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Everything posted by badotori

  1. "Do I have to sing now?" "Yes." "...uuurrrrgggghhhh." Amazing end to the show. It's weird, she keeps alternating between eccentrically cute and crazy stoner. Very bi-polar.
  2. They give with one hand, take away with the other, don't they? *shakes head*
  3. QFE. A NEW CHALLENGER HAS ENTERED THE ARENA! Nice to see the Dutch have brought their A-game. And it's great to know that the fact people weren't voting for the Armenia girl's apricot stones has been referenced.
  4. Booing Russia heartily for getting 12 points - this Norwegian crowd is amazing.
  5. Ukraine instantly win everything forever.
  6. "If I had actually voted for her, I would now want a re-count". Ah, Norton, you said just what I thinking. P.S. How, in the name of all that is holy, are Belgium in third? The song's cack!
  7. Ah, Russia. They never disappoint on the hottie front. And, good god, how manic was that Estonian bloke? Think he was hopped up on dalmatian blood or something... P.S. Get in! The Azerbaijani post-op gives us some points!
  8. 8/10 for the Polish lass that lives in Poland where the Polish people come from. P.S. More Moldava points, plz.
  9. Serbia giving 12 points to Bosnia?! Stop messing with my mind, fuckers.
  10. She'll be one of many, Dan . One of the pre-requisites of Eurovision, in my mind - unreasonably attractive points-giver-outers. Early signs suggest Denmark'll piss it. I can't even remember their song.
  11. Wahey, business has just picked up - I love a bit of Madcon, me!
  12. Not sure if the background dancers make any kind of sense in terms of the subject of the song, but they are damn entertaining. Except the dude with the 'tasche, he scares the fuck out of me. It's weird - I actually kind of like this one. P.S. That may just be because I have a soft-spot for Leo Sayer look-a-likes, however. P.P.S Wow, the Azerbaijani lass was hoooooot. And, just wondering, who does everyone want to win? I've been plugging for Moldova all week, to be honest.
  13. My Israeli's pretty sketchy, but I'm picking up 'leem'. Whatever/whoever that is. And, fucking hell, his voice went all over the place near the end. P.S. The chorus of this Norwegian effort isn't bad, but it still smacks of "We don't want to host this shit next year, k?"
  14. Was I the only one hoping for an energetic version of On a Mission in flawless German?
  15. It's Paloma Faith's German clone . And god, her voice is just as annoying.
  16. ...Don't give a fuck if this song's about apricot stones, putting kittens on spikes or anything else; Armenia have my vote. Good lord.
  17. In Communist Russia, you depress song.
  18. I just start watching and that Romanian bint attempts to break my eardrums with her highpitchedness. Very hot though. Just checking, on a scale of 1 to 10, how shit was our (UK's) dude?
  19. Hahaha, if Sousa ever saw the Latvian entry, he'd have a bad grammar-induced brain haemorrhage. Cute singer though.
  20. So, I'm guessing you now have VII, VIII, IX and Dissidia on your PSP now? Maybe Tactics, too?
  21. I have it in well-preserved disc form, bar the blob of adhesive on Disc 1 that occasionally makes the FMV's stutter. If I wasn't slogging through FFVIII and Dragon Age, I'd give this another whirl 'fo 'sho. Seems like forever since I've done some crazy levelling on top of Gizamaluke's Grotto...
  22. Just listened to the UK entry. If it gets null points, that will be too much - absolutely dire. EDIT: All the Eurovision Final songs are up on the BBC website for anyone that cares. Haven't had a listen yet, just scanning to see which nations are represented by hotties. Just found a live performance of that Estonian track that didn't make it to the final: <--- great song, but the performance is...weird. Kinda like someone hypnotised him and told him to act like Morrisey. The fact he has a passing resemblance to Matt Bellamy makes it a little more surreal for me.
  23. [donwest]That's freakin' insane![/donwest] Don't get me wrong, I loves me some Everybody's Golf (I had the original for the PS, addictive as fuck), but when a golf game takes up 1.5GB's more than Dragon Age: Origins...that's a bit mental.
  24. 70. You fire Alan Curbishley as your manager half way through the season. Or he leaves your club in general.
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