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Everything posted by Szumi

  2. YES~! Those are the 2 teams from Pods 3 & 4 I wanted. Algeria and Slovenia are the 2 weakest teams in their respective pods.
  3. France would get into Group A. Bunch of fuckers.
  4. I almost cried when Ivory Coast was drawn. I thought they were going into Group C with us. Instead, it's Algeria.... we may be able to get into the Knockout Round after all.
  5. Go figure. We get England, and Brazil get the tough task... of North Korea.
  6. So I've never watched the draw before, and am curious: how long does it usually last?
  7. Another thing to discuss: FIFA won't be adding extra officials behind the goal for the World Cup, and I think the several articles I read it either said, or at least implied, they won't be using techniology to help aide the officials either. It's still the system that we've been using, which means it's easier for moments like France/Ireland to repeat themselves, or players to get away with dives in the box and get a game-changing penalty. Anyone else think FIFA's going the wrong way with this? I mean, seriously. You'll investigate whether or not you'll punish Henry for his handball, but you won't take any actions to prevent shit like that from occuring so much?
  8. And West Ham is thrashing Burnley, 5-0. <3 ...why can't we always play like this?
  9. And to add on, they acquired Chris Seitz from RSL in a trade, and this is why no RSL player was taken in the draft. The two made a deal: Seitz for no RSL player. Love this move, as Seitz has a bright future, but it does make the pick of Knighton seem pointless, especially when you had a veteran defender like Jay Heaps on the NE unprotected list.
  10. Bump time. The quote below is the official NBC press release, taken from tvbythenumbers.com So we get Chuck back on Sunday, January 10, at 9PM and 10PM, and then Monday at 8PM the rest of the way. It will be pre-empted for at least two weeks in February for the Winter Olympics... but who cares. Chuck is back soon <3
  11. I actually like RSL, and wouldn't mind seeing them in the Finals. Jason Kries was a fan-dabi-dozi (MLS) player, and fun to watch as a kid, and Beckerman is the tits. However, I'm rooting for an LA title, if only because it hopefully pushes Donovan to once again leave the MLS and head back overseas, preferably to England (only because it's what I watch). But please, Landeycakes, you're a horrible fit in Germany. Don't go there.
  12. Okay, SAF is a douche. Settled? Moving on to depressing news that only a few people will care about: As one of the few Hammers fans on the boards, I'm gutted by this. I mean, I knew the chances of him coming back were slim, but to hear it finalized hurts. Dean-O was a class act, and had such potential to be fan-dabi-dozi. Zola and Capello both praised him highly, and for good reason.
  13. Oh, I fully agree with you... I just had to defend West Ham <3. MON has done great to improve the back line with Dunne, Collins, and Warnock, but you're right, no replacement in the midfield. A 19 year old and the ever overrated Downing certainly do nothing to replace Barry, and it doesn't help that the front line is very inconsistent for you guys. Carew and Heskey have both been shit/underperforming, and Gabby's still a little too inconsistent to be a constant threat. I can see Villa keeping up for a while, but just like last year, droppign in form in the new year.
  14. You bite your tongue. West Ham is not shit. Poor year? Most likely going to happen. This is what happens though when your squad gets raped by injuries and bankruptcy. However, when this club was healthy and actually able to keep its players, it was a club fighting for one of the Europe spots last years.
  15. Szumi

    NFL 2009

    So, uh.... HOW 'BOUT THEM GIANTS~!?
  16. Wow, I'm really depressed with that. You go up 2-0, and then 2-1 with a man advantage... and you proceed to play like utter shit, and give up the 3 points? It feels like we lost today, even though, clearly, every point is needed to survive this season.
  17. Szumi

    NFL 2009

    Brees doesn't have the recievers, but it's Drew Brees. Led the league last year in passing yards, and against Detroit, you know he's going to toss some TDs today too. Brees all the way, especially since Warner's hip may not be fully healed. I don't know what that status is, tbh.
  18. And in today's tennis news, Serena Williams proves to the world why she's a total cunt, and Kim Clijsters gets the most hilarious victory in the history of tennis.
  19. I am by no means a Tottenham fan (West Ham ), but I would still love to see them crush Man U today, and that opening goal was fucking epic.
  20. England's line up for tonight: Green; Johnson, Upson, Terry, Cole; Lennon, Barry, Lampard, Gerrard; Rooney, Heskey. Subs: Foster, Brown, Bridge, Milner, Defoe, Beckham, Crouch. I'm glad to see Lennon get the starting spot, as he clearly deserves it over SWP, Young, and Milner. The wingers have been disappointing for England, bar Lennon, although Beckham has played alright too. Green needs to play with the same composure he's had for West Ham, and Johnson needs to make sure he doesn't get caught up too far and burnt. I know Defoe's played so well - both for the Spurs and England - but I like Heskey wearing the back line down and lettign Defoe come on as the super sub. It's worked wonders so far, so keep it up, I guess. I like England to win tonight, as most of you do too, I imagine. The midfield has to keep working well together - although that doesn't happen a lot - and you Brits needs a steady performance from Green and Johnson. If that happens, coast to victory, gentlemen.
  21. Ouch. Arsenal is in firm control of this match, should've been up 2-0, and now down 1-2. Harsh.
  22. BAHAHA! I'm a West Ham fan, but even I have to laugh at that. That was just priceless, albeit pathetic and angersome.
  23. COLE~! That was a goal from nowhere, and pretty haggard, but it makes up for the goal Cole should've had from Stanislas at the end of the half. We deserve to be up right now.
  24. Yepp, that was a fucking blown call. Definitely should've been a penalty.
  25. And one run from Glen Johnson later, thanks in part to sloppy play by Gomes and Stevie G, we have a 1-1 draw.
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