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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. Actually I hate to say this cause I love Community but the last few episodes have been pretty flat too. End of season 1/most of season 2 is really the shows peak.
  2. Has anyone been watching Person of Interest? It apparently has picked up big time since the pilot.
  3. Saw it on Sunday and it was an entertaining cinema movie but nothing special. It just lacked character development and I would have liked to have seen more brutal shit. Jennifer Lawrence () and Stanley Tucci were great though.
  4. FC Santa Claus Oh my god. Are they on the game? Please be on the game. I had a game of two seasons with them but I can't remember if I unlocked a league to be able to play them or not. I managed to get them promoted once but obviously they have no money as a shitty Finnish club. They play in red obviously
  5. Isn't the next season already taped or about to be?
  6. I quite enjoy this season. On the one hand I would have liked to have seen Colton in the merge and see how he'd play the idol and try to work both sides. On the other hand his attitude was just sickening and annoying, so luckily we won't have him hogging the camera anymore. Jeff clearly was trying to find a way to keep Colton in the game like they did with James in HvV. He will definitely return in all stars season or second chance and it will be interesting TV again but damn what a brat. I wanted him to randomly give the idol to Jonas or something so bad.
  7. Been thrown around for a while, and I'd love to see it. Edit: Considering last episode of One World;
  8. Showing emotion like Mourinho does is fine but Di Matteo takes it a step too far IMO, good lord. Drogba was like 'yeah yeah we're through to the quarter final, I know'.
  9. So if Chelsea win this game the media are going to hype Di Matteo as the next manager right?
  10. 10 minutes and Robben has already scored. Going to be a hard night for Basel...
  11. Holman has been in Holland for ages. He's a hard worker, decent technically and has improved his game a lot the last 2/3 seasons at AZ. Still, he's never been the standout player at AZ or any other Dutch club though, so it's not like you guys bought some hidden gem.
  12. Colton is indeed a complete asshole, but good TV. Tarzan is an interesting cat too, he can be very annoying, but does seem to understand the game, like protecting Colton during tribal council etc. Jeff definitely was trying to paint Colton in a bad light, as talking about his life and stuff wasn't relevant to the vote anyway. I'm glad Bill is gone 'cause he was annoying as hell with his "bro" attitude. Michael switched from being in the frat boy alliance to a quiet minion of Colton effortlessly, which was smart because he would have had no chance going against Colton. Right now it looks like he has taken Leif's place.
  13. Just watched the first episode and I'm interested, good actors too. I just wonder what they are going to do with this. I think two cases at once can become a little confusing.
  14. I watched the first three episodes. The concept is interesting and some things are pulled off well but the writing is very mediocre and the main male actor I find very hard to watch; bad actor. I guess I somewhat want to know where the show is going but I have a feeling it'll get cancelled anyway.
  15. Yeah I don't really get why Colton just revealed the idol to everyone there. It might pay off at first, as the Frat Boy Alliance will go home one by one, but then the guys can easily just gang up on him and flush the idol. As it stands right now though Colton makes the merge at least and he should be happy about this because if he wants to be a returning player he needs to make the merge. I liked Tarzan's contributions this episode, it showed his personality. Matt was an ass but I do think with the right people he could have done very well. He's a good talker and can sway people. At least he noticed the threat and tried to fix his place, Michael didn't do shit. Bill is next probably on the guys tribe and if Michael is smart he keeps himself on the down low. I'm surprised by Troyzan's play so far, he's not even that loony. Did Cochran play for a returning player spot? He was useless the entire way until the merge. He never tried to strategize with people or look for the idol. He got carried to the merge and then flipped. You could argue the flipping was him trying to become famous but meh, I think he really thought it was for the best and got played by Coach. I thought Troyzan would be a guy who would play to be memorable but he's been normal. Bill is just weird, didn't expect that. Seemed calm and collected first 2 episodes. Jonas is in a great position.
  16. We like to complain about football, a lot. Despite our impressive performances time and time again. People feel the performance wasn't great, but not because of two holding midfielders. We were just sloppy, can do much better.
  17. Robben is still a beast, good to see. Felt we didn't play that well, sloppy with passes at times and missed opportunities to send Robben away. Our brief moments of class were good enough to win. Huntelaar sitting up with grass in his mouth is the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time. Also, the moment Cahill scored an offside goal I knew England would come back into the game. He didn't even let Robben go to his left foot much. Like they said after the game, against 99% of all players nothing would have happened but Robben is just pure class.
  18. Did they try to do some kind of parody/mockumentary like Spinal Tap? And obviously failed miserably.
  19. Awful penalties so far, hilarious stuff 'Gwan Cardiff!
  20. Yeh I liked the white and blue ones too, and the classic Orange is always great. We'll be wearing the fugly black shirt against England, maybe it looks better on the telly.
  21. I don't think Colton was in an alliance. He was referring to when Matt went up to him and told him if he can give the men valuable info about the girls then he can be a valuable asset, but if he just goes there for shits and giggles he's a liability. Had the men lost and Colton didn't have the idol, I'm sure Colton would have either gone out first or second (maybe Tarzan first). It's clear the men don't like his work ethic, and he's clearly not some god in challenges.
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