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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. March of the Fire Ants has my current all-time favorite guitar riff.
  2. Calling it now: Justin Tucker will decide the Ravens season in their next game with the Browns.
  3. Shucks. Still want it here anyway to set myself aside from the old 3DS plebes.
  4. Also tied for first in the AFC North....WHAT IS GOING ON OHIO?
  5. Debating on whether or not to sell my PS3, haven't played it in at least two months...
  6. ...anything yet on when the New Nintendo 3DS comes out in the US?
  7. Guys I might have inadvertently cursed Foles. He still has nice hair though.
  8. Changed my mind a few weeks ago and picking it up as soon as I'm not a poorbro.
  9. and it'll still be better than Pro Wrestling X ...wait, is that STILL a thing?
  10. I'm honestly only gonna try it out out of morbid curiosity....if the game even ends up releasing.
  11. ..what they said, go desktop. I'm only using a laptop right now because I really don't have the space to keep a desktop. I can still do Skyrim, which works good for me.
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/EWBV Also, my SteamID is barracuda-rostigraben.
  13. "Also appearing,, Nancy Grace...."
  14. We need to nominate someone to do a Let's Play of this when it releases. Also, the game. Uh...where do I begin?
  15. Next game I'm gonna pick up from my wishlist is either Kerbal Space Program, Super Meat Boy, or Clockwork Empires. Force me to choose one.
  16. Let's just hug it out. Anyway, not gonna make a move to next-gen until I get a stinking Kingdom Hearts 3 release date.
  17. LOLOLOLnope gonna listen to the glorious sounds of silence instead...or wrestlers themes if that still carries over from 2K14...
  19. Like I said, the Eagles and Ravens are EWB's undisputed absolute undeniable favorite NFL teams.
  20. I think there is an achievement to crash the moon into the Earth. I love games like this and Kerbal. I may or may not have it if it is an acheivement. I know for a fact that literally the first thing I did was mess around with orbit speeds a bit and shot Earth into deep Space.
  21. Universe Sandbox is better than it seriously has any right to be.
  22. I've played more pinball in Duke Nukem Forever than the actual story. Also, something something starting the Dawnguard quest line in Skyrim after walking there from Whiterun.
  23. Watch the Eagles because they are most certainly EWB's undisputed favorite NFL team.
  24. Wasn't that the same game that had Trish Stratus: WWE Champion as a storyline? (Or something to that effect?)
  25. Good luck. Most of the time it'll be swagbro gangsters created by people who have no idea the Transparency slider exists.
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