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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. As with any lower league team, you need to win matches to get more money, and either get promoted or just not get relegated and have decent cup runs to get decent TV money. The higher the performances, the more people come to the stadium, the more profit you will make and over time you will have a good wage budget. But yeah, some clubs are easier to take to the top than others. I can imagine Rochdale would take a while.
  2. I also remember reading somewhere that China hadn't aired yet when Micronesia began, which is why Amanda got such a soft response. But then James doesn't make sense, 'cause he got a big pop, Kathy was a fan, and Joel said James was the biggest Survivor until now bla bla. If they ever do another All Stars-like season and they allow third time players like in HvV, I'd like to see Yau Man and Jonathan Penner again.
  3. Rewatching Micronesia for the 5th time or so Joel taking out Mary with the first vote just because she was somewhat close to Mikey was done waaaay too early, he clearly had an obsession with becoming famous via blindsides. I always felt Mikey would have done well with a better, more sane tribe. He seemed to have the goods.
  4. Mexico, Ukraine, Norway and Holland all have talented players as well you can buy fairly cheap at times
  5. Goosebumps. It does look less epic and more kiddy than LOTR, but that is expected knowing the book.
  6. I have 25 leagues loaded in my Lens game Going pretty fast too. Do you have an Apple? 'Cause otherwise 6GB RAM is useless right, because Windows only uses 3?
  7. All Winners is technically possible but will never happy for obvious reasons, which is a shame. I'd love to see guys like Todd, Hatch and Yul back.
  8. Yeah, Sophie played a great game. I had a feeling she'd win since Cochran flipped after the merge, guaranteeing her survival until the end. Her immunity wins at crucial times certainly helped, can't believe she beat Ozzy in that challenge considering his lead. The producers were clearly hoping for Ozzy to make it 'till the end because that challenge was the exact same one they used in Cook Islands for the final five and Ozzy won it. Coach played a good game, but at the same time also a bad one. The way he handled being the don of the alliance was impressive at times. His bad decisions started towards the end of the merge. Whereas Boston Rob would have kept Edna and Cochran around, Coach was too dead set on making it 'till the end with the core five. His assessments of the game sucked too; Sophie was clearly the biggest threat, while Brandon wasn't at all. Albert did see this but Coach just ignored it completely. Amazing season. Couple of random notes now that the season is over: - Please no Russell vs. Brandon. It wouldn't even be all stars against each other, because Brandon is a horrible strategic player. Still, my prediction would be that Brandon makes it further than Russell. If Russell has to return, put him on another all stars season with Brandon in the same tribe. Hilarity will ensue. - The reunion made me like Cochran again. He knows he was a mess on the island and should have done better, fair enough. We'll probably see him return. - I am so happy Keith and Whitney's alliance didn't make it to the end. I can't stand them. - Jim is still an asshole. I do agree with Jeff he seemed like a good player, but was just on the wrong end of the stick. Another guy who could possibly return in the future. He reminds me of Jonathan Penner. - I still like Albert. He was right about most scenario's in the game, and tried to shake it up a few times. He overdid it though and got caught. - I like that at the reunion they made fun of the obsession of God during the season. - The Hantz family sounds terrible, I really feel for Brandon. - Sophie's performance at the final tribal was good, except for jumping in at the end saying she did all the strategising when Coach said he's shit at it. Came off as petty and too eager to get a point across
  9. I always use the same team talks, really. Whenever I spice it up it backfires somehow. I never use anything other than passionate and calm. All feels a bit redundant, same as when a player is worried he hardly plays and wants to talk. It always results in the player wanting to leave, unless you give in and promise first team action.
  10. Is people voting for Ozzy a bit spoiler-esque? Or is the challenge producer voting for Coach spoiler-esque?
  11. It's all about the money, money.
  12. I've decided to start a journeyman game, because the whole "add leagues" thing makes that very possible. Still, I've never managed to get into one, because I always end up with some crap obscure team who I can't relate to. But I shall do my best! I think instead of starting unemployed I should perhaps just pick a team to start with.
  13. Shame this game has gone from crazy to predictable the last few episodes, but hopefully it will go crazy again now. I expected Coach to protect Edna and take her to the final, but I guess that's something Boston Rob would have done. What is Coach actually thinking? He could still have a great shot if he brings Rick and Brandon but I have a feeling this will end up with Brandon going home next week. Brandon's father was hilarious. He just went into Russell mode and started to intimidate Coach a bit. I hate to say it, but he'd be an interesting contestant on the show as well. Brandon is such a dumbass. Finally Edna shows some personality. I liked her fire. Shame she wasn't like this the entire game, instead of the stereotypical shy woman who tries to fly under the radar. Them teasing she's going to win the duel next week makes me believe she won't. Sophie is in the best position right now easily. Well, you could say Ozzy but he needs to win a few duels first. I'd hate to see Ozzy win via Redemption Island.
  14. Pretty much the only reason Misha B was so disliked was because of those comments Tulisa made. Pretty smart strategic move there by Tulisa, I have to admit. The moment it was announced there would be no bottom 2, thus no jury vote, it was evident she'd go home.
  15. Tocantins was so boobtastic, but they all booted them early. Was a sad puppy.
  16. A great draw for England, and the teams in Group A. Holland to do the dirty work again.
  17. WTF GROUP A. SHIT. Holland -> Group of Death. It's a curse.
  18. FUCK I KNEW IT. We get Portugal (N) Last game though so we're possibly both qualified by then.
  19. Pff at least no ultimate Group of Death then. France with Ukraine
  20. Lemme guess, France in Holland's group..... Edit: yay, denmark!
  21. Olga is hot as fuck by the way. Watching BBC.
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