5. Going to Philly wouldn't be smart, but at least he wouldn't come across as a chump riding the coattails of Curry. If that happens I may give up on the NBA. You know things are getting lame when the "stars" of the league start looking for shortcuts to championships.
  6. Yeah, I don't get it. No one ever really wants to go to the Jets. Not unless it's that or going to play in Canada. You have other options, Kap! Don't do this to yourself!
  7. I read an article a few years back that talked about the crazy amount of sex slave rings in the cities that host the Super Bowl every year. Made my stomach turn then and it does now. Not saying that he was busted with a sex slave, but just knowing that kind of stuff goes on makes me want to throw up.
  8. How'd you cock up his contract?
  9. My favorite. That said, I'm struggling hard to narrow down my list even this much. Love: Moon/The Assassination of Jesse James Like: Lawn Dogs/The Green Mile Hate: Charlie's Angels/Cowboys and Aliens Hate-Like: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  10. I hate the NFL trying to take over Thursday nights. It's been a college football thing for so long now. Never mind the injury risk of playing on a Sunday and then turning around to play again four days later. Hate it.
  11. ...the Chargers? lol you indeed! And so long, Justin Tuck. Another ND-alum. Darn good career. Two Super Bowl wins, if I'm remembering correctly.
  12. So that's what, three or four moves that have just fallen through in the last week.
  13. Predicting Denver would have been one thing, but I doubt very many people in the world thought Carolina would've done what they did this year. That's what makes football so great though. Besides Cleveland and Jacksonville, the parity in this league can't be matched.
  14. How does it feel, you scum Michigan fan, to know that the majority of your offense relies on them boys from ND?
  15. I just saw this. I completely avoided all spoilers without even really trying, which just goes to prove it can be done for those that complain that it's impossible. I loved it. Thought it was absolutely perfect. Rey is a total bad ass, and Adam Driver was somehow even better than I figured he'd be. He's not the prettiest man, but that dude is a great actor. I did hear a woman sitting behind me say, when he first took off his helmet, "Oh he's so handsome!" I'm already for the next one.
  16. Quarterback class is super weak this year, so anybody that has any interest in getting one is most likely going to reach for them.
  17. "Future back up quarterback that finally proves he's not good enough for the NFL" you mean.
  18. Ha. At least the Yankees were able to win championships with the money they spent. Dodgers spend the money, but get no results. That's the true definition of a loooo-who-seh-herrrrrrrr.
  19. Yeah, I almost feel like I should switch The Perfect Storm with The Descendants since he carried the latter almost all on his own. I wish I had room for O Brother, Where art thou? though.
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