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Everything posted by badotori

  1. Anybody interested in a Dragon Quest VIII play-along? If so, PM me.

  2. All the Arsenal/Blackpool scoreline suggests to me is that Wigan are definitely going to get fucking slaughtered tonight.
  3. The trailer looks un-bloody-believable and, in a way, I'm really glad they're moving away from Rapture and exploring not only a different location in the game world, but a different time as well. On the other hand, I hope that it is not treated as a complete departure from 1 and 2 and there are elements of Infinite (no matter how small) that showcase where the ideas that informed the building of Rapture later could have come from. Definitely looking forward to hearing more about this soon.
  4. Thanks to GA bringing up the greatness that is "Avenging Angels": Other indie-tastic hits from my teenage years that I've dredged up over the last week: (not necessarily a hit, but I couldn't help but bring up Junior Senior )
  5. Thus why she's not in my Top 10 . I enjoyed her immensely in GirlFight and I've just re-watched it recently, so her name came to hand quickly in the category "actress I've liked". That's the only reason, really.
  6. All names I am wholly ashamed that I didn't include.
  7. I've just had a quick five minute think about name's I'd put in my Top 10. I came up with 33 viable names. ...May have to give me some time. EDIT: May change the order around but, for now, this will do: 10: Nathan Fillion 9: Helena Bonham Carter 8: Alec Baldwin 7: Michael Emerson 6: Tom Hanks 5: Robert Downey Jr. 4: Timothy Spall 3: Brendan Gleeson 2: Johnny Depp 1: Sir Anthony Hopkins Other notables who could make it on the list depending on my mood: Joan Cusack, Bill Murray, Woody Harrelson, Harold Perrineau, Michelle Rodriguez, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael Sheen, Ron Perlman, Mickey Rourke, Meryl Streep, Geoffrey Rush. Any chance of making it a Top 20, Split?
  8. Highlights of this friendly so far: - Seeing Gabor Kiraly and those lucky tracksuit bottoms again. - Jagielka's awesomeness during attacking corners. - The Hungarian fan with the bread on his arms and sausage in his mouth.
  9. Both Crewe and Port Vale getting wins over Championship opposition = my night made .
  10. ...Yeah, I didn't think that question through, did I? Sorry Split, should have used spoiler tags. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. And, I never watched Biker Mice From Mars...which now feels like a bad decision.
  11. Correct-a-mundo, Stephen Mulhern.
  12. Sticking with Lost, which could probably warrant a trivia thread of its own: In Season 5, the Oceanic Six, along with Frank Lapidus, return to the Island on the Ajira Flight 316. My question is, what was originally the plane's final destination?
  13. I'm going for Alan Dale who was Caleb in the OC and the almighty Charles Widmore in Lost.
  14. I'm pretty sure there are a few ardent Whedonites on here, so this'll probably get answered quickly. Q: What is the name of the band that performed the Buffy The Vampire Slayer theme tune?
  15. A - Aqualung B - Brendan Benson C - Coral, The D - Duke Spirit, The E - Editors F - Futureheads, The G - Gene H - Hadouken! I - Interpol J - Jamie T/Junior Senior K - Kelis L - Last Shadow Puppets, The M - Muse/Maximo Park N - O - (Early) Ordinary Boys, The P - Paolo Nutini Q - Queens Of The Stone Age R - Raconteurs, The S - Starsailor T - Thom Yorke U - V - Verve, The W - White Stripes, The X - Y - Young Knives, The Z - Zutons, The Surprised on the 'N' front, but U and X were never gonna happen.
  16. YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR! All you, TKz.
  17. Not sure if this has been attempted before in the Movies & TV section but let's give it a go regardless. As with other trivia threads: Person A asks a Movie or TV-related question. Person B (C, D etc.) provides an answer. Once Person A or someone else confirms an answer provided is correct, the correct participant asks a question of their own. Rinse, repeat. If you feel the need to use Google, IMDB or other sites to get answers then I can't stop you. But, I would ask that you at least give other users a 24hr window in order to guess/solve it themselves before you post the answer here. Just gives people a chance and makes it more fun. I'll start proceedings off with a easy one, just to get the ball rolling. Q: In the TV series Futurama, what happens to Bender when a magnet is applied to his head? Stay classy.
  18. On the subject of amazing fouls, if you pressed Square, Triangle, Circle and Cross at the same time in Adidas Power Soccer 2, then the player you were controlling would karate kick the nearest player to you in the head. It was easily the only thing that made that game interesting.
  19. I love me some Anchorman. I'll be honest, it's probably one of my favourite films of all time - I just find the mix of quotability, immaturity and Fred Willard brilliant. I'm that much of a fan of it that my favourite line, where Ron sings "BAXTER'S GOING TO GET MONKEY LUNGS! SO HE CAN LIVE...TO BE 100!" to Baxter, isn't even in the finished film. And, I can't believe that "60% of the time, it works every time" hasn't been mentioned at least once, yet.
  20. Elephants Wank Routinely

  21. I thought that had more to do with a certain Mr. Fabianski rather than Almunia's performances, though.
  22. I've had a good think and I've only, maybe, got three - two of them have already been deduced (#7 and #11) but I think I may have 18. 18:
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