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The Quasi Juice

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Everything posted by The Quasi Juice

  1. It should have been Christina or Kat. I'm not a fan of Nina, mainly because her face horrifies me, but she has done nothing wrong. The only thing you can maybe accuse her of is being direct to people, but then again that's because she was clearly the one going home so she had to do something to save herself. Christina screwed up during the challenge, isn't a great athlete and seems to bring a negative energy to the tribe. Kat is just really, really dumb. This is actually quite dangerous for the alliance, because she might slip up and reveal info to the men, or just generally say something stupid. Wouldn't surprise me if they swapped Kat for Monica soon. Colton needs to watch out he doesn't became a one man tribe. Being friends with the girls is nice but 1) it clearly won't help him now, and 2) they start to get annoyed by him so when he does reach the merge they don't want him around any more. I did not expect Leif, Troyzan etc to react so happily when Colton revealed the idol. For some reason I expected them to give Colton lip service and then just tell the Frat Boys, but I guess I underestimated them. Right now I'd prefer to see Michael get blindsided, what a twat.
  2. Meh, Rooney won't make a big difference here, Ajax will lose. AZ/Anderlecht was not close at all, AZ completely dominated Anderlecht, it's just that they forgot to really seal the deal. I expect AZ to get an away goal and go through, Anderlecht looked weak, but this can obviously change at home.
  3. So Rooney can play in friendlies? Pearce might be better off not playing him considering he won't be there at the start either. Campbell is an odd call-up.
  4. Marseille has never interested me for some reason. Inter has been dreadful this season, Ranieri still doesn't know how to use Sneijder, despite it being really easy. Basel were pretty fun to look at last time, and Bayern just have a great team at the moment so got to go with that game.
  5. Been rewatching Fiji, and it has really opened my eyes to how shit it actually was. The reason I've always had a soft spot for Fiji is because it was one of the first Survivors I watched from start to finish, and at the time I was hooked, glued to my computer screen. Over time by watching older seasons, and ofcourse the ones after Fiji I've learned what a makes a good season. I understand what they tried to do with Fiji, but it totally backfired. The luxury/nothing camp twist resulted in tribes never switching. This was one of those seasons the producers had to intervene big time to spice things up. They picked new tribes, and again the tribe that ended up on the bad beach lost everything. Cassandra ended up being on the good beach the entire freakin' game. It was strange how much power they gave to one person, in this case the annoying Sylvia, at the start. First she was chosen as the person to fully divide everyone into 2 tribes (because she was the architect ), then she went to exile island where she got a clue to the idol, and she was guaranteed another few days because she joined the losing tribe. Had it been Alex he would have divided the tribes in such a way he would have had a majority in his tribe and he would have used the clue well. But yeah, Sylvia was stupid. As far as the cast goes; I actually liked some of them. Alex, Edgardo, Mookie, Dreamz, Yau-Man, Rocky and Michelle I all liked, for varying reasons. I was most impressed with Alex, it's just that he got dealt a bad card and got a bit cocky. Mookie was stupid telling Dreamz about the idol. Dreamz gets too much shit I feel because of what he does in the end, but he did seem to grasp the game, you can tell via his conversation's during the game, and he was great in challenges. Rocky got annoying towards the end of his run, but he was definitely a character. Michelle got robbed by another stupid twist to shake up the game. Yau-Man is just the man, I was heavily rooting for him at the time. Was amazing to see him pull off everything better than the frat boys. On the other hand, Lisi, Sylvia, Cassandra, and I'm forgetting some others utterly sucked. All in all, crappy season, could have been so much better.
  6. Entertaining first episode, the twist is really paying off as we've already seen someone infiltrate the other camp and use it to his advantage (Colton), and lots of negotiating and tension. Instead of constantly hanging around the girls though, it might be smart to try and form some sort of alliance with the older guys and the midget 'cause obvious Frat Boy Alliance is obvious. It's going to be interesting to see when and how Colton plays the idol. Actually, they should now try to find the women's idol too. I like Sabrina, she might break the token black girl spell. There are some hotties on that tribe, damn. Alicia is like a cross between Monica and Laura from Samoa, I can see her shooting herself in the foot just by running her mouth. Chelsea is lovely. Oh god, that is terrible. She's beautiful Was a shame seeing her go so early but she wasn't part of the core alliance from the start and would probably have left the first vote anyway.
  7. This Wednesday finally Hate these breaks between seasons.
  8. This is a quote from Stoke owner Peter Coates, and this attitude infuriates me. I may be alone in this respect, but god damn anyone would think Capello shot one of the Queen's corgies or something, the way some people are carrying on. Coates also said that "you havw to be getting to the last four of major tournaments" and said that nobody should be praised for doing routine things like getting England to the last 8 or whatever. Yet another moron who thinks England are/should be better than they actually are in reality. I would like to ask Coates how many foreign languages he is fluent in, and how many of them he learnt whilst living in the country and doing a high-pressure job with everyone in that nation watching on expectantly. High-pressure job? He has loads of months off between matches. He could have easily learned English within one year, just by taking classes once or twice a week and living in the freaking country. Mancini is Italian and learned English way faster than Capello and Mancini has a real high pressure job.
  9. I hope Redknapp stays at the Spurs, at least 'till the end of the season. If things have gone like suggested, he has also treated the FA with the disdain they deserve. They went over his head, and basically did the whole 'guilty until proven innocent', against Capello's will. If he has stuck to his guns and left due to that, than fair play. Yeah, don't blame him at all for leaving, the FA have once again shown themselves to be massively incompetent. Capello's by far and away the best manager England could have hoped to have, all the other potential candidates look ridiculous compared to him. Redknapp and his one FA Cup in thirty odd years of management? And who would fill in his application form? Roy Hodgson and his collection of Swedish trophies from the 80's? Gareth Southgate and his... nothing? Stuart Pearce and his passion? What's Guus Hiddink doing at the moment? Good shout, I think his move to Anzhi failed so he's available.
  10. Wow thanks for mentioning, I didn't even notice. 3AM is the PPV though, bit late I suppose I can record it.
  11. He was great against Silva, he was great against Stann. He was given Bisping just 2 weeks or so before the event because of an injury to his opponent who is a completely different fighter than Bisping. Yeah he's hilarious, he makes the experience better for me, he's just amazing at promos and I can't wait 'till Silva/Sonnen 2 now.
  12. I've noticed they try to sell Bisping to us every time he fights.
  13. I finished Sonnen's promo in my head; "survive if I let you". He wasn't impressive at all though. Barely won the first round, lost the second and looked gassed and/or overwhelmed, then clearly won the third. I didn't expect a unanimous decision, but that might just be my lack of MMA knowledge.
  14. Denise, or something. Thought it would be Frankie, but he came second.
  15. Wow, the Gabon game was great, and very cool to see them go through ^_^
  16. Won some money via Guinea so far, and had some money on Ivory Coast winning 2-0 yesterday. Damn them underperforming at every tournament! Gonna watch Niger now. Edit: Oh my gosh I love this tournament. Gabon's anthem was amazing.
  17. No wonder, you bought Erik Pieters, he's nowhere near worth 10m
  18. He is a midget, the first one ever. Interesting. So are they going to adapt challenges to him? I can see it be a burden on him at the start, he'll have to convince people he's valuable. Like I thought, Bill has hardly watched Survivor, he started with HvV and has been "loyal ever since", whoopee, hardcore fan RITE DERE! Jonas is the token Asian person that gets kicked off early. He seems very sloooow. Sabrina sassy outspoken black woman, hey hey hey girl! Colton is definitely going to the villain. An evil gay villain, interesting... Aww, Kourtney is cute, shame about the tattoo's. Bring on One World!
  19. There's a serious lack of Sonnen trash-talk videos leading up to his fight.
  20. Yeah Heroes really suffered from the strike, and I guess the writers not having a long-term plan because that whole story in Japan in season 2 sucked arse.
  21. I alerted one Survivor uploader about the bios being online and asked him to put them on so non-US peeps can watch. He's uploading them now: http://www.youtube.com/user/wednesdayjoy#p/u/4/c0exbCcBc78 Colton seems like a guy who could do well, just because he's very gay and thus might be able to connect with the girls easier. Jeff doesn't hide the fact they are all good looking either. I guess that was the deliberate casting choice due to the one world theme.
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