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Everything posted by Blaze09

  1. Texas was pass happy with Colt because their RBs never amounted to anything once Jamaal left, and even when he was there he was hit or miss. Jus' saying
  2. GoGo has turned into EWB's version of CAW from the beginning of the Chikara Season

    1. GoGo Yubari
    2. TEOL


      So that's what that is.

      I thought you'd just gone insane.

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Actually there is a different motive for it sort of, but it's an accurate description nonetheless.

  3. Yep...Im going to go pay off the rest of my pre-order tonight
  4. After 2 hours to cool down and see the replay again, it was the right call. The ball came out as soon as it touched the ground. He wasn't trying to push up off the ground with it. When you get a chance, watch it in real speed instead of slow mo and your mind might change.
  5. I could have sworn that was ruled a td...what happen between that I don't know.
  6. Wait...Stafford is in a sling What did we do as a city to deserve this
  7. *points to avatar and sig* Yes, I realize we are going to go 7-5 because of the defense (no help to my fellow former classmate Cameron Gordon who made bad plays on the ball on both long TDs), but... *points to avatar and sig* and my brother rushed for 117 yds on 13 carries yesterday for Cincy. Yes, it was against Indiana State, but I don't care.
  8. I could have sworn Frenso St. and Oregon St. aren't in the Big East and Cincy beat them last year No love for Denard Robinson going nutty on UCONN? Y'all shoulf really get in touch with Tate since he is gonna pull the same stunt his brothers did.
  9. The whole UFC vs Boxing thing will always lean towards UFC and tonight showed why, No boxer is good off of his feet
  10. Scratch that, I won't get it til the morning. Stupid brother.
  11. I don't even have my PS3 right now, I should get it back tonight.
  12. I had played my game but it froze at the end. We can go ahead if everyone is ready in the morning. If we haven't advanced I'll sim and make sure I'll lose
  13. I didn't get a friend request though. It's jusblaze09
  14. Yeah, didn't get an invitation.
  15. The thing is, with those rosters, yeah everyone is just named, but for the schools we're using, our rosters are 85% percent inaccurate. Ratings won't really be a problem (since we all sans HTTK will suck), but I at least wanna play with the 69 people who have a chance of playing for WMU come Sept. 6th instead of people who have already A) been kicked off the team or B) have graduated but EA didn't care to take them out.
  16. God no one on that list intrest me, give me Western Michigan
  17. No 4 different dynasties at different times to keep me into the game. My Florida and Cincy ones im probably starting ASAP, the other ones might not come til later in the year.
  18. Went 12-1 in my MTSU dynasty the first year, pulling off 12 straight after losing the first game 37-16 (those pesky Gophers). Only pulled in 11 people in recruiting, so this year should be a lot tougher, but we were still picked to win the Sun Belt. Waiting on luvtotha9s to finish his rosters (EDIT: He is in the state of Virgina so he has that state and Washington left) before I start my Cincy, Florida, Washington, and Miami dynasties
  19. PSN: jusblaze The other two are all but set, and I have no objections
  20. Me personally, I would want to wait until luvtotha9s finishes his roster before we start. At least then players will be on the right teams and whatnot. As far as using "A" teams go, unless EA fixed progression to the point where there will be a bunch of A teams later in the dynasty, then I don't see why we couldn't use them, because everyone is going to be at the best a "B" rating four years in (if we get that far).
  21. So yeah.....about that podcast?

    1. Rocky


      What podcast would this be?

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