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thatshortguy last won the day on August 24 2015

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About thatshortguy

  • Birthday 14/08/1983

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  1. Working while sick sucks. To try and pass the next nine hours, I will try to finally determine which spinebuster is better: Ron Simmons or Arn Anderson.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. thatshortguy


      I dunno, Gazz. Simmons' variation on it just looks brutal. I fear they may well be the yin and yang to one another. Almost Zenlike, these spinebusters >_>

    3. Benji


      As much as I love Ron, in a spinebuster contest, nobody tops Arn.

    4. thatshortguy


      After much deliberation, the list is such:

      5. John Morrison, for the twisting spinebuster/tackle into the mounted punches combo.

      4. HHH, because he copied Arn.

      3. The Rock, for kicking out one leg and sliding backwards, usually causing the victim to land exactly where Rock was standing.

      2. Ron Simmons, because damn. Also, it is more of a toss than a spinebuster.

      1. Arn Anderson, for the best pure spinebuster in the biz.

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