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Everything posted by badotori

  1. has just infected Madagascar in Pandemic 2 and is feeling a little ashamed at my joy-filled reaction.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      How did you get Madagascar though? I never seem to start there

    3. badotori


      I got incredibly lucky - I started off with Western Europe and the second ship to leave went straight to Madagascar. I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen often. :P

    4. Mick


      Killing Madagascar is a requires a bit of luck. You need a disease with no symptoms, air and waterborne, water resistant 2, and hoping that you will hit Madagascar.....

  2. Good God, this was difficult: 1) Ole Gunnar Solksjaer 2) Ruud Van Nistelrooy 3) Nigel Martyn 4) Eric Cantona 5) Ryan Giggs 6) Peter Schmeichel 7) Paolo Di Canio 8) Dennis Bergkamp 9) Gabriel Batistuta 10) Miroslav Klose
  3. And the first celebrity cameo of many (including Summer Glau ). It's all yours, Ace.
  4. Okey-dokey, in honour of my new avatar, I'll ask a Big Bang Theory related question: In the episode The Griffin Equivalency, Raj gets very excited about the fact that he is named as one of People Magazine's Top 30 Under 30 To Watch. During the episode, he says to an unidentified stranger, "Hey buddy, I'm going to be in People magazine." That stranger turns to the camera and says, "Yeah? Call me when you're on the cover." My question is: Who played the stranger?
  5. Tubthumping by Chumbawumba. I love me some Scrubs. ^_^
  6. How could you possibly refuse a man with a mullet?

  7. Gotta get this in before someone else does. Jeff Bridges at his understated best.
  8. Anyone else think she's the spit of Zooey Deschanel? Very cute. Off the top of my head, I can think of three that haven't been mentioned: Lou Hayter (New Young Pony Club) Amerie Lene Marlin All gawjus. (Y)
  9. If you're going to bring up Babylon Zoo then surely this has to mentioned as well: P.S. Big thank you to YI for reminding me of Larrikin Love's existence - never heard much of their own material, but I remember loving the fuck out of their cover of "Horse With No Name" by America. T'was great stuff. (Y)
  10. I'm thinking about starting to cram-watch Dexter, but I just have to ask - without going into too much detail about the plot - is it basically a good plot idea (a homicide investigator being a closet serial killer) wrapped around a procedural cop show? Because after putting up with my mother, my ex and my ex-flatmate bumming CSI, Without A Trace and The Mentalist respectively, I'm pretty sure that the first sign of it being one will instantly ruin any enjoyment the show could hold for me. P.S. I don't hate all procedural cop shows by the way, both the Shield and Criminal Intent are very watchable. It's just I've seen so many now and they're all started to bleed into this huge, amorphous cop show called Damaged Crime Scene Mentalists In Miami Who Are Without A Cold Case and it's annoying. P.P.S. Also, what's the opinion on the Battlestar Galactica remake, 'cos I've the first season locally for £10 and I'm sorely tempted.
  11. Wow, if Spurs manage to pick up VDV for £8m, that could easily be the signing of the season come May. He's got loads of European experience plus, as has been mentioned before, his pace and creativity should suit the Tottenham playing style very well. Can't wait to see CSAMH's reaction to this. EDIT: Just seen a picture of VDV's missus. 'Arry, sign VDV up sharpish, please.
  12. If you get the chance, watch either Frost/Nixon or The Damned United. Both he and the films are pretty damn good.
  13. OK, speaking of Booths[/tenuouslink]: How long did the Joel Schumacher film Phone Booth take to shoot in days?
  14. I'm going to go with Carol Cleveland (am very sure this is right) and Connie Booth, due to her being married to Cleese and that she was in Holy Grail.
  15. Star Wars vs. Total War Think about it.
  16. Holy fuck, how did I forget Alan Rickman AND Daniel Day Lewis?! This is a very sad day to be me. >_<
  17. They could have got Barca's. EDIT: I take it back, Rubin Kazan are now in Barca's group.
  18. If Cudicini comes on, will it be his first competitive game since the motorcycle accident?
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