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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. Go eat a big red candle CBS, of course I can't watch the damn bios on their website. Loads of mactors I see. Leif looks like a midget in his picture. Greg Smith seems to be the token crazy guy of the season. Edit: It's so obvious most of these people have only watched 1 or 2 seasons or none at all. Hell, Bill's bio doesn't even have the question about which previous Survivor he likes, and one of the girls is like; there hasn't been a strong country girl like me. Basically saying she has no clue. Natalie maybe?
  2. 30 should definitely be an all out all stars. A FvF before that would be great too, Micronesia was amazing. I don't really mind the returning players, I enjoy it for some reason. I've liked both Boston Rob and Coach in their last seasons. Still, some new blood is good so the new all stars will be better.
  3. What the fuck was that? That was hilariously shit. Apparently Danielle is in the movie too >_< Anyway, time for a new Survivor, fuck.
  4. Ravel Ryan Morrison @RavelMorrison49 4h I have never 1s turned down a contract off manchester united Good f'n lord === Manchester City set to pursue shock double swoop for United wonderkids Paul Pogba & Ravel Morrison. Full story: Goal.com Doubt it.
  5. All Survivors being on one island has happened before right? I remember thinking it was a cool idea and I was interested in it staying this way. I do understand why it has to be two separate tribes though on one island, because just one big tribe would be a mess and far less intriguing. You'd have around 16 people playing for individual immunity at once
  6. Football Manager is easily the franchise I put most of my time in. However, on a single game, it might be a tie between one of the FM's and Call of Duty 2. My god I loved that game online on the PC so much during my young teen years. Same goes for COD1 actually. Pokemon Blue is definitely up there, although in hindsight I probably didn't put that much time into it; only played it during holiday breaks. Once I completed it I never played it again. I also adored Left 4 Dead 1. L4D2 is great too but I had a core friends group I played with on Steam in L4D1 and for some reason that died a bit when the second game came out 'cause we got older. Ah being young, no worries....good times.
  7. Mbaye Niang Best young striker in the game.
  8. I think Overeem would have beaten 100% Lesnar as well actually.
  9. Ravel sounds like a complete retard anyway, let the boy go: Not surprised Pienaar might be on his way out. I never understood why the Spurs signed him in the first place considering the amount of quality players they already had on his position. What Spurs needed at the time was a good winger to back up Lennon/Bale (still do actually).
  10. At least we'll have new champs this time as Egypt didnt qualify. Ivory Coast and Ghana should be going in with the mindset to win, they seem the best on paper. I can see Morocco pulling off an upset and going deep. I'll be rooting for Niger, cause their name is funny
  11. I'm Dutch so can't either There's a Dutch version of Survivor (not entirely similar, but comparable), but it's shit. Still, I might have to start applying for it to live out my dream
  12. I wish I could I'm in good enough shape to do it. Perhaps not wacky enough though to be casted
  13. I started a game with them a while ago. You don't have any money to bolster the squad as expected, and it's quite shit (especially the left and right back positions need depth IIRC). Still, I think you can win League Two with almost every team with some wheelin' and dealin' on the transfer market. Bristol Rovers is a decent challenge. But I say go with Northampton Town so you can have the BEAST that is Akinfenwa
  14. Why is that Lindegaard goof in goal again? Oh, and nice header by Rooney.
  15. The Brazilian league is literally filled with one name players
  16. Anyone else have the feeling SDM plays on Amateur or Semi Pro?
  17. Is Terra Nova still basically a drama show about one family?
  18. I expected bios to up by now of the One World contestants for some reason. I am very intrigued by the concept and most likely no returning players. Also, S25/26 will happen and will be filmed earlier than usual. This probably means Probst will fly back to the US during the taping of 26 to do the 24 finale, and the 26 finalists will almost have to wait a full year to find out who won >_< Shawn Hantz is also suspected to be part of S25 Wouldn't surprise me. I bet Jeff is jizzing in his pants thinking about the possibility of having three Hantz' on All Stars.
  19. Did you also have some sort of glitch that when you put a game in the cart and went to purchase it, it would bring you back to the store main page? I had this the entire day. Finally was able to buy Trine 2 today
  20. Portal 2 is beyond amazing, buy it. I have bought nothing from these sales, which is odd for me. Just nothing really appealed to me, except for the new Batman but I remember Arkham Asylum was really badly optimized for the PC and it requires a ton of HDD space so fuck it, I'll buy it for the 360 one day. I wanted Trine 2 to go on sale but that didn't happen
  21. Didn't Dana White say on his Twitter account that everyone that got screwed over will have free access to an upcoming PPV?
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