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Everything posted by NM!

  1. That never happens. Only time we get a moderately long commercial is during the superbowl, to my recollection. The only commercials we get during RAW are for Subway, that Men's hair coloring thing, and Geico.
  2. Dance Dance Revolution. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either. The only other games that would be worse that I bought was the Prince of Persia "reboot" and Mercenaries 2. Reason they aren't the biggest mistakes is because I got P.o.P. for 10 bucks about 2-3 years after it came out, and Mercenaries 2 had come with a Tomb Raider game that I gave my sister, and the first Uncharted, which I have yet to beat.
  3. Saw this on Tumblr earlier. Hidden as it may contain spoilers for the finale of Community. For those who can't see the gifs,
  4. I don't think this was the weakest episode they've had. It was a set up towards the finale and had some nice moments. Personally, I liked the call-back to the multiple timeline episode which is tied for favorite episode alongside "Basic Lupine Urology". I still feel the impersonator one was the weakest episode Community's ever had. EDIT: I also enjoyed the fact that the characters did go through the five stages of grief throughout the episode.
  5. Hasn't Bethesda outright said that they don't like the PS3 and that's the reason for xbox and pc getting "exclusives"? I'm not sure if it's an actual statement from them or not, but I recall reading it somewhere.
  6. I actually loved this week's Community. It's also my sisters 21st birthday today and I've been trying to think of a cake to get her. Since I couldn't find a good one, I had to get a basic one, so seeing that excellent cake is making me sad.
  7. While it has been one of my "trademarks" I have opted to stop doing my "theatrical border" due to nearly everyone advising against it and simply make the borders the same on all sides. I'm unsure if they are too big, but I felt like it looked weird with a thinner border.
  8. This is regarding outside news about Community. Considering outside news of other shows potentially ruining shows for people, I'll spoiler it as it pertains to one of the main cast.
  9. I would think these are already universally loved on here. By "cult", I think they mean shows that EWB isn't killing themselves over.
  10. I don't think I'm going to be able to bare them splitting up Troy and Abed, even if it is just for an episode.
  11. Yeah, that was Blake. Maybe it's just me but I'm not a fan of this new trend of them including cartoon animations into the show. Last week with Jeff's heart scene, which I was fine with, but now with his "ego apple" and Chang's thoughts slightly annoys me. I'm fine with them doing a more "normal" season this go, but if they're adding cartoons into the scenes, doesn't that ruin the aspect of it? Just my little gripe. Also, this feels like an episode I'll be skipping when I get the season on DVD.
  12. I know it's just a vague example for a complaint but just wanted to clarify that Michonne actually showed up faster than she did in the comics.
  13. Spoilers on the entire series. Just some thoughts / predictions I have on season 5.
  14. I can't see anyone else being The Governor besides Merle. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if we were to see something like the guy who was cast show up, get killed to cause an outrage among the fans before revealing the governor is Merle. Just my thoughts though.
  15. I've actually enjoyed the Batman and Robin reboot. I haven't caught up in the past 2 months, but from the issues I saw, I enjoyed them.
  16. Oh man, I enjoyed 21 Jump Street. A lot. It's not a smart comedy, but if you're in favor of movies like Suoerbad and the Hangover, you'll like this one just as well. Actually, I probably enjoyed this movie more than Suoerbad and Hangover in terms of possible rewatchablility and scenes I would cut out.
  17. Oh god, I hope T-Dog doesn't actually turn into Tyreese. It's not that he couldn't become something interesting if the writers actually cared about him, it's just that he does not look ANYTHING like Tyreese. I don't care if Otis didn't look the same, Lori not looking the same, or even Rick looking like his comic counterpart, because that's nearly impossible to do, but with a character like Tyreese, you need to have a form of intimidation. He needs to look like he can kill someone with his bare hands, with ease, and T-Dog looks nothing like it. Also, in regards to the hammer, maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but I don't remember the hammer being such a big part of his character. Also, I just found out of a back-story in issue 75, in full color where aliens attack and multiple main characters are killed off and some secondary characters return from the dead. Really no connection to the main story, I just figured I would share that tidbit, considering others may want to see it. It doesn't get continued after that issue as it was a one-off sort of deal, and while I didn't care for it what so ever, I'm sure some people here may enjoy it.
  18. Found these a couple of weeks ago but completely forgot to share them on here. Community in the style of Breaking Bad, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, and Parks and Recreation: Other two are below.
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