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RoHitman Reigns

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Status Updates posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. People, want some great bluetooth headphones for cheap? 100% legit, Souljaboy is offering $149.99 headphones for $20 shipped from tunesaudio.com using the code SOULJA at checkout. 

    I just ordered my pair, so I know this works.

  2. Ok, since not many did join, Decks Against Society rescheduled for 3 hours from now, 6 PM EST 11 PM GMT, room info will be in coin op thread when it happens, join us as we have cookies for all!

  3. Do you like cards Against Humanity? Do you want to play for free online? Check out the Coin Op Arcade for Decks Against Society thread and come join the game today!

  4. I just lost the game :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      Thank you GA, FINALLY someone who gets it

    3. Pizza


      Lol GA, nobody beats HHH.

    4. Sousa


      I won the game years ago, so it doesn't matter. Sorry about your luck.

  5. After issues that kept me very preoccupied, I am able to finally come home to EWB! :)

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Does that mean you can Gears again?

    2. Benji


      ANSWER HIM, BRET! :'(

    3. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      The last time talk did gears, Niner told me but I was busy with another friend rarely get to game with. If yall go for it, someone hop on steam and let me know and if can ill play.

  6. Woo finally getting donator status on EWB :)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. T.J.


      Wow Axel...wow. lol

    3. Gazz



    4. Matt


      You now get to join our secret "It Guy" club where we discuss which normy we pick on next.

  7. You know there is a Steam friendship request sitting around awaiting you to accept it right Summers?

  8. One must love when neither McDonald's or Wendy's knows how to operate their drive thru services properly and screw up your order within an estimated ten minutes time of each other.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Hey, if you guys know a better way to have Apple Fries covered with Chili, I'd like to hear it.

    3. Lineker


      That sounds horrendous.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Have you thought the reason they both screwed up your order is because you forgot which one you were at first? Trying to make a bigmac with square patties...

  9. Anyone having issues with the Xbox.com forums working properly?

    1. Matt
    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      It probably red ringed. Probably.

    3. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      Theres times it will time out when I visit with a bad request, other times I might actually get to access the base page of the forums or even the list, but otherwise I cant even go into a specific game to chat about it if I want to :(

  10. Time to start my first ever TEW Game :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      Ive read so from browsing the forum a good bit. I still do EWR at times but figured give this a shot. Gonna run with WWE ATM since dunno how to do 'touring' promotions that well yet.

    3. OctoberRaven


      Actually, C-Mil, I've seen booker spots open at least once a year. Game I'm playing now, Kevin Nash was fired from booking AAA.

    4. C-MIL


      I'm in my twelfth month with nothing. Just a lot of broken friendships...

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