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Posts posted by fourstarfizzle

  1. Loved the look of concern on Thor when Cap moved it just a little.

    The announcements are awesome, though I'm hoping it's the last Thor for a while, 3 films is enough to put him just in Avengers now. Civil War will hopefully bring in a lot of smaller characters and give Stark something to work with. Inhumans intrigues me, hopefully this gives the chance for World War Hulk down the line and maybe the Illuminati (though they obviously can't use Richards of Professor X). The Black Bolt/Hulk scene in WWH is one of my favourites of all time.

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  2. Watched it the other night, not too bad, CGI was a bit shoddy, and the re-shot ending annoyed me a little....

    Constantine is supposed to be a complete arsehole who would manipulate a situation to get things to work the way he thinks is best even if it cost some kid their life. He’s not the type to go scare someone to safety if having them around makes his life easier. The ending was obviously for the character switch to Zed, but it was a little too NBC-nice for me.

  3. Give the Micro Terror a look. It sounds huge for a 20w head. Especially if you link it up with a bigger cab, plus it's only 99GBP. Good little review of it here, bigger cab test is at around 6:05

  4. Well so far on the Sunn build I've managed to snag a Seymour Duncan SH-6 for the bridge at 30GBP and a SJBJ-1N for 40GBP. Not bad considering they're about 70-80 each in the UK. Just need to find anothe SJBJ-1N and I'm away.

    Also picking up an Orange Micro Terror so I can get some playing done whilst travelling. It's just not viable shipping a Sunn amp to Mongolia.

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  5. I do love the big muff sound, though the size of that bad boy is crazy. They do have other smaller muffs though. Also have heard good things about the pro co rat, its been around for awhile.

    I wish I had thought the distortion pedal purchase out more. The metal muff is maybe too much heavy for me, its a bit shrill.

    Yeh, the shrillest I will go metal wise is the Boss HM-2, that's mainly because I love Entombed and the chainsaw guitar tone.

  6. At the moment I've got a Hyper Fuzz, ProCo Rat and a Big Muff, I'd eventually like to pick up an original Super-Fuzz and maybe an Earthbound Supercollider, they are crushingly good. I'm running through an Sunn Studio Lead at the moment, eventually want to get hold of a Model-T but with my travelling it's not adequate to be lugging around. Plus this combo is pretty awesome as it is.

  7. Here's my new toy. Not bad for 50 pounds including the hard case. Next up is to check the wiring and replace the pick ups. I'm torn between a Dimarzio Super Distortion for the bridge or going with a Seymour Duncan set, SH-6 Duncan Distortion for the Bridge with 2 JB Jr singles for the middle and neck.

    This bad boy is mainly gonna be for some stoner/doom work.



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  8. Yeh, they do have a slightly rounded body base but the back isn't as rounded as a standard Strat, it's pretty squarish, just a nicer 4 pickup setup with the 2 singles and a double on the bridge and as you say they're built well and also heavy as fuck for a Strat copy, they re-released it with a model made in china but they're even cheaper and not very good. Always a great bargain when you can get an original 88-91 model.

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  9. I've just picked up an original 89' Fender Sunn Mustang for 50 quid which I'm very happy with. Lovely piece of kit for playing straight up doom and drone music. Only downside is it's at my parents in UK and I can't get my hands on it until December.

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