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Meacon Keaton

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Everything posted by Meacon Keaton

  1. If you're asking me, I'm playing the new early-access version.
  2. DYSI could have beaten the Saints. He was just afraid of you.
  3. Guys, let's be honest. He doesn't want to support any team in Texas.
  4. Tiger shot -4 today, because of course he did. What a Jeckyl/Hyde roller coaster this man's game is on.
  5. You like only three of those ten? Be honest. I've heard the stories about you.
  6. Ruki, when you say new roster update, do you mean the post-Free Agency rosters? They won't be out for a long while, right?
  7. Ten clubs eliminated in my quest to find a club to support. I took Man U, Man City, Chelsea, and Liverpool out of my hat prior to the drawing, so only six teams were eliminated fairly. The ten remaining: Arsenal Bournemouth Everton Leicester Newcastle Norwich Stoke Swansea Spurs Watford West Brom The next elimination round will see me draw five more clubs out of the hat. Those five will be eliminated. With five left, I'll pull four out, and the last club remaining will win my undying support...as long as I get enough of their matches on television.
  8. You don't have to pay anything else once you get the early access.
  9. Of course it's fine. It happens on accident way too much to count.
  10. So I'm by no means a huge hockey fan. I use to be, but I just don't follow it like I use to. But this off-season stuff always gets me pumped, so I'm starting a new game of this today. I can't be the only one. Tell me 'bout ya games, lads!
  11. I'm pretty sure that only happens when you touch hands or butts.
  12. They think putting him with Sid and Malkin will light a fire under his ass. They needed to do something, since they've kind of shit the bed the last few years in the playoffs.
  13. What is it? Every limbo boy and girl All around the limbo world Gonna do the limbo rock All around the limbo clock Jack be limbo, Jack be quick Jack go unda limbo stick All around the limbo clock Hey, let's do the limbo rock Limbo lower now Limbo lower now How low can you go?
  14. I literally just started this tonight. The book that is.
  15. I was pulling for England, if only because I think they would have been much easier to beat. Still a shame that they played so well, just couldn't put that extra shot in.
  16. Is that really a thing? Because it happens to me every goddamned time.
  17. That sounds like something the old Meacon would have loved.
  18. From the few things I've heard, Dallas is the favorite to get Jordan.
  19. Maverick is a very fun "western". I'd probably classify it more as a comedy than a western, but it takes place in the old west. And you should watch Tombstone. I love me some Tombstone.
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