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Everything posted by KevinStorm

  1. Motherfuck Dead Rising. I keep going into the game, moving up a couple levels, then dying. And I'm used to my games autosaving at parts. But no. I have to go all the way back.
  2. I think I'm gonna pick this up after my doctor appointment tomorrow, if the doctor's office doesn't rob me for every cent I have.
  3. Is that if you pre-order only?
  4. ...Fitzy, what did you do to XBox support?
  5. I was on Rua in side guard, raining down punches and couldn't get a knockout. He rocked me a couple times, even had me doing the gray screen thing when I took a kick to the head while shooting in on him, and then...superman punch to the face. Rua knocked out. Nice.
  6. "Midnight Rambler" by the Rolling Stones.
  7. Oh balls, I forgot this was out today(well, technically yesterday now). I'll have to wait until after 10 PM tomorrow(which...is technically today now) when I get off work.
  8. Anyone know if this update will cost anything? That survival mode sounds pretty badass.
  9. My very first experience in L4D was in the middle of a versus game, and I had no idea what I was doing.
  10. Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson.
  11. KevinStorm

    The Rolling Stones

    The Stones are gods.
  12. This thread makes it sound sort of like an older game I used to have called Gangsters: Organized Crime.
  13. We have a demo on the PS3 demo station in the Walmart I work in. I only saw part of a cutscene and a little gameplay, but it looks pretty badass.
  14. I'm in if you go for GTA, but I've never played it online so I'll be super shit GTA online is shit all by itself.
  15. EWB, I have come for your aid in deciding a game. Should I get Gears of War 2, Call of Duty 4, or Rainbow Six Vegas 2? HELP ME EWB!
  16. 9 808s and Heartbreak Stronger The Storytellers show was fucking awesome. I have to see that guy live.
  17. This. Mmmmmmmmmmmno not this. mmmmmmIagreewithFitzy.
  18. XBox Live apparently likes balls.
  19. Will I need the Legendary Map Pack for this Halo-ing?
  20. Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're playing Halo 3 again? Score.
  21. Have you messed with your TV zoom settings? Mine can be in normal(which is the square 4:3 format), wide, and cinema. Wide puts everything in widescreen and Cinema does a more zoomed in widescreen that cuts the edges off of everything. That may be what your problem is.
  22. KevinStorm

    Mix tape.

    "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails. Because he wants to fuck her like an animal.
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